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Parse and stored AU BoM Observations

C# library for parsing AU BoM observation data and inserting them into a Cosmos DB using the Mongo DB API

General approach

Cosmos DB is not Mongo - it allows us to use the Mongo API but there are a few differences we need to be aware of:

  • Cosmos DB provides automatic indexing so I don't bother to define any
  • Trying to create a user via Mongo's db.createUser doesn't work so I just use the Cosmos DB connection string. There is a create user operation in the Cosmos API and this is described in the docs but, for now, I'll keep it simple.
  • Cosmos uses rate limiting (provisioned throughput) that means we need a retry mechanism for bulk updates. The new autopilot mode could help shaping the allowed throughput rather than having requests having to wait.


From the base project dir:

dotnet restore
dotnet build


docker build -t observationloader .

docker run --rm -ti observationloader


The tool provides a veritable buffet of configuration options:

  1. appsettings.json

  2. appsettings.{env}.json - where env is the environment set in the DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

     export DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT=Development
  3. User secrets (for Development environment only)

  4. Environment variables set with the OBS_ prefix - for example:

    • export OBS_observations__ObservationService__Product=IDV60920
    • Configure logging: OBS_Logging__LogLevel__Default=Debug
    • Set the KeyVault: OBS_KeyVault=wb-keyvault-dev
  5. Command-line variables - for example:

    • dotnet run observations:ObservationService:Product=IDV60920
  6. An Azure App Configuration resource can be provided by setting ConnectionStrings:AppConfig.

  7. If a KeyVault section is provided and contains a vault value then the KeyVault will provide secrets.

The appsettings.json file provides the baseline config layout and is a handy place to determine the sections and values.

Note that:

  • Values in KeyVault are set using -- to delineate sections and values
  • e.g. observations--DataStore--ConnectionString.
  • You can add the App Config connection string to your environment with something like:

     export OBS_ConnectionStrings__AppConfig="$(az appconfig credential list -n wb-config-dev -g wb-management-dev --query "[?name=='Primary Read Only'].connectionString" --out tsv)"

Locally with Mongo DB

The docker-compose.yml file provides a full test environment for development work that includes:

  • A Mongo DB server
  • An FTP server to provide sample observations

To spin up the environment:

docker-compose up -d --build

You can then connect to the Mongo DB using mongodb://dba:mongo@ You can use the Cosmos DB extension for VS Code to connect and browse the MongoDB server. Alternatively try Robo 3T.

The test FTP server will be available at ftp://localhost:2021/.

To stop it and remove the containers:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm

Locally against Cosmos DB

In order to test against Cosmos DB running in Azure (or the Cosmos emulator) you need to prepare your environment as follows:

dotnet restore

export COSMOSDB_RG=wb-datalake-dev
export COSMOSDB_NAME=wb-cosmos-dev
export DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT=Development

dotnet user-secrets set "observations:DataStore:Username" "$COSMOSDB_NAME"
dotnet user-secrets set "observations:DataStore:Server" "$"
dotnet user-secrets set "observations:DataStore:Password" \
    "$(az cosmosdb keys list --resource-group $COSMOSDB_RG --name $COSMOSDB_NAME --type keys --query primaryMasterKey --out tsv)"
dotnet user-secrets set "observations:DataStore:UseTls" true

Next, start up the local FTP container:

docker-compose up -d --build ftp

You can then launch the data loader:

cd ObservationLoader/
dotnet run



C# library for parsing AU BoM observation data







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