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Logan Patino edited this page Jun 12, 2018 · 17 revisions

Version 2.3.0


Language Translator

  • Language Translator v3 released! This can be accessed using the new IBMLanguageTranslatorV3

Version 2.2.0



  • Default IAM authentication URL changed from to

Speech to Text

  • deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Text to Speech

  • deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Visual Recognition

  • Old service instances work properly again without having to explicitly set the endpoint
  • deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Version 2.1.0



  • Change: @isTest annotation added to IBMWatsonMockResponses to imporve code coverage


  • New: deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model


  • New: deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model


  • New: deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Version 2.0.0



  • New: Support for sending request headers and parsing response headers. See main README for more details.
  • Fix: Dependency on the Discovery in the IBMWatsonServiceTest class removed. You should now be able to successfully deploy individual services without including the Discovery service.


  • Change: Builder pattern added for the enrichment models: EnrichmentOptions, NluEnrichmentEmotion, NluEnrichmentEntities, NluEnrichmentFeatures, NluEnrichmentKeywords, NluEnrichmentSemanticRoles, NluEnrichmentSentiment. This is a breaking change if you're using those models, so see the migration guide for help.

Version 1.4.0



  • New: Support for authentication through IAM. See main README for more details.


  • Fix: File uploading for addDocument(), updateDocument(), and testConfigurationInEnvironment()

Version 1.3.0



  • Fix: All services now pass 75% code coverage mark, meaning they can be deployed individually


  • New: conditions property added to DialogNodeVisitedDetails model
  • New: nextCursor property added to LogPagination model
  • New: nextCursor and refreshCursor properties added to Pagination model


  • New: DialogNode adds digressIn, digressOut, and digressOutSlots properties
  • New: conditions property added to DialogNodeVisitedDetails model
  • New: nextCursor property added to LogPagination model
  • New: nextCursor and refreshCursor properties added to Pagination model


  • New: evidenceCount property added to queryEntities() and queryRelations() methods
  • New: Support for remaining query aggregations added (filter, nested, timeslice, top_hits, unique_count)
  • New: segment property added to Conversions model
  • New: QueryEntitiesResponseItem model added
  • New: QueryEvidence model added
  • New: QueryEvidenceEntity model added
  • New: code, filename, fileType, sha1, and notices properties added to the QueryNoticesResult model
  • New: evidence property added to QueryRelationsRelationship model
  • New: SegmentSettings model added

Speech to Text

  • New: baseModelVersion property added to recognize() method

Visual Recognition

  • Change: FaceIdentity model removed
  • Change: identity property removed from Face model

Version 1.2.0


Rebranded Service: Conversation -> Assistant

The Conversation service is rebranding to Assistant, and the Assistant service is included in this release. Since it's just a rebrand, functionality is equal between them and migrating should just involve renaming class references. However, both will be available in the SDK for this release.


  • New: DialogNode adds digressIn, digressOut, and digressOutSlots properties

Speech to Text

  • Fix: recognizeUsingWebSocket() has been fixed to allow proper passing of parameters from the SDK to the API | #895

Version 1.1.0



  • Change: Remove version date constants from service classes


  • New: nodesVisitedDetails parameter added to message()
  • New: DialogNodeVisitedDetails model
  • Change: dialogNode is now a required parameter for createDialogNode()
  • New: Add behavior constants to DialogNodeNextStep: get_user_input, skip_user_input, reprompt, skip_slot, skip_all_slots
  • New: includeAudit parameter added to the following methods: getWorkspace(), listWorkspaces(), getIntent(), listIntents(), getExample(), listExamples(), getEntity(), listEntities(), getValue(), listValues(), getSynonym(), listSynonyms(), getDialogNode(), listDialogNodes(), getCounterexample(), listCounterexamples()


  • New: createExpansions() method added, along with the associated CreateExpansionsOptions model
  • New: deleteExpansions() method added, along with the associated DeleteExpansionsOptions model
  • New: listExpansions() method added, along with the associated ListExpansionsOptions model
  • New: Expansion and Expansions models
  • Change: pt-br language in CreateCollectionOptions changed to pt
  • New: model property added to EnrichmentOptions model
  • New: similar, similarDocumentIds, and similarFields parameters added to federatedQuery(), federatedQueryNotices(), query(), and queryNotices()

Natural Language Classifier

  • Change: ClassifyInput model removed
  • Change: ErrorResponse model removed

Natural Language Understanding

  • Change: DBpediaResource model removed
  • Change: FeaturesResults model removed
  • Change: Parameters model removed
  • Change: FeaturesResults model removed

