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JavaScript Quick Reference Cheatsheet


  • Strict mode
  • Comments
  • Console.log()
  • String Concatenation and String Interpolation
  • Template Literals
  • Values (Reference or Primitive Data Types)
  • Variables (var, let and const)
  • String .length


  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operator ||
  • Logical Operator &&
  • Logical Operator !
  • Ternary Operator ? :
  • Comparison Operators (>, <, >=, <=)
  • Equality Operators: == vs ===
  • Different (Not Equal) Operator: !==
  • Type Conversion and Type Coercion


  • if Statement
  • else Statement
  • else if Clause
  • Truthy and Falsy statement:
  • switch Statement


  • Function Parameters
  • return Keyword
  • Function Declaration
  • Function Expressions
  • Functions Calling Other Functions
  • Named Functions
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Arrow Functions (ES6)


  • Global scope
  • File or Module scope
  • Function scope
  • Code Block scope
  • Hoisting


  • Index
  • Property .length
  • Method .push()
  • Method .unshift()
  • Method .pop()
  • Method .shift()
  • Method .indexOf()
  • ES6 Method .includes()
  • Method .concat()


  • For Loop
  • Looping Through Arrays with Property .length (Reverse Loop / Looping Backwards)
  • Looping, Breaking and Continuing Through Arrays
  • Nested For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do…While Statement
  • Break Keyword


  • Functions Assigned to Variables
  • Callback Functions
  • Higher-Order Functions
  • Array Method .reduce()
  • Array Method .forEach()
  • Array Method .filter()
  • Array Method .map()


  • Restrictions in Naming Properties
  • Dot Notation for Accessing Object Properties
  • Accessing non-existent JavaScript properties
  • JavaScript Objects are Mutable
  • JavaScript loop
  • Properties and values of a JavaScript object
  • Delete operator
  • Javascript passing objects as arguments
  • JavaScript Object Methods
  • this Keyword inside an object function (method) (object scope)
  • this keyword inside a Javascript function outside of an object (global scope)
  • JavaScript Arrow Function this Scope
  • Javascript getters and setters restricted
  • getters and setters intercept property access
  • Javascript factory functions
  • JavaScript destructuring assignment shorthand syntax
  • shorthand property name syntax for object creation
  • Destructuring Arrays
  • Destructuring Objects
  • Spread Operator ...
  • For...Of Loop (Iterating over an Array, String, Map)
  • REST Patterns And Parameters
  • Destructuring in REST
  • Shortcircuiting && and ||
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator ??


  • new keyword
  • Class Constructor
  • Class Methods
  • Static Methods
  • extends


  • States of a JavaScript Promise (pending, fulfilled (resolved), rejected)
  • .catch() method for handling rejection / error handling
  • JavaScript Promise.all() method
  • Executor function of JavaScript Promise object
  • .then() method of a JavaScript Promise object
  • setTimeout()
  • Avoiding nested Promise and .then()
  • Creating a Javascript Promise object
  • Chaining multiple .then() methods

Async And Await:

  • Resolving JavaScript Promises
  • Asynchronous JavaScript function
  • Async Await Promises
  • Using async await syntax
  • JavaScript async…await advantage
  • Async Function Error Handling using try..catch
  • JSON.parse() method
  • JavaScript aysnc await operator


  • HTTP GET request
  • JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
  • Asynchronous calls with XMLHttpRequest (XHR)
  • The query string in a URL
  • XMLHttpRequest GET Request Requirements
  • HTTP POST request
  • HTTP POST request with the XMLHttpRequest API
  • JSON.stringify() method
  • Promise URL parameter FETCH API
  • ok property FETCH API
  • Fetch API Function
  • JSON Formatted response body
  • async await syntax

Browser Compatibility and Transpilation:

  • Running scripts with npm
  • Babel Package Installation
  • ES5 & ES6 Compatibility
  • Installing Development JavaScript Packages
  • ES6 JavaScript backwards compatibility
  • Babel configuration file
  • Babel build process
  • Installing JavaScript Packages
  • for checking browser support
  • Reasons to update JavaScript
  • Node Package Manager
  • Initiate JavaScript project

Strict Mode:

  • Examples
  • Note allowed in Strict mode

Modern JavaScript Sandbox

Building projects with vanilla JavaScript. (No frameworks or libraries used)

Topics Covered:

