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Creating a Safe linked list in Rust.

While most languages provide access to pre-made data structures, it is still beneficial to teach the creation of these structures. Rust complicates this by making it more difficult to create them with safe code and simultaneously suggesting the avoidance of unsafe code where possible. Many implementations of a safe linked list exist for Rust. This implementation will attempt to differentiate itself from those by aiming for usability.

Required structures:

LinkedList - The main structure; used to create and access a new linked list.

  • This implementation is NOT meant to be used in any real way. If a linked list is needed, see std::collections::LinkedList.

  • This linked list implementation is circular, that means that the last node points forward to the first node and the first node points back to the last node.

  • This linked list implementation requires the following use declarations:

    • use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
  • This current implementation is currently lacking some features such as the ability to remove a Node.

pub struct LinkedList<T: Clone + Default>
    head: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
    tail: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
<T: Clone + Default>

This states that the type, T, requires implementation of Clone and Default in order to be valid for the linked list implemenation.

  • This type will be used to contain our Nodes throughtout the structures.
  • Option
    • This is used to allow the option of an empty node or linked list.
  • Rc is a container to a reference counted object.
    • Reference counted objects can have multiple owners.
    • Owners are counted and once all owners are removed, so is the internal object.
  • RefCell is for interior mutability.
    • Reference counted objects cannot be mutated.
    • RefCell solves this by creating an interface to the wrapped object which provides borrow features. Borrows can be mutable or immutable.
      • Any number of immutable borrows may exist at one time.
      • In order to borrow mutably, however, it must be the only active borrow.

Node - The secondary structure; used to hold values and offer links.

pub struct Node<T: Clone + Default> {
    pub value: T,
    next_node: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
    prev_node: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,

LinkedListIter - The last structure; used to implement an iterator.

pub struct LinkedListIter<T: Clone + Default> {
    head: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,
    cur_node: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node<T>>>>,


With the required structures out of the way, implementation can begin.


Since the implementation of LinkedList is dependent on a node, implementation will start with a Node.

impl<T: Clone + Default> Node<T> {

The node will require four functions (new, next , prev, and mutate):


New simply creates and returns a new Node<T> structure. In the original structure definitions one requirement was that type T implement the Default trait. The function new() takes advantage of that to initiate the Node's value. It then sets next_node and prev_node to None.

fn new() -> Node<T> {
    Node {
        value: T::default(),
        next_node: None,
        prev_node: None,
next(&self), prev(&self):

Next and Previous functions add usability to the linked list. This is how the linked list gets the chaining behavior you would expect from another language. These two functions are nearly identical to each other.

Detailed explanation...
  • First ensure that the linked Node is not None.
    • Since this linked list is circular every node should always have a next and previous node. If it doesn't something went majorly wrong, hence the use of panic!
  • If the link does exist:
    • A reference to next_node or a clone of next_node is required, this implementation will take a reference.
    • The reference is unwrapped, and borrowed.
      • This creates a Ref<Node<T>>
      • Since returning a Ref<Node<T>> creates a hanging reference which can cause a crash when attempting to mutate a value, it is then cloned into a Node<T>
pub fn next(&self) -> Node<T> {
    if self.next_node.is_some() {
        let next_ref = self.next_node.as_ref();
        let next_unwrap = next_ref.unwrap();
        let next_borrow = next_unwrap.borrow();
    } else {
        panic!("No `next` available!");
pub fn prev(&self) -> Node<T> {
    if self.prev_node.is_some() {
        let prev_ref = self.prev_node.as_ref();
        let prev_unwrap = prev_ref.unwrap();
        let prev_borrow = prev_unwrap.borrow();
    } else {
        panic!("No `prev` available!");
mutate(&self, value: T):

Mutate asks for a value of type T and changes the Node to that value.

