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Host your own Server

Will Davies edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 25 revisions

Supported Platforms

-Ubuntu is currently the only tested and recommended software platform.
-You can run Ubuntu on a PC, Amazon AWS server, Raspberry PI, or virtual box, and Roblu Cloud should still work fine.


If you're doing anything special, you may find this Java API useful:

Ports to forward on your router

  • TCP 80
  • TCP 8080
  • TCP 22
  • TCP 1337


  • Use PuTTTY to SSH into your server. If you don't know how to do this, check out a tutorial.
  • Make sure git is installed: sudo apt-get install git
  • Clone RobluCloud: git clone
  • Enter the following commands:
    • cd RobluCloud This is of critical importance, ALWAYS stay in this directory
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get upgrade
    • hostname, then set hostname to
    • sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1337 -j ACCEPT
    • sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • Install Postgresql (database)
    • sudo apt-get install postgresql
    • sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
    • create database production_database;
    • CREATE ROLE ubuntu;
    • ALTER USER ubuntu PASSWORD 'underpressure';
    • \q to exit postgres
    • exit to return to main user
  • Install the following Node models:
    • sudo apt install npm
    • npm install -g npm
    • sudo npm install pm2 -g
    • sudo npm install sails -g
    • If you get the "Unexpected token } in JSON", type rm package-lock.json
    • sudo npm install asyncawait --save
    • sudo npm install bcrypt-nodejs --save
    • sudo npm install ejs --save
    • sudo npm install async-handler --save
    • sudo npm install skipper --save
    • sudo npm install sails-postgresql --save
    • sudo npm install connect-redis@~3.0.2 --save --save-exact
    • sudo npm install
  • Test launch (You MUST do this, this command generates the database tables)
    • Type sudo sails lift, if no errors appear, your server is correctly configured. Press CTRL + C to cancel the sudo sails lift and proceed to the next section
  • Creating an Admin account on the server
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
    • \connect production_database
    • INSERT INTO admin (auth) VALUES ('auth-string'); This auth string should be provided to the Java RobluCloud API to make any requests in the AdminRequest class
  • Creating a team on the server (to obtain a team code)
    • Paste the following URL in any web browser: [your-server-ip]/admin/createTeam?auth=[your-auth-code]&ownerEmail=[your-email-address]&officialName=[your-team-number]&code=[your-desired-team-code]

Managing the server

  • To launch:
    • cd RobluCloud
    • sudo pm2 start app.js -x -- --prod
  • To stop:
    • sudo pm2 kill
  • To view data within the database:
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
    • \connect production_database;
    • Checkouts: SELECT * FROM checkouts;
    • Teams: SELECT code, official_team_name, owner_email, secret, number, active_event_name, last_content_edit, active FROM teams;
    • Admins: SELECT * FROM Admin;
  • Backup / Restore database:
    • Backup: pg_dumpall > all.sql
    • Restore: psql -f all.sql
  • To update the server:
    • Make sure to stop the server: sudo pm2 kill
    • cd RobluCloud
    • sudo git pull


  • Try deleting the production database and recreating it
    • cd RobluCloud
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
    • drop database production_database;
    • create database production_database;
    • exit
    • sudo sails lift
  • If your admin auth code doesn’t work
    • cd RobluCloud
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
    • \connect production_database;
    • INSERT INTO admin (auth) VALUES ('auth-string');
    • exit
  • Can’t create a team with API, try a local INSERT
    • cd RobluCloud
    • sudo su postgres
    • psql
    • \connect production_database;
    • (INSERT INTO teams (official_team_name, owner_email, secret, code) VALUES (‘name’, ‘email’, ‘secret’, ‘code’);
  • Restore / Backup database
    • Backup: pg_dumpall > all.sql
    • Restore: psql -f all.sql
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