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On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning (NeurIPS 2022)

๐Ÿ“œ arXiv ย  ๐Ÿ“ฆ Python package ย  ๐Ÿ“š RTDL (other projects on tabular DL)

This is the official implementation of the paper "On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning".


In one sentence: transforming the original scalar continuous features to vectors before mixing them in the main backbone (e.g. in MLP, Transformer, etc.) improves the downstream performance of tabular neural networks.

Left: vanilla MLP taking two continuous features as input.
Right: the same MLP, but now with embeddings for continuous features.

In more detail:

  • Embedding continuous features means transforming them from scalar representations to vectors before mixing in the main backbone as illustrated above.
  • It turns out that embeddings for continuous features can (significantly) improve the performance of tabular DL models.
  • Embeddings are applicable to any conventional backbone.
  • In particular, simple MLP with embeddings can be competitive with heavy Transormer-based models while being significantly more efficient.
  • Despite the formal overhead in terms of parameter count, in practice, embeddings are perfectly affordable in many cases. On big enough datasets and/or with large enough number of features and/or with strict enough latency requirements, the new overhead associated with embeddings may become an issue.
Why do embeddings work?

Strictly speaking, there is no single explanation. Evidently, the embeddings help dealing with various challenges associated with continuous features and improve the overall optimization properties of models.

In particular, irregularly distributed continuous features (and their irregular joint distributions with labels) is a usual thing in real world tabular data, and they pose a major fundamental optimization challenge for traditional tabular DL models. A great reference for understanding this challenge (and a great example of addressing those challenges by transforming input space) is the paper "Fourier Features Let Networks Learn High Frequency Functions in Low Dimensional Domains".

However, it is unclear whether irregular distributions is the only reason why the embeddings are useful.

Python package

The Python package in the package/ directory is the recommended way to use the paper in practice and for future work.

The rest of the document:

How to explore metrics and hyperparameters

The exp/ directory contains numerious results and (tuned) hyperparameters for various models and datasets used in the paper.


For example, let's explore the metrics for the MLP model. First, let's load the reports (the report.json files):

import json
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

df = pd.json_normalize([
    for x in Path('exp').glob('mlp/*/0_evaluation/*/report.json')

Now, for each dataset, let's compute the test score averaged over all random seeds:


The output exactly matches Table 3 from the paper:
data/adult              0.854
data/california        -0.495
data/churn              0.856
data/covtype            0.964
data/fb-comments       -5.686
data/gesture            0.632
data/higgs-small        0.720
data/house         -32039.399
data/microsoft         -0.747
data/otto               0.818
data/santander          0.912
Name: metrics.test.score, dtype: float64


The above approach can also be used to explore hyperparameters to get intuition on typical hyperparameter values for different algorithms. For example, this is how one can compute the median tuned learning rate for the MLP model:


For some algorithms (e.g. MLP, MLP-LR, MLP-PLR), more recent projects offer more results that can be explored in a similar way. For example, see this paper on TabR.


Use this approach with caution. When studying hyperparameter values:

  1. Beware of outliers.
  2. Take a look at raw unaggregated values to get intuition on typical values.
  3. For a high-level overview, plot the distribution and/or compute multiple quantiles.
print(df[df['config.seed'] == 0][''].quantile(0.5))
# Output: 0.0002716544410603358

How to reproduce the results


This section is long. Use the "Outline" feature on GitHub on in your text editor to get an overview of this section.

Set up the environment



  • You may need to change the CUDA-related commands and settings below depending on your setup
  • Make sure that /usr/local/cuda-11.1/bin is always in your PATH environment variable
  • Install conda
export PROJECT_DIR=<ABSOLUTE path to the repository root>
# example: export PROJECT_DIR=/home/myusername/repositories/num-embeddings
git clone $PROJECT_DIR

conda create -n num-embeddings python=3.9.7
conda activate num-embeddings

pip install torch==1.10.1+cu111 -f
pip install -r requirements.txt

# if the following commands do not succeed, update conda
conda env config vars set PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${PROJECT_DIR}
conda env config vars set PROJECT_DIR=${PROJECT_DIR}
# the following command appends ":/usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64" to LD_LIBRARY_PATH;
# if your LD_LIBRARY_PATH already contains a path to some other CUDA, then the content
# after "=" should be "<your LD_LIBRARY_PATH without your cuda path>:/usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64"
conda env config vars set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/cuda-11.1/lib64
conda env config vars set CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.1
conda env config vars set CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda-11.1

# (optional) get a shortcut for toggling the dark mode with cmd+y
conda install nodejs
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-theme-toggle

conda deactivate
conda activate num-embeddings


LICENSE: by downloading our dataset you accept the licenses of all its components. We do not impose any new restrictions in addition to those licenses. You can find the list of sources in the paper.

wget "" -O num_embeddings_data.tar
tar -xvf num_embeddings_data.tar

How to reproduce results

The code below reproduces the results for MLP on the California Housing dataset. The pipeline for other algorithms and datasets is absolutely the same.

# You must explicitly set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES if you want to use GPU

# Create a copy of the 'official' config
cp exp/mlp/california/0_tuning.toml exp/mlp/california/1_tuning.toml

# Run tuning (on GPU, it takes ~30-60min)
python bin/ exp/mlp/california/1_tuning.toml

# Evaluate single models with 15 different random seeds
python bin/ exp/mlp/california/1_tuning 15

# Evaluate ensembles (by default, three ensembles of size five each)
python bin/ exp/mlp/california/1_evaluation

# Then use bin/results.ipynb to view the obtained results

Understanding the repository

Code overview

The code is organized as follows:

  • bin
    • for neural networks (it implements all the embeddings and backbones from the paper)
    • for XGBoost
    • for CatBoost
    • for tuning
    • for evaluation
    • for ensembling
    • results.ipynb for summarizing results
    • was used to build the dataset splits
    • for generating the synthetic GBDT-friendly datasets
    • for the experiments with synthetic data
  • lib contains common tools used by programs in bin
  • exp contains experiment configs and results (metrics, tuned configurations, etc.). The names of the nested folders follow the names from the paper (example: exp/mlp-plr corresponds to the MLP-PLR model from the paper).
  • package contains the Python package for this paper

Technical notes

  • You must explicitly set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES when running scripts
  • for saving and loading configs, use lib.dump_config and lib.load_config instead of bare TOML libraries

Running scripts

The common pattern for running scripts is:

python bin/ a/b/c.toml

where a/b/c.toml is the input configuration file (config). The output will be located at a/b/c. The config structure usually follows the Config class from bin/

There are also scripts that take command line arguments instead of configs (e.g. bin/{,}). vs vs vs

You need all of them for reproducing results, but you need only for future work, because:

  • bin/ implements a superset of features from bin/
  • bin/ implements a superset of features from bin/
  • bin/ implements a superset of features from bin/

To see which one of the four scripts was used to run a given experiment, check the "program" field of the corresponding tuning config. For example, here is the tuning config for MLP on the California Housing dataset: exp/mlp/california/0_tuning.toml. The config indicates that bin/ was used. It means that the configs in exp/mlp/california/0_evaluation are compatible specifically with bin/ To verify that, you can copy one of them to a separate location and pass to bin/

mkdir exp/tmp
cp exp/mlp/california/0_evaluation/0.toml exp/tmp/0.toml
python bin/ exp/tmp/0.toml
ls exp/tmp/0

How to cite

    title={On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning},
    author={Yury Gorishniy and Ivan Rubachev and Artem Babenko},