Detailed explanation...
  • Since a Node is a copy, a direct mutation on the value would not change the value inside the LinkedList.
    • Instead, the next Node must be accessed.
    • From there, the previous Node is accessed.
    • Moving forward (next_node) and then backward (prev_node) gives the link to the current (supplied) Node.
  • Once a reference to the current Node is gathered, a mutable borrow is used to set the value.
pub fn mutate(&self, value: T) {
    let next_node = self.next_node.clone();
    let this_node = next_node.unwrap().borrow().prev_node.clone().unwrap();
    this_node.borrow_mut().value = value;


Now that there is a defined and implemented Node the LinkedList implementation can start.

impl<T: Clone + Default> LinkedList<T> {

The linked list will require: new, add, head, tail, is_head, is_tail, and iter.


Much like Node, LinkedList's new() simply creates and returns an empty structure.

pub fn new() -> LinkedList<T> {
    LinkedList {
        head: None,
        tail: None,
add(&mut self, value: T):
Detailed explanation...
  • In order to feel natural, the add function requests a value of type, T as opposed to Node<T>. So, the first step is to create the Node.
  • After the Node is created, a reference is taken.
  • Then, if self.head.is_none() determines whether to add the node as a Head or to append it to the Tail.
  • If it is to be the Head , then the following must be done:
    • Set next_node to this Node
    • Set prev_node to this Node
    • Set head to this Node
    • Set tail to this Node
    • This creates a circular Node that is the head, tail, and pointed to in all directions.
  • If it is to be appended:
    • Set head and tail local variables leaving the LinkedList head and tail to be None.
    • Point the new node's prev_node to the tail, meaning this new Node comes after what was the tail.
    • Point the new node's next_node to the head, meaning this new Node points to the start, keeping our circular design.
    • Set the head to point backward to the new Node.
    • Set the tail to point forward to the new Node.
    • Set self.head, the LinkedList's head to the local head.
    • Set self.tail, the LinkedList's tail to the new Node.
    • This was a lot, what's going on:
      • First, a new Node is created.
      • That Node is assigned a value.
      • It then points forward to head and backward to tail, this puts it in the position of being the new tail.
      • Then, head's prev_node is set to point back to the new Node instead of the old tail.
      • lastly, the old tail is set to point forward to the new Node.
      • Once all of this is done, the LinkedList's head and tail are reassigned.
      • LinkedList - Add
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) {
    let mut new_node = Node::<T>::new();
    new_node.value = value;
    let link = Rc::new(RefCell::new(new_node));
    let mut node_ref = link.borrow_mut();
    if self.head.is_none() {
        node_ref.next_node = Some(link.clone());
        node_ref.prev_node = Some(link.clone());
        self.head = Some(link.clone());
        self.tail = Some(link.clone());
    } else {
        let head = self.head.take().unwrap();
        let tail = self.tail.take().unwrap();
        node_ref.prev_node = Some(tail.clone());
        node_ref.next_node = Some(head.clone());
        head.borrow_mut().prev_node = Some(link.clone());
        tail.borrow_mut().next_node = Some(link.clone());
        self.head = Some(head.clone());
        self.tail = Some(link.clone());
head(&self), tail(&self):

head and tail are the final functions required for this LinkedList to be usable. They provide links to the head and tail so that data is accessible.

Detailed explanation...
  • Once again there are two nearly identical functions. These functions return the head and tail nodes.
  • First, a check is made to ensure that the node exists.
  • Then, the node is cloned, unwrapped from its Option container, and borrowed.
  • This produces a Ref<Node>
  • To remove the Ref container, the node is cloned which leaves the function returning a Node<T>
pub fn head(&self) -> Node<T> {
    if self.head.is_none() {
        panic!("`LinkedList` is not built!");
    let head_link = self.head.clone();
    let head_unwrap = head_link.unwrap();
    let head_ref = head_unwrap.borrow();
pub fn tail(&self) -> Node<T> {
    if self.tail.is_none() {
        panic!("`LinkedList` is not built!");
    let tail_link = self.tail.clone();
    let tail_unwrap = tail_link.unwrap();
    let tail_ref = tail_unwrap.borrow();
is_head(&self, node: &Node<T>), is_tail(&self, node: &Node<T>)

is_head and is_tail are convenience functions provided for determining whether a node is the head or tail.

