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Design Patterns :

  • These are typical solution to common problems in software design.
  • Each design pattern is like a blueprint to solve a particular design problem.
  • The pattern is not a specific piece of code, but a general concept for solving a particular problem.
  • Patterns are often confused with algorithms, because both concepts describe typical solutions to some known problems
  • While an algorithm always defines a clear set of actions that can achieve some goal, a pattern is a more high-level description of a solution.
  • NOTE : The code of the same pattern applied to two different programs may be different.
  • In General there are 23 Design Patterns, ever software engineer should know.
  • Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms.
  • Design patterns are common architectural approaches
  • Popularized by the Gang of Four book (1994) ==> Element of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
  • Translated to many lang - C#, C++, Java, JS
  • Universally relevant
    • Internalized in some programming langages.
    • Libraries

Why should I learn patterns ?

  • Design patterns are a toolkit of tried and tested solutions to common problems in software design.
  • knowing patterns is still useful because it teaches you how to solve all sorts of problems using principles of object-oriented design.
  • Design patterns define a common language that you and your teammates can use to communicate more efficiently.

Classification of Design patterns :

  • The most basic and low-level patterns are often called idioms.
  • The most universal and high-level patterns are architectural patterns.
  • Design patterns are typically split into 3 categories this is called Gamma Categorization after Erich Gamma one of GoF Author.
  • 3 patterns :
    • Creational patterns
    • Structural patterns
    • Behavioral patterns
  • Creational patterns :
    • provide object creation mechanisms that increase flexibility and reuse of existing code.
    • Deals with the creation (construction of objects)
    • Explicit (constructor) v/s implicit (D.I, reflection, etc)
    • Wholesale (single statement) v/s piecewise (step-by-step)
  • Structural patterns :
    • explain how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures, while keeping the structures flexible and efficient.
    • Concerned with the structure (ex- class members)
    • Manay patterns are wrappers that mimc the underlying class interface
    • Stress the importance of good API design
  • Behavioral patterns :
    • take care of effective communication and the assignment of responsibilities between objects.
    • They are all different; no central theme.
    • They are unique in there ways.

Creational patterns

  • provide object creation mechanisms that increase flexibility and reuse of existing code.
  • Different Creational patterns are :
    • Factory Method
    • Abstract Method
    • Builder
    • Prototype
    • Singleton

Structural patterns

  • explain how to assemble objects and classes into larger structures, while keeping the structures flexible and efficient.
  • Different Structural patterns are :
    • Adapter
    • Bridge
    • Composite
    • Decorator
    • Facade
    • Flyweight
    • Proxy

Behavioral patterns

  • take care of effective communication and the assignment of responsibilities between objects.
  • Behavioral Structural patterns are :
    • Chain of Responsibility
    • Command
    • Interpreter
    • Iterator
    • Mediator
    • Memento
    • Observer
    • State
    • Strategy
    • Template Method
    • Visitor


  • Pattern which is supposed to be bad
  • example: God Object (A God object is an object that knows too much or does too much)
  • Single Responsibility Principle --> Antipattern is God Object. [Thus, SRP recommends to if a class is having more than one responsibilities then just create a new class which can manage those responsibilities]
  • To Tackle this God Object Anti-Pattern : A common programming technique is to separate a large problem into several smaller problems and create solutions for each of them.

NOTE: In js we cannot have private methods.


Creational Patterns

  • Builder
    • Separate component for when object construction gets too complicated.
    • Can create mutually cooperating sub-builders
    • Often has fluent interface
  • Factories
    • Factory method more expressive than constructor
    • A separate class with factory method is a Facotry
    • Class hierarchies can have corresponding hirerarchies of factories (Abstract Factory)
  • Prototytype
    • Creation of object from an existing object
    • Requires either explicit deep copy or copy through serialization
    • Additional work required to preserve type
  • Singleton
    • When you need to ensure just a single instance exists
    • Can return same object from constructor on every call
    • Direct dependence on a Singleton is dangerous

Structural Patterns

  • Adapater
    • Converts the interface you get to the interface you need.
  • Bridge
    • Decopule abstraction from implementation
  • Composite
    • Allows client to treat individual objects and componsitions of objects uniformly
  • Decorator
    • Attach additional repsonsibilites to object without modifiying those objects or inheriting from them
    • Decorators are composable with each other
  • Facade
    • Provide a single unified interface over a set of systems/interfaces
  • Flyweight
    • Memory saving technique
    • Efficently support very lalrge numbers of similar objects
  • Proxy
    • Provide a surrogate object that forwards calls to the real object while performing additional functions
    • Ex: access acontrol, communication, logging etc

Behavioral Patterns

  • Chain of Responsibility
    • Allow components to process information/events in a chain
    • Each element in the chain refers to next element
    • Make a list and go through it
  • Command
    • Encapsulate a request into a separate object
    • Good for audit, replay, undo/redo
    • Part of CQS/CQRS
  • Interpreter
    • Transform textual input into object-oriented structures
    • Used by interpreters, compilers, static analysis tools, etc
    • Compiler Theory is a separate branch of computer science
  • Iterator
    • Provide an interface for accessing elements of an aggregate object
    • Objects can be made iterable (for loop)
  • Mediator
    • Provides mediation services between two objects
    • Ex: message passing, chat room
  • Memento
    • Yields tokens representing system states
    • Tokens do not allow direct manipulation, but can be used in appropriate APIs
  • Observer
    • Allows notifications of changes/happenings in a component
  • State
    • We model systems by having one of a possible state and transitions between these states
    • Such a system is called a state machine
    • Special framworks exists to orchestrate state machines
  • Strategy & Template Method
    • Both define a skeleton algo with details filled in by implementor
    • Strategy uses oridinary composition, template method uses inheritance
  • Vistior
    • Allows non-intrusive addition of functionality to hirearchies


Design Patterns Implemented in Javascript






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