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NowFap - NOn Web Federated Authentication Portal

Nowfap provides support for federated access to distributed resources, i.e. aceess to resources based on an identity that is provided by a third party. It uses Ansible to provision a machine or VM. COmanage is used as the main component to provide the federated access. There are a number of supporting roles that are needed to complete the needed functionality. The roles together with the playbook result in a portal environment in which groups, called collaborative organisations, are managed. One of the aims of nowfap is to enable federated access to command line tools, i.e. non-web access. Since those tool generally support PAM and LDAP, LDAP is another important building block in accomplishing this goal.

Table of Contents


In order to successfully provision your VMs, a number of dependencies need to be met. You are strongly advised to use the same versions.

Dependency Version Remarks
Ubuntu 16.04 The Ansible playbook has been created with Ubuntu 16.04 in mind. Later versions of Ubuntu might work, but have not been tested.
Ansible Some roles make use of Ansible features that are introduced in Ansible 2.4. Any later version will probably work.
Python 3.6.2 The playbook, nor the roles have a dependency on Python. If you want to create your own CA, create and sign certificates, nowfap included a tool for that. This tool is created in Python.
Vagrant 1.9.2 Vagrant is used for creating and provisioning local VMs.
VirtualBox 5.1.22 VirtualBox is used for creating local VMs
Zerotier-One 1.2.4 Zerotier-One can be used to create VPN if needed.

Other dependencies

Other dependencies, like Apache, MyQSL, etc. are taken from the Ubuntu 16.04 default installation. Just use the versions provided by the Ubuntu 16.04 distribution.

Metadata: how trust is built

Trust between IdP and SP is build on the exchange of metadata. Each party has generated metadata. In it are attributes like description of the service and contact information. The metadata is signed. During provisioning of a VM, two things happen with regard to metadata:

  1. Import the metadata from the IdP and thereby trusting it;
  2. Generate the SP metadata such that an IdP can build its trust of this SP.

Registering an SP with an IdP

Once the provisioning has been successfully completed, the COmanage portal trusts the configured IdP, as the metadata has been imported. However, the IdP does not have the portal metadata yet. It should be delivered in a secure manner to the IdP. Once delivered the IdP must make the decision to accept the SP or not.

Note: Getting the SP registered at the IdP side is not part of the provisioning. It should be done as a separate step afterwards.

Where is my metadata?

There are two places where you can find the SP metadata. Depending on what your IdP supports, you can either use:

  1. a URL:
  2. or a file you'll find on the portal VM: /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-metadata.xml

Provisioning a machine or VM

Provisioning of a VM is typically realized thusly:

ansible-playbook -i <local_inventory> comanage.yml

You are expected to provide your own inventory file as stated in the above line. An example inventory file is provided in the repository as well as a group_vars directory with role variables in it. This way, you are able to create your own configuration. See the inventories/example directory. With the example inventory, the above command will become:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/example/hosts comanage.yml

Note: Remember to register the metadata with your IdP.

Example inventory

The below inventory specifies the different hosts that need to be provisioned in order to get a working system. There are four major parts:

  1. the portal itself;
  2. an LDAP server;
  3. LDAP management (this component is not necessary, but can be convenient to have);
  4. SSH daemon capable of accessing the LDAP server for SSH key retrieval.

A typical host file would look like:

[portal]  ansible_user=ansible


[ldap-server] ansible_user=ansible

[phpldapadmin]  ansible_user=ansible

[ssh-access] ansible_user=ansible

Note: In the above host file, you'll see that the ansible_user is set to ansible. Depending on how you have configured your VM, the ansible_user could be different.

Example of group_vars

Ansible variables for roles can be placed inside a group_vars directory. This directory must be placed in the same directory where the inventory host file lives. Thus in the example case: inventories/example/group_vars. Inside this directory you will find a number of files. These correspond with the hosts defined in your host file and list the variables for that host. You will also find a all.yml and the variables in it apply to all hosts.