Personality Insights

  • New: getProfileAsCSV() method added

Speech to Text

  • Change: CreateAcousticModel model removed
  • Change: CreateLanguageModel model removed
  • Change: CustomWordBuilder model removed
  • Change: CustomWords and CustomWordsBuilder models removed
  • Change: KeywordResults model removed
  • Change: keywordsResult property in SpeechRecognitionResult model changed from type KeywordResults to Map<String, List<KeywordResult>>

Text to Speech

  • Change: CustomWord model removed and usages can be replaced with Word

Tone Analyzer

  • Change: contentLanguage parameter added to toneChat
  • Change: utteranceId property in UtteranceAnalysis model changed from a String type to Long

Visual Recognition

  • New: retrained property added to Classifier model
  • New: code property added to ErrorInfo model
  • Note: For both changes below, the parameters property still exists. However, it is recommended to use the new top-level properties meant to replace it, as it will be a better experience. The parameters property will also be removed completely in the future.
    • Change: parameters property of the ClassifyOptions model replaced with the following properties: url, threshold, owners, and classifierIds
    • Change: parameters property of the DetectFacesOptions model replaced with url

Version 1.0.1


  • Fix: Compilation error preventing some users from successfully deploying
  • Fix: Issue with sending/receiving dynamic objects to/from API
  • Fix: Variable naming causing issues with Personality Insights
  • New: Self-paced Conversation lab in examples/conversation folder

Version 1.0.0



  • New: append parameter added to updateWorkspace() method
  • New: listAllLogs() method, along with new associated models
  • New: CaptureGroup model
  • New: Added groups property to RuntimeEntity model


  • New: Added new version date 2017-11-07
  • New: queryEntities() method, along with new associated models
  • New: queryRelations() method, along with new associated models
  • New: listTrainingExamples() method, along with new associated models
  • New: CollectionUsage model
  • New: Changes to enrichments
    • Enrichments are now NLU-based, which adds many new models: NluEnrichmentCategories, NluEnrichmentEntities, NluEnrichmentFeatures, NluEnrichmentKeywords, NluEnrichmentRelations, NluEnrichmentSemanticRoles, NluEnrichmentSentiment
    • The main EnrichmentOptions model has been changed to reflect the new structure
  • New: Added collections property to IndexCapacity model
  • New: Added resultMetadata property to QueryResult and QueryNoticesResult models
  • Change: startOffset and endOffset properties in QueryPassages model have changed from type Double to Long
  • New: QueryResultResultMetadata model

Language Translator

  • Change: Content types for forcedGlossary, parallelCorpus, and monolingualCorpus parameters in createModel method are assumed to be application/octet-stream, application/octet-stream, and text/plain respectively. There is no longer a parameter to specify the content types on the CreateModelOptions model.

Natural Language Classifier

  • New: ClassifyInput model
  • New: ErrorResponse model

Natural Language Understanding

  • New: DBpediaResource model
  • New: Added mentions property to EntitiesOptions and EntitiesResult models
  • New: EntityMention model
  • New: FeaturesResults model
  • New: Feed model
  • New: Added image and feeds properties to MetadataResult model
  • New: Parameters model
  • New: Added location property to RelationArgument model

Speech to Text

  • New: upgradeAcousticModel() method, along with new associated models
  • New: Added versions parameter to AcousticModel and LanguageModel models
  • New: Added versionTest parameter to CreateJobOptions model

Text to Speech

  • New: Added accept property to SynthesizeOptions model

Tone Analyzer - None!

Visual Recognition

  • New: Added customClasses property to ClassifiedImages model

Version 0.6.0


  • Fix: Incorrect 'discovery' reference in NLU Test Class
  • Fix: NLU analyze API with 'url' parameter option returns exception
  • New: Ensure scratch orgs created in Travis are always deleted

Version 0.5.0


  • New: Speech to Text v1 service

Version 0.4.0


  • New: Text to Speech v1 service

Version 0.3.0


  • New: Language Translator v2 service
  • New: Visual Recognition v3 service

Version 0.2.0


  • New: Natural Language Classifier v1 service
  • New: Natural Language Understanding v1 service
  • New: Personality Insights v3 service
  • New: Tone Analyzer v3 service
  • New: Add support for selecting specific services to deploy using Ant

Version 0.1.0


πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰
πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ The first release of the IBM Watson Salesforce SDK πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰
πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

  • New: Conversation v1 service.
  • New: Discovery v1 service.