Detailed explanation...
  • Again, as one might expect, these functions are nearly identical.
  • First, as seen with mutate(&self, value: T), the Node reference must be gathered by first moving forward, then backward.
  • Once the Node is gathered, Rc::ptr_eq is used to determine whether they are the same.
    pub fn is_tail(&self, node: &Node<T>) -> bool {
        let next_node = node.next_node.clone();
        let next_unwrap = next_node.unwrap();
        let cur_node = next_unwrap.borrow().prev_node.clone().unwrap();
        if Rc::ptr_eq(&self.tail.clone().unwrap(), &cur_node) {
        } else {
    pub fn is_head(&self, node: &Node<T>) -> bool {
        let next_node = node.next_node.clone();
        let next_unwrap = next_node.unwrap();
        let cur_node = next_unwrap.borrow().prev_node.clone().unwrap();
        if Rc::ptr_eq(&self.head.clone().unwrap(), &cur_node) {
        } else {

The iter function creates and returns a LinkedListIter with head and cur_node set to the LinkedLists head node.

pub fn iter(&self) -> LinkedListIter<T> {
    LinkedListIter {
        head: self.head.clone(),
        cur_node: self.head.clone(),


LinkedListIter is the final structure required for this implementation.

LinkedListIter requires implemenation of Iterator for forward iteration and DoubleEndedIterator for backward iteration.

Detailed explanation...
  • The next function for iterator will return None if iteration is complete.
  • If it is not complete, it will gather the current(cur_t) and next nodes.
  • If the next node is the LinkedList's head, then the cur_node is set to None, marking the iteration complete.
  • If it is not complete, then cur_node is set to the next node.
    • Note: cur_node is being set for the next iteration. The actual current node from this iteration is cur_t.
  • Finally cur_t is returned.
impl<T: Clone + Default> Iterator for LinkedListIter<T> {
    type Item = Node<T>;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.cur_node.is_none() {
        } else {
            let cur_t = self.cur_node.clone().unwrap().borrow().clone();
            let next = self.cur_node.clone().unwrap().borrow().clone().next_node;
            if Rc::ptr_eq(&self.head.clone().unwrap(), &next.clone().unwrap()) {
                self.cur_node = None;
            } else {
                self.cur_node = next;
Detailed explanation...
  • The next_back function for DoubleEndedIterator will return None if iteration is complete.
  • If it is not complete, next_back will be assigned a link to the prev_node.
  • If the previous node is the head, cur_node is set to None, marking the iteration complete.
  • If iteration is not complete, cur_node is set to the previous node.
  • Finally, the previous node is returned.
impl<T: Clone + Default> DoubleEndedIterator for LinkedListIter<T> {
    fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Node<T>> {
        if self.cur_node.is_none() {
        } else {
            let next_back = self.cur_node.clone().unwrap().borrow().prev_node.clone();
            if Rc::ptr_eq(&self.head.clone().unwrap(), &next_back.clone().unwrap()) {
                self.cur_node = None;
            } else {
                self.cur_node = next_back.clone();


As originally stated, the main purpose of this implementation is usability. Most specifically, this implementation aims to allow the chaining of next() and prev().

Linking to this implementation

To use this implementation, add the following to Cargo.toml:

safe_linked_list_rust = { git="" , branch = "main"}


//set the *linked list* for use:
use safe_linked_list_rust::LinkedList;

fn main() {
    //Create a new LinkedList of i32 values.
    let mut list = LinkedList::<i32>::new();
    //Add multiple values to the list:
    for i in 1..10 {
    //Print the head (1) by chaining next and prev together after retrieving the head element.
    let first = list.head();
    //iterate forward through the list.
    for i in list.iter() {
        if list.is_head(&i) {
            println!("Head:{}", i.value); //Display the head value
        }else if list.is_tail(&i) {
            println!("Tail:{}",i.value); //Display the tail value.
        i.mutate(4 * i.value); //multiply the value by 4 and set it using mutate.
    //iterate backward through the list.
    for i in list.iter().rev() {
        if list.is_head(&i) {
            println!("Head:{}", i.value); //Display the head value
        }else if list.is_tail(&i) {
            println!("Tail:{}",i.value); //Display the tail value.


A linked list in Rust written entirely using Safe code.






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