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Fetch Builder

Simple Fluent Interface to call fetch


To make REST API easier. Lets have following examples.

Download Text

const text = await FetchBuilder.get("")

Post Json body and retrieve Json

const result = await"")
    .header("x-api-key", someKey)
        name: "bla bla bla",
        email: "bla@bla.bla"

Reuse builder

This is important as you can configure builder once with default headers.

    const client = FetchBuilder
        .header("x-api-key", someKey);

    const result = await"/api/orders/create")
            productId: 3

Log Failed Requests

This will log only failed requests.

    const client = FetchBuilder
        .header("x-api-key", someKey)

    const result = await"/api/orders/create")
            productId: 3

Query String

    const client = FetchBuilder
        .header("x-api-key", someKey)

    const result = await client.get("/api/orders/reports")
        .query("year-start", 2015)
        .query("year-end", 2022)
        .query("search-text", "social mail") // <-- this will be encoded