  1. all.yml
    remote_user: ubuntu
    data_dir: data
  2. portal.yml
    hostname: portal
    certificate_ca: provided
    sp_fqdn: {{ hostname }}.{{ domain_name }}
    sp_protocol: https://
    sp_path: /registry/auth/sp
    given_name: John
    surname: Doe
    organisation: Nameless Inc.
    service_description: Demonstration Service for Nameless Inc.
    service_display_name: Demo Service
    comanage_version: 3.0.0
    comanage_admin_given_name: John
    comanage_admin_family_name: Doe
  3. ldap-group.yml
    hostname: ldap
    ldap_admin: admin
    ldap_fqdn: {{ hostname }}.{{ domain_name }}
    ldap_basedn: dc=example,dc=org
    organisation: Nameless Inc.
  4. ldap-server.yml
    certificate_ca: provided
    ldap_admin_passwd: Please-change-me!
    ldap_rootdn: cn={{ ldap_admin }},{{ ldap_basedn }}

Please note that in the above hosts and group_vars files, private IP addresses were used as well as unsecure passwords and other dummy strings for certificates and host name.


The below listed roles are provided. More information on each role can be obtained within the roles. This information includes role variables.

Role Description
apache The portal is build with Apache.
auth_mellon Install and configure an Apache module for external SAML Authentication.
certificate Obtain or create a self signed certificate and install it.
comanage COmanage provides a portal in which the use case are implemented.
common A number of command task, like package installation.
ldap LDAP is used to store attributes (ASP, OTP, SSH Pub key, etc) collected by COmanage.
mysql The framework requires a database.
php Php 5.6 is necessary for the underlying framework.
phpldapadmin Web interface to an LDAP instance.
sshd Setting up an SSH daemon that is able to retrieve SSH keys from an LDAP instance.
surfconext Necessary metadata is fetched and verified in order to make the SAML flow work.


You typically need self signed certificates when you are deploying local virtual machine. Usually, the configured network will be a NAT one and thus the machines are typically not accessible from the outside. When deploying to VMs that are reachable from the outside, you can use a trusted certificate from Let's Encrypt.

Supported certificate types

The certificate role support three different certificate types:

  1. Let's Encrypt
  2. Provided certificates
  3. Self signed certificates

See also certificate for more information and description on how to select each of the above mentioned types.

Configuring mod_mellon

In order for mod_mellon to do the right thing, it needs to know a few things first. This need to be one for each host, as these values are unique to each one. Further information on configuring mod_mellon and role variables can be found at: auth_mellon

Creating and Provisioning VMs with Vagrant

Vagrant can be used to quickly set up a number of VMs on your local machine. A private network ( is created. The domain name is set to: Within this domain, Vagrant will create the following hosts:

Hostname FQDN IP address Assigned Memory
portal 1GB
ldap 512MB
ssh 512MB

Vagrant configuration

At the top of the Vagrantfile, you'll find a number of variables, which you are free to change. Some of which should be changed. In the table below, you'll find the names of these variables and a short description.

Variable Change Default value Description
comanage_version "3.0.0" Which version to install
hostname_ports "portal" hostname of the portal machine. There is no real need for changing it
hostname_ldap "ldap" hostname of the ldap machine. There is no real need for changing it
hostname_ssh "ssh" hostname of the ssh machine. There is no real need for changing it
start_ip_address'') Start IP address. The first VM gets assigned this address, the next ones get successor addresses
domain_name Y "" The domain name part. This really should be changed, as the EntityID is based on this and needs to be unique
given_name Y "John" Your given name. The IdP likes to have a real name
surname Y "Doe" Your surname. The IdP likes to have a real name
email Y "" Your email address. The IdP really like to be able to contact you in case there are issues
country "NL" Country code
state "North-Holland" State or Province
locality "Amsterdam" Locality or city
organisation " Ltd." Organisation name
organisation_unit "IT" Department
ssl_cert_days_valid 365 Number of days you want the certificate to remain valid
ldap_admin "admin" The admin name for LDAP
ldap_passwd Y "Please-change-me!" The password for the LDAP admin user

In the above table, you'll see a number of variables being marked as 'change'. Although the variables can be left at their default values -- you will get a valid installation -- you are strongly encouraged to change them. Your IdP for example, expects you to provide real values. For building trust it is best to give your real name and the IdP really wants a real contact. That includes a valid email address. Why not do it now the way you are supposed to do it when doing it in real life? An IdP needs those when there are issues and it needs to contact you.

The 'county', 'state', 'locality', 'organisation' and 'organisation_unit' are used for the generation of a self signed certificate. You can leave them at their default values, but if you do change them, your certificate will look much nicer.

Finally, you probably would want to change the 'ldap_passwd'. It always good practice to change any given default passwords.

Final Steps

During the provisioning, metadata has been created on the portal machine and needs to be registered with an IdP first. See also: Registering an SP with an IdP Once the metadata has been registered, you should have a working setup.