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Scraping Google search results into a spreadsheet using Google App Script & JSON API


This Google App Script allows you to fill a spreadsheet with queries and, utilizing the Google CSE endpoint, scrape the first ten web results for each query.


TLDR; fill up a spreadsheet with queries, and return their highest traffic search results.

I developed this script with the intent of scraping the highest traffic query results for a list of terms stored in a spreadsheet.


The script can be used by populating the first two columns of a spreadsheet wth separate query patterns, setting a number of search results to return, and running the script from the Extensions > Google Apps Script IDE. I format my spreadsheet and add a concatenate function like below to easily adjust the # of queries and quickly bulk search similar terms.

Query Key 1 Query Key 2 Concat Query # of Results -> 7
Casting and forging supplier China ==iferror(concatenate(A2, " ", B2)) -- --
Casting and forging supplier Korea ==iferror(concatenate(A3, " ", B3)) -- --
Casting and forging supplier Germany ==iferror(concatenate(A4, " ", B4)) -- --

In the Google Apps Script IDE, first, we initialize our API endpoint, API credentials, CSE ID, and build a custom URL:

function search(q) {
    var urlTemplate = "";

    var ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
    var searchEngineID = "YOUR_CSE_ID";
    var url = urlTemplate
        .replace("%KEY%", encodeURIComponent(ApiKey))
        .replace("%CX%", encodeURIComponent(searchEngineID))
        .replace("%Q%", encodeURIComponent(q));
    var params = {
        muteHttpExceptions: true
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
    var respCode = response.getResponseCode();
    if (respCode !== 200) {
        throw new Error("Error" + respCode + " " + response.getContentText());
    } else {
        var content = JSON.parse(response);
    return content;

Here, we load the active spreadsheet, the range and # of queries we want to search, and initialize an array to push the URLs to:

function generateQuery() {
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var s = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
    var urlRange = s.getRange(2, 3, s.getLastRow(), 1).getValues();
    var resultsRange = parseInt(s.getRange(1, 5).getValue());
    var urls = [];

Then, we call the search() function and JSON API to iterate through each object, and write the URLs to the spreadsheet with the .setValues() method:

for (i = 0; i <= urlRange.length; i++) {
    var q = urlRange[i];
    var content1 = search(q);
    for (var j = 0; j <= resultsRange - 1; j++) {
        var adding = (content1.items[j].link);
    var range = s.getRange(2, 4 + i, resultsRange, 1);
    urls = [];


  • The default number of queries the JSON API will return per page is 10, so to access more pages and results, one would need to fiddle with the &start= URI parameter when building the URL.
  • The Custom Search Engine Service only allows 100 queries per day. After that, a fee is paid per 1000 queries.


Custom Search JSON API

Programmable Search Engine



Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions or questions.


  • v1.0.1 (March 26, 2021)


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