  • Basics & Fundamentals: Data types, let & const variables, functions, conditionals, loops, object literals, arrays, etc
  • DOM Manipulation: Selectors, traversing the DOM, show/hide, creating & removing elements, event listeners
  • OOP: ES5 prototypes, inheritance, ES2015 classes & sub-classes, constructors
  • Async JS: Ajax & XHR, Fetch API, callbacks, promises, async / await
  • ES2015+: Arrow functions, template strings, generators, iterators, maps & sets, symbols & more
  • JavaScript Patterns: Module, Factory, State, Observer, Mediator, Singleton
  • Other: Local & session storage, regular expressions, try/catch error handling
  • Extras: Bootstrap 4, Materialize CSS, Skeleton CSS, HTTP/REST APIs, Webpack & Babel

12 Projects Covered:

  • Task List With Local Storage (DOM Manipulation & Local Storage)
  • Loan Calculator (DOM)
  • Number Guessing Game (DOM Manipulation & Local Storage)
  • Book Listing App / Book Manager (OOP, ES5 Prototype & ES2015 Classes Version)
  • Chuck Norris Joke Generator
  • EasyHTTP - Custom HTTP Library (3 Versions - Callbacks / Promises / Async & Await) (Fetch API)
  • Github Finder (GitHub API)
  • WeatherJS App (Openweathermap API)
  • Profile Scroller (Iterators and Generators)
  • State Pattern Interface
  • Calorie and Meal Tracker (Module Pattern)
  • Frontend CRUD Posts app for REST API (using ES6 Modules, Webpack & Babel)

VanillaJS Projects

Building projects with vanilla JavaScript. (No frameworks or libraries used)

Topics Covered:

  • Basics & Fundamentals: Data types, let & const variables, functions, conditionals, loops, object literals, arrays, etc
  • DOM Manipulation: DOM Selectors, traversing the DOM, show/hide, creating & removing elements, event listeners
  • OOP: ES5 prototypes, inheritance, ES2015 classes & sub-classes, constructors
  • Async JS: Ajax & XHR, Fetch API, callbacks, promises, async / await
  • ES2015+: Arrow functions, template strings, generators, iterators, maps & sets, symbols & more
  • JavaScript Patterns: Module, Factory, State, Observer, Mediator, Singleton
  • Other: Local & session storage, regular expressions, try/catch error handling
  • HTML5 Canvas
  • The Audio & Video API
  • Drag & Drop
  • Web Speech API (Syth & Recognition)
  • Working with Local Storage
  • High Order Array Methods - forEach, map, filter, reduce, sort
  • setTimout, setInterval
  • Arrow Functions
  • Extras: Bootstrap 4, Materialize CSS, Skeleton CSS, Tailwind CSS, HTTP/REST APIs, Webpack & Babel

Projects Covered:

  • Expanding Cards
  • Progress Steps
  • Rotating Navigation Animation
  • Hidden Search Widget
  • Blurry Loading
  • Scroll Animation
  • Split Landing Page
  • Form Wave Animation
  • Music Pad
  • Dad Jokes Generator
  • Event Keycodes
  • Faq Collapse
  • Random Choice Picker
  • Animated Navigation
  • Incrementing Counter
  • Drink Water A Day Tracker
  • Movies Info App
  • Background Slider
  • Clock Theme
  • Button Ripple Effect
  • Drag And Drop
  • Drawing Canvas App
  • Simple Keyframes
  • Content Placeholder
  • Sticky Navbar
  • Double Vertical Slider
  • Toast Notification
  • Github Profiles
  • Double Click Heart
  • Auto Text Effect
  • Password Generator
  • Checkbox Slider Animation with Logic
  • Notes App
  • Animated Countdown
  • Image Carousel
  • Hoverboard
  • Pokemon Info Cards
  • Mobile Navigation Tab
  • Password Strength Background
  • 3D Background Boxes
  • Verify Account UI
  • Live User Filter
  • Feedback UI Design
  • Custom Range Slider
  • Netflix Mobile Navigation
  • Quiz App
  • Testimonial Box Switcher
  • Random Image Feed
  • To-do List
  • Catch Game
  • Drum Kit
  • Update CSS Variables using JS
  • Arrays Trainer
  • Flexbox Gallery
  • Auto-Suggest Input
  • Explore Developer Tools
  • Whack-A-Mole Game
  • Countdown Timer
  • Webcam Photo Booth
  • Video Speed Controls
  • Video Volume Speed Controls
  • Speech To Text Recognition
  • Text To Speech Synthesizer
  • Sticky Navigation With Logo on Scroll
  • JS Event Capture, Event Propagation, Event Bubbling, Once
  • Compare JS Reference Versus Copying
  • JS Map And Reduce
  • Follow Along Nav Stripe
  • Click And Drag Feature
  • Following Link Highlighter
  • Hold Shift Select Checkboxes
  • Key Sequence Detection
  • Geolocator
  • Sorting
  • Content Slide In On Scroll
  • Shadow Effect On Mouse Move
  • Local Storage


Javascript Sandbox, Cheatsheet and Projects






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