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This library has been deprecated and will be removed from Github on March 1, 2017. Use VimeoNetworking instead.

VIMNetworking is an Objective-C library that enables interaction with the Vimeo API. It handles authentication, request submission, and request cancellation. Advanced features include caching and powerful model object parsing.

If you'd like to upload videos check out VimeoUpload.



# Add this to your podfile
target 'YourTarget' do
    pod 'VIMNetworking', '{CURRENT_POD_VERSION}'

Note that VIMNetworking has dependencies on AFNetworking and VIMObjectMapper. They will be imported as pods.

###Git Submodules

Add VIMNetworking, VIMObjectMapper and AFNetworking (Release 2.5.4) as submodules of your git repository.

git submodule add
git submodule add
git submodule add

Add each submodule's classes to your project / target.

If you're also including VIMUpload in your project / target, note that both VIMUpload and VIMNetworking include the Certificate/digicert-sha2.cer file (this file is used for cert pinning). You'll have to remove one of the digicert-sha2.cer files from your target to avoid a "Multiple build commands for output file..." warning.


On app launch, configure VIMSession with your client key, secret, and scope strings. And once initialization is complete, authenticate if necessary.

#import "VIMNetworking.h"

. . .

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions 
    VIMSessionConfiguration *config = [[VIMSessionConfiguration alloc] init];
    config.clientKey = @"your_client_key";
    config.clientSecret = @"your_client_secret";
    config.scope = @"your_scope"; // E.g. "private public upload etc"
    config.keychainService = @"your_service"; 
    config.keychainAccessGroup = @"your_access_group"; // Optional
    [VIMSession sharedSession setupWithConfiguration:config];    

    if ([[VIMSession sharedSession].account isAuthenticated] == NO)
        NSLog(@"Already authenticated!");

    . . .

Note that you must specify a value for keychainService and can optionally provide a value for keychainAccessGroup. The role of the latter value is detailed here in the section on Keychain Access Groups.


All calls to the Vimeo API must be authenticated. This means that before making requests to the API you must authenticate and obtain an access token. Two authentication methods are provided:

  1. Client credentials grant: This mechanism allows your application to access publicly accessible content on Vimeo.

  2. OAuth authorization code grant: This mechanism allows a Vimeo user to grant permission to your app so that it can access private, user-specific content on their behalf.

Client Credentials Grant

[[VIMSession sharedSession] authenticateWithClientCredentialsGrant:^(NSError *error) {

        if (error == nil)
            NSLog(@"Failure: %@", error);

OAuth Authorization Code Grant

  1. Set up a redirect url scheme:

Navigate to your app target settings > Info > URL Types. Add a new URL Type, and under url scheme enter vimeo{CLIENT_KEY} (ex: if your CLIENT_KEY is 1234, enter vimeo1234). This allows Vimeo to redirect back into your app after authorization.

You also need to add this redirect URL to your app on the Vimeo API site. Under “App Callback URL”, add vimeo{CLIENT_KEY}://auth (for the example above, vimeo1234://auth).

  1. Open the authorization URL in Mobile Safari:
NSURL *URL = [[VIMSession sharedSession].authenticator codeGrantAuthorizationURL];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:URL];
  1. Mobile Safari will open and the user will be presented with a webpage asking them to grant access based on the scope that you specified in your VIMSessionConfiguration above.

  2. The user is then redirected back to your application. In your AppDelegate’s URL handling method, pass the URL back to VIMAPIClient to complete the authorization grant:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
    [[VIMSession sharedSession] authenticateWithCodeGrantResponseURL:url completionBlock:^(NSError *error) {
        if (error == nil)
            NSLog(@"Failure: %@", error);

    return YES;


With VIMNetworking configured and authenticated, you’re ready to start making requests to the Vimeo API.

