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- About:
CoinBin is an abstract attempt to use the javafx browser and sqlite to deploy and maintain simple desktop applications.
This example uses the Binance Java API to render realtime data using html, javascript and an sqlite database.
Alot of the code is from a similar project that uses javafx, android and a LAMP stack (e-commerce demo), basically for the same deploy and maintain purposeses.
No sucurity exploits checking, refactoring, form-connection validation, etc. are enforced with CoinBin code.
The code is written, rewritten and mashed according to the current imagination spool.
It is what it is. Use it at your own risk.


- Structure:
conbin.db // sqlite database file
dbschema.txt //sql structure file read by the njfbrowser\utils\UtilSQLAdapter to create database // simple class that calls njfbrowser\main\CoinBin
sunCompile.bat // windows .bat file executes java compiler
sunRun.bat // windows .bat file executes java Launch.class
/cbox // preference files used in java app
/com // binance api java code, some of it was modified.
/html // html files, js, css used by java browser. home page is index.php
/lib // bunch of open-sourced java libraries used by this app
/njfbrowser // main java files used by this app
/org // the simple web server and rss reader

- Usage:
double clicking the sunRun.bat will launch CoinBin. If needed, edit the bat file in a text editor to point to your java executable.
Dont forget to include the lib/ and other packages in your classpath.
The main class njfbrowser\main\CoinBin uses njfbrowser\BinanceHelper to parse Binance API and  njfbrowser\utils\UtilSQLAdapter to connect to the coinbin.db sqlite database.
On llaunch, CoinBin will create/connect to the database and start a simple web server. The java browser will  then open page http://localhost which is the /html folder.

- Javascript to Java Interface Bridge:
x_booter.js is main loader with alot of spaghetti from other projects.
The main binance .js can be found in html/js/x_binance-api.js and x_binance-misc.js
The javascript app. object is used to interface with njfbrowser/js_interfaces/ which in turn returns data from CoinBin or the BinanceHelper, etc.

- User Interface:
Rendering of the user interface relies on simple html and javascript, json.
The main index.php file uses ajax requests to include the html/tplates files. this help file is an example.
Most of the html UI is found in html/tplates/index_main.
The search and nav bar are found in index_nav.
Clicking on the coin symbol will open trading popup.
Clicking on coin name below symbol will open info pop-up.
Includes an alerts mock-up.
The news tab searches for rss feeds with token symbol.

- Database:
Most of the custom database requests are made using javascript, and each contain a javascript callback function:
var oiaqB = "select * from cryptprice limit 3;";  // query string
app.addToQrySpoolArr(oiaqB, "theCallBackFunction"); // adds the query to the query spool
See it in action at Account -> Setup (Sql Command Line Output - Run button)
The callback functions are then executed on the browser (url - javascript:theFunction()) as normal javascript functions.
Since the queries to the database have to be one-by-one, BinanceHelper can assign a string key to output and then use javascript to request it.
BinanceHelper uses a query spool, mainly to query the getTickerPrices() and update token prices to the database.
The other custom query arrays are also added to query spool array.
The query spool array uses the task handlers (SwingWorkers), like/njfbrowser/tasks/ to perform these queries.
If your using sunRun.bat or other debugger, you can see output of the query spool array being fed to database.
Note that sqlite is no mysql or mariaDB etc. It is limited in what it can handle in queries.
Using a query intensive application with sqlite may be risky in terms of future support.
Another option would be creating various databases instead of using just one.

- WorkFlow:
javascript boolean runLoop is set to true  in x_binance-api.js (javascript file with most functions below).
javascript looperTheater() calls app.getTickerPrice() -> BinanceHelper, doTickerPrice() -> gets results and splits them into query arrays of about 20 each.
Feeds these arrays to sqlite, including custom called queries in the process, which when finished call the included callback in each query (BinanceHelper -> .processSpoolItm())
Some of the custom queries include when you click on any of the Quote assets BTC, ETC, etc market links.
See javascript doFirstLoad() - > which sends the query to the query spool with the dynJSfnishMList javascript callback.
dynJSfnishMList will be called from CoinBin with a specific key name for the query results string.
dynJSfnishMList will then send back that key name in return for the query results string.
This dynJSfnishMList function is mainly used because some results take seconds to come back, freezing the application until they do is not an option.
Each of these sets of arrays in the query spool are processed
When the updatePrices arrays are done, the javascript function looperTheater() will be called again.
If you are disconnected from the internet or if you get a binance api error in connecting to binance, it will stop the looperTheater.
You will have to call manualy javascript function app.flushPSpool() to run yor query by flushing the spool.
The javascript function looperScene() is called from CoinBin every time BinanceHelper finishes a set of queries in the query spool.
Basically it allows you to set up tasks in javascript depending at what count your on in the looperScene increment value.

- Binance API:
This app relies on the binance java-api and the version used in this app is probably outdated:
You can get the latest build here:
forked from:
Public API calls like get ticker prices or exchange info do not require API keys.
Private calls In order to trade or get yout balances require API keys.
You can  get your Binance API keys at the Binance web site.
Then enter them in your Account -> Security tab.
Do not get API keys with Withdraw rights for this app!
Did we mention to Use this app at your own risk.
Some modifications were made to the included com/Binance API code.
Namely atempting to close symbol socket streams when they are not being used etc.

clean up and comment code.
clean up math methods on token price conversions.
render quote symbols/Markets Pairs directly from database.
seperate simulation mode from live mode using javascript toggle / css color scheme
tune the query spool array.
fix javascript json arrays to work correctly with UI.
clean up the UI.

- API:
To get additional coin info you will need a API key.
Then enter them in your Account -> Security tab.

- Credits:
Most of the credits for open sourced code that is used in this app is usually included in the code.
But alot of the code has been treated ginzu style, so if you deserve some credit, let us know.