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February 2018 Chat Meeting

Daniel Wheeler edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

Tuesday, 2018-02-06, 11am EST


Previous Meeting: January Chat Meeting



  • Review agenda
    • Ask Begum to attend chat meetings?
    • best practice for editing pfhub pages
  • January action items
  • Feedback
    • commit to a very small amount of feedback on the website
    • maybe review a pull request review from time to time, using Surge this is now very easy
    • file an issue
    • review open issues, milestones
    • what do you think needs to be higher priority?
    • review benchmarks 5 & 6 specs
  • Less variations for each benchmark
    • diluting the uploads
    • when/if we get more uploads, then expand the variations
    • Benchmark 4 has 8 variations, currently -- too many
    • Reduce to 1 or 2 variations per benchmark
  • January merged pull requests
    • Work on the upload pages has been merged
    • Can populate fields from previous simulations
    • Please try to upload some fake data (or even real data) - test it and give feedback
    • Hover over the icons next to each input and check the hover text - give some feedback
  • Working on implementing benchmark 3 landing page for workshop
    • I had to rotate by pi / 4 to get the correct orientation?
  • Benchmark 7 (Allen-Cahn MMS) is now live
  • New action items?

Action Items

  • Daniel Wheeler
    • Benchmark 3 landing
    • Benchmark 7 landing
    • Benchmark 4 landing
  • Olle Heinonen
    • get the UQ prep work written up, vetted by Andrea (and anybody else who is interested) and sent to Daniel
  • Stephen DeWitt
    • generating a dataset for Benchmark 7 to go on the site
    • send out an email asking people to take a look/try BM7 before the workshop
  • Andrea Jokisaari
    • generating dataset for BM4 for the site
  • Jon Guyer
    • review odd pull requests and push some data
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