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Welcome to Transd Programming Language

Transd (short for Transformation and Analysis of Structured Data) is a statically typed, general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language, which:

  • has extended functionality for data processing, such as a built-in data query language for working with tables and collections of records in a database-like fashion;
  • has a very compact implementation (two C++ files with less than 25 KLOCS);
  • uses an innovative execution model - virtual compilation - which doesn't include just-in-time compilation and in the same time offers a good performance.

The current stage of Transd development is beta of the first production version, which is planned for release in the first quarter of 2023.

Code snippets

Iterating a vector

(with v [1,2,3,4,5,6] 

    (for i in v do (textout i " ")

    (textout "\n")

    (for i in v where (not (mod i 2)) do (textout i " ")
// <= 1 2 3 4 5 6
// <= 2 4 6

List comprehension

The 'for' statement is used not only for iterations, but for list comprehensions as well.

(with list1 (for i in Range(22) where (not (mod i 3)) project (* i i) )

    (textout list1)
// <= [0, 9, 36, 81, 144, 225, 324, 441] 

Classes and lambdas

class Speaker : {

    say: Lambda<String String>(),

    @init: (λ f Lambda<String String>() (rebind say f )),

    call: (λ s String() (ret (exec say s)))

MainModule: {

     greeter: Lambda<String String>(λ s String() (ret (+ "Hello, " s "!"))),

    _start: (λ 

        (with sp Speaker( greeter )

            (textout (call sp "World"))
    )   )
// Output: Hello, World!

Built-in data query language

#lang transd
MainModule : {
  table: Table(),

   _start: (λ
    (load-table table tabdata)
    (build-index table "Salary")

    (with rows (tsd tabl 
                  select: ["Name", "Department"]
                  as: [[String(),String()]]
                  where: "Salary > 20000"
                  sortby: "Name")

      (for row in rows do (lout row)))
  	  // OUTPUT:
          // <= ["Bob", "Marketing"]
          // <= ["Susan", "HR"]

Documentation (work in progress)

Transd in 5 minutes

List of main features of language

Quick introduction to Transd

Language specification

Transd Programming guide

Transd Reference manual

Code samples

Transd Code Samples

Chess Engine in Transd

REPL command line interpreter




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