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A Prometheus exporter for Livepeer orchestrator metrics. Fetches and exposes orchestrator metrics from various Livepeer endpoints for Prometheus to scrape.


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Livepeer Exporter


Livepeer Exporter is a lightweight tool designed to enhance the monitoring capabilities of Livepeer. As a Prometheus exporter, it fetches various metrics from different Livepeer endpoints and exposes them via an HTTP server, ready for Prometheus to scrape. It streamlines the Prometheus scraping process by eliminating the sluggish data extraction through Grafana plugins like marcusolsson-json-datasource and yesoreyeram-infinity-datasource. This makes it the perfect companion to the Livepeer monitoring service, extending the range of Livepeer metrics that can be monitored. By providing deeper insights into Livepeer's performance, Livepeer Exporter helps users optimize their streaming workflows and ensure reliable service delivery. Witness it in action by exploring the Grafana dashboards of the transcode.eth orchestrator.


Before using the Livepeer Exporter, you must configure it using environment variables. These variables allow you to customize the behaviour of the exporter to suit your specific needs. Below, you'll find a list of all the environment variables you can set, a description of what they do, and their default values if they are not specified.

Required environment variables

  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDRESS: The address of the orchestrator to fetch data for.

Optional environment variables

  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDRESS_SECONDARY: The address of the secondary orchestrator to include in the data fetching. Used to calculate the livepeer_orch_stake metric. When set, the LPT stake of this address is added to the LPT stake that the orchestrator bonds.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_INFO_FETCH_INTERVAL: How often to fetch general orchestrator information. Defaults to 2m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_SCORE_FETCH_INTERVAL: How often to fetch score data for the orchestrator. Defaults to 15m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_DELEGATORS_FETCH_INTERVAL: How often to fetch delegators data for the orchestrator. Defaults to 15m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_TEST_STREAMS_FETCH_INTERVAL:How often to fetch the test streams data for the orchestrator. Defaults to 15m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_TICKETS_FETCH_INTERVAL