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Maven JASIG Portlet Archetype

maven-jasig-portlet-archetype is a custom maven archetype that is used to generate a uPortal specific Spring Portlet MVC shell. This archectype can be installed to a local M2_REPO, and then it may be used to generate a uPortal JSR 286 portlet starter shell. This maven archetype has a web.xml that is specific to uPortal. If you need something more generic, consider using the portlet-gen archetype.


Use of this archetype assumes that you have JDK 1.5.0_16 or higher installed. You must also have Apache Maven 2+ installed. On a *nix system you can issue the following command to verify your installs:

[cpfrank@EA-0025 ~]$ mvn -version
Maven version: 2.0.9
Java version: 1.5.0_16
OS name: "linux" version: "" arch: "i386" Family: "unix"

Make sure your $PATH includes M2_HOME/bin and JAVA_HOME/bin (see install docs for Apache Maven 2, and Sun's site for further information on installing and configuring Maven and Java).


In order to use the maven-jasig-portlet-archetype archetype you need to do the following:

  1. Download or checkout the maven-jasig-portlet-archetype src code from revision control.

  2. Change directories into the root of maven-jasig-portlet-archetype (you should see a pom.xml file in the top directory).

  3. Run the following command:

    [cpfrank@EA-0025] mvn install

    This command will install the archetype into the local M2_REPO. If it is run for the first time, it may take some time to download the associated artifacts needed by the archetype from a public maven repository.

    You should see output similar to:

    [INFO] Installing
    to /home/cpfrank/.m2/repository/ca/uvic/portal/maven-jasig-portlet-archetype/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-jasig-portlet-archetype-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  4. Next you need to establish the archetype as a local catalog entry for lookup during the portlet generation process. The maven plugin and target 'archetype:update-local-catalog' registers the archetype with your local archetype repository:

    [cpfrank@EA-0025] cd /home/cpfrank/projects/java/maven-jasig-portlet-archetype
    [cpfrank@EA-0025 maven-jasig-portlet-archetype]$ mvn archetype:update-local-catalog
  5. Now we can look up that catalog entry when we create a new portlet, with the following command (probably issued from your eclipse workspace):

    [cpfrank@EA-0025] cd /home/cpfrank/workspace
    [cpfrank@EA-0025 workspace]$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
    In the standard out, we should see output like this:
    Choose archetype:
    1: local -> maven-jasig-portlet-archetype (Archetype - maven-jasig-portlet-archetype)
    You will receive a prompt like the following:
    Choose archetype:
    1: local -> maven-jasig-portlet-archetype (Archetype - maven-jasig-portlet-archetype)
    Choose a number:  (1): 1
    Define value for groupId: : ca.uvic.portal
    Define value for artifactId: : MyNewPortletName
    Define value for version:  1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
    Define value for package: : ca.uvic.portal.MyNewPortletName
    You will need to provide your groupId, artifactId, version, and package
    parameters specific to your portlet.  Often groupId and package will be
    the same (package is a Java package prefix).  artifactId is a maven
    property that is analogous to project name.


In summary, you can use this maven-jasig-portlet-archetype archetype to setup a uPortal Spring Portlet shell, which itself uses maven for dependency management, build management, deployment, and test generation.


You'll want to change the following files after renaming your portlet:

  • src/main/resources/ (rename file)
  • src/main/webapp/context/helloworld-portlet.xml (rename file, and change PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer)
  • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/portlet.xml contextConfigLocation element and PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer

Do a 'grep -ri helloworld' to get all the references to rename in files.

See Also

Apache Maven
JSR 168 Portlet Specification
Sun JDK 1.5+
Spring Portlet MVC
uPortal 3.2.*