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  1. Set up a Debian 11 machine (Debian 12 or Ubuntu may work).
  2. Allow your user to run as root:
$ su
root# echo "your-username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/your-username

Be sure to replace your-username with your actual username. Then open a new Terminal window and run sudo ls to ensure that you can run commands as root without a password. Note that this is not recommended for production systems.

  1. Open a Terminal and install git: sudo apt-get install -y git.
  2. Clone this repo, cd to it: git clone && cd cacvote.
  3. Run the setup script: script/cacvote-setup. This will take a while.


  • apps/cacvote-mark: the CACvote Mark voter-facing application
  • apps/cacvote-jx: the CACvote Jurisdiction application for election management
  • apps/cacvote-server: the CACvote server providing sync services for the apps


Configuration is done via environment variables. The following are required, but should automatically be provided for you if you use mprocs:

  • EG_CLASSPATH: the path to the egk-ec-mixnet uberJar. It should be in a egk-ec-mixnet directory in this repo's parent directory, e.g. $HOME/egk-ec-mixnet/build/egk-ec-mixnet-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar

Scanning Mail Label QR Codes

In order to scan mail label QR codes, the Voter Terminal machines (CACvote Mark) will need to be enrolled. In the cacvote-server directory, run the following command:

$ cargo run --bin enroll-voter-terminal-machine MACHINE_ID PATH_TO_CERT

For example, when using a development certificate:

$ cargo run --bin enroll-voter-terminal-machine 000 ../../../libs/auth/certs/dev/vx-mark-cert.pem
✅ Machine enrolled! ID=08209a41-b0e1-405e-ae65-2becff7eb848

The easiest way to run the above is when running mprocs with the cacvote-server configuration. Just run the enroll-dev-machine process within mprocs.

Here is the enrollment process when using a production certificate:

$ cargo run --bin enroll-voter-terminal-machine some-vx-voter-terminal-432 path/to/tpm-public-cert.pem
✅ Machine enrolled! ID=08209a41-b0e1-405e-ae65-2becff7eb848

When running the CACvote Server locally, you'll need a way to expose the server to the internet so that your mobile device can connect to it. One way to do this is with ngrok (requires signup). Once you've got ngrok installed you can run the expose-server process when using mprocs with the mprocs-cacvote-server.yaml configuration. The URL to connect to from your phone will be printed to the console and will look something like this:

Forwarding -> http://localhost:3000


The easiest way to run the services in development is with mprocs at the repository root:

Tip: stop and restart the services in mprocs with x and r respectively.

  • CACvote Mark (Voter Terminal): Run with mprocs -c mprocs-cacvote-mark.yaml
    • In order to authenticate, you'll need either a real or test Common Access Card (CAC), or a mock card. To create a mock card, insert a Java card and run the following command:
      $ CERT_COMMON_NAME=LAST.FIRST.MIDDLE.0123456789 ./libs/auth/scripts/cac/configure-dev-simulated-cac-card
      Be sure that you've plugged in the card reader and that you've forwarded the reader to the VM if applicable. This mock card will have a PIN of 77777777 (8 sevens).
  • CACvote Jurisdiction (Jurisdiction Terminal): Run with mprocs -c mprocs-cacvote-jx-terminal.yaml
    • In order to authenticate, you'll need a VotingWorks system administrator card with the right jurisdiction field. To create a card for use in development, run the following command:
      $ ./libs/auth/scripts/program-dev-system-administrator-java-card
      Be sure that you've plugged in the card reader and that you've forwarded the reader to the VM if applicable.
  • CACvote Server: Run with mprocs -c mprocs-cacvote-server.yaml
  • Usability Test (CACvote Mark only): Run with mprocs -c mprocs-usability-test.yaml

Note that each of the mprocs configurations have processes that do not start immediately, but can be started manually to perform certain functions such as resetting the database.


Ensure you've plugged in the printers and that they're powered on. If you don't you'll get errors when attempting to print.

To print with PDF, run this:

$ sudo apt-get -y install cups-pdf
$ echo REACT_APP_BALLOT_PRINTER=PDF >> apps/cacvote-mark/frontend/.env.local
$ echo MAILING_LABEL_PRINTER=PDF >> apps/cacvote-mark/backend/.env.local

When printing, the PDFs will be saved to ~/PDF.


Each app/service can be built and run individually. Try make run in each app/service directory. You'll need to specify the configuration either via environment variables (e.g. DATABASE_URL) or command-line flags.


Logging for everything but cacvote-mark is configured with the LOG_LEVEL environment variable or --log-level CLI option. For example:

LOG_LEVEL=debug mprocs