JSON Request

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestURI:@"/videos/77091919" completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {
	id JSONObject = response.result;
	NSLog(@"JSONObject: %@", JSONObject);


Model Object Request

VIMRequestDescriptor *descriptor = [[VIMRequestDescriptor alloc] init];
descriptor.urlPath = @"/videos/77091919";
descriptor.modelClass = [VIMVideo class];

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestDescriptor:descriptor completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {
	VIMVideo *video = (VIMVideo *)response.result;
	NSLog(@"VIMVideo object: %@", video);


Collection Request

VIMRequestDescriptor *descriptor = [[VIMRequestDescriptor alloc] init];
descriptor.urlPath = @"/me/videos";
descriptor.modelClass = [VIMVideo class];
descriptor.modelKeyPath = @"data";

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestDescriptor:descriptor completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {

	NSArray *videos = (NSArray *)response.result; 
	NSLog(@"Array of VIMVideo objects: %@", videos);


Caching Behavior

VIMRequestDescriptor *descriptor = [[VIMRequestDescriptor alloc] init];
descriptor.urlPath = @"/videos/77091919";
descriptor.modelClass = [VIMVideo class];
descriptor.cachePolicy = VIMCachePolicy_NetworkOnly; // Or VIMCachePolicy_LocalOnly etc.
descriptor.shouldCacheResponse = NO; // Defaults to YES


// See VIMRequestDescriptor.h/m additional request configuration options

Request Cancellation

id<VIMRequestToken> currentRequest = [[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestURI:@"/videos/77091919" completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {

	id JSONObject = response.result;
	NSLog(@"JSONObject: %@", JSONObject);


[[VIMSession sharedSession].client cancelRequest:currentRequest];

// or

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client cancelAllRequests];

Lightweight Use

If you want to use your own OAuth token you can circumvent VIMSession and its authentication mechanisms and make requests like so:

VIMClient *client = [[VIMClient alloc] initWithDefaultBaseURL];
client.requestSerializer = ...

// Where client.requestSerializer is an AFJSONRequestSerializer subclass that sets the following information for each request:
// [serializer setValue:@"application/vnd.vimeo.*+json; version=3.2" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"];
// [serializer setValue:@"Bearer your_oauth_token" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];

[client requestURI:@"/videos/77091919" completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error)

    id JSONObject = response.result;
    NSLog(@"JSONObject: %@", JSONObject);



If you'd like to turn on caching for this lighter weight use case:

VIMClient *client = [[VIMClient alloc] initWithDefaultBaseURL];
client.cache = VIMCache *cache = [VIMCache sharedCache];
// Or client.cache = VIMCache *cache = [[VIMCache alloc] initWithName:@"your_cache_name"];


VIMObjectMapper converts JSON into model objects. If you'd like to use it on its own (by including the raw source in your project, or by including the ObjectMapper subspec, follow the steps below.

Subclass VIMModelObject

Make your custom model object a subclass of VIMModelObject and optionally implement the VIMMappable protocol methods:

#import "VIMModelObject.h"

@class VIMPictureCollection;

@interface VIMUser : VIMModelObject

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, strong) VIMPictureCollection *pictureCollection;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *uploadQuota;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *websites;

#import "VIMUser.h"
#import "VIMPictureCollection.h"
#import "VIMObjectMapper.h"

@implementation VIMUser

#pragma mark - VIMMappable // All methods are optional, implement to specify how the object should be "inflated"

- (NSDictionary *)getObjectMapping
return @{@"pictures": @"pictureCollection"};

- (Class)getClassForCollectionKey:(NSString *)key
if ([key isEqualToString:@"uploadQuota"])
return [NSDictionary class];

if ([key isEqualToString:@"websites"])
return [NSArray class];

return nil;

- (Class)getClassForObjectKey:(NSString *)key
if ([key isEqualToString:@"pictures"])
return [VIMPictureCollection class];

return nil;

- (void)didFinishMapping
// Do any post-parsing work you might want to do

Get some JSON

user = {
name = "Homer Simpson";
pictures = {
uri = "...";
sizes = (...);
"upload_quota" = { ... };
websites = ( ... );

Let VIMObjectMapper go to work

NSDictionary *JSON = ...;

VIMObjectMapper *mapper = [[VIMObjectMapper alloc] init];

[mapper addMappingClass:[VIMUser class] forKeypath:@"user"];

VIMUser *user = [mapper applyMappingToJSON:JSON];

Found an Issue?

Please file it in the git issue tracker.

Want to Contribute?

If you'd like to contribute, please follow our guidelines found in


VIMNetworking is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Tweet at us here: @vimeoapi.

Post on Stackoverflow with the tag vimeo-ios.

Get in touch here.

Interested in working at Vimeo? We're hiring!