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You have successfully checked out a copy of the latest
stable release of Virtual Lab Developer Kit. The current
stable release is 1.5 . The kit contains all that is
necessary to indicate the structure, that your lab should

Kindly make a note of a few changes. New Tabs have been
added for: 
  1) Target Audience
  2) Courses Aligned
  3) Pre-requisite Softwares 

In order to be consistent with all other labs, you therefore
need to add the above mentioned 3 more sections to the home
page of your virtual lab. Now, thus, you should have the
following sections on the home page of your lab:

  1) Introduction
  2) List Of Experiments
  3) Target Audience
  4) Courses Aligned
  5) Pre-requisite Softwares
  6) Feedback

You can make the required changes by editing "content.html"
in the following manner:

> Open "content.html" in your preferred editor and search
  for last closing html tag </section>.
> Open the "change.html" file in your choice of editor.
> Select all the content of file "change.html". 
> Copy the content and paste it after the last closing html
  tag </section> (you searched for before).

This is how your content.html will look like once done with
the changes:


<!-- Second section of the article-->
<section id="lab-article-section-2">

<div id="lab-article-section-2-icon" class="icon">
  <!-- Enclose the icon image for the section. -->
  <img src="images/simulation.jpg" />

<!-- The heading for the section can be enclosed in a 
div tag and shown with a <h2> tag -->
<div id="lab-article-section-2-heading" class="heading">
  List of experiments
<!-- Write the section content inside a paragraph 
element, You can also include images with <img> tag -->
<div id="lab-article-section-2-content" class="content">
  <ul id="list-of-experiments">
      <!--Link and name of the experiment 1 -->
      <a href="exp1/index.html">Simple Pendulum Experiment</a> 


// All the content from "change.html" will follow here.


Now you need to create a fresh build directory for your
virtual lab. To do this,

> Run makefile by the following commands at the same level
  as that of makefile as indicated below: 


  $ make clean           //cleans the build directory 
  $ make all             //creates a fresh build directory


Once, you do a make, you get a fresh copy of the build
directory. Now in order to change the theme of your virtual

> Go to src folder and run "make theme=blue-icon" on your
  command line in the terminal, to change your lab theme to
  blue-icon as follows:


  $ make theme=blue-icon //changes the theme to blue-icon


Now, in order to test the template, and view your virtual
lab, open the file "build/index.html" in the browser.

With this, you have succesfully checked the template. You
can now keep on adding more experiments to develop your
virtual lab.

For any further doubts, send mail to
