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WWW Download (for 1.1x)

Defected edited this page May 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

There's 4 cvars you will need to properly enable WWW download:

  • set sv_allowDownload 1 - enable downloading (server)
  • set cl_allowDownload 1 - enable downloading (client)
  • set sv_wwwDownload 1 - enable WWW downloading
  • set sv_wwwBaseURL - URL for downloading files

Put your pk3 files on a webserver and note their path. If you don't use fs_game, the files should be in main folder, if you do use fs_game, name the folder just like your fs_game, e.g. mycoolmod.

Now you can set your sv_wwwBaseURL. Let's say you added a map pack in The value of sv_wwwBaseURL will be Notice that we didn't include main (or fs_game in that case).

To prevent server files, such as mods (e.g. CoDaM) from getting autodownloaded, you can append or prepend svr/srv/server to their filename. For example, you'd rename ___CoDaM__CoD1.1__.pk3 to srv___CoDaM__CoD1.1__.pk3.

Notice: in rare occasions, using SSL (https instead of http) will cause errors with downloading for certain players. This is highly likely related to the older version of libcurl which we're forced to use for XP support. It's recommended to use http.

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