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MIPS single-Cycle processor


An implementation of a 16bit MIPS single-cycle processor in Vivado (hardware programming language).

16bit MIPS single-cycle

The project was implemented for the Module Computer Architecture.


Given a (at the moment) hardcoded binary code, it maps the project on the FPGA chip and executes it. The current instruction (in hexadecimal value) is displayed on a Seven Segment Display (SSD).


In order to test the project, a Nexys 3 FPGA Board was used.


  • Media: a picture of the MIPS layout*
  • test_env.srcs:
    • sources_1:
      • new:
        • here are all the necessary components described in VHDL.
  • raport_RO.pdf: a description of the project functionalities and the test code in both C and MIPS-Assembly
  • all other folders: were created by Vivado for the project to work.

*even though the layout depicts a 32bit system, the implementation was on 16bit. The number of bits in this instance represents the (fixed) length of instructions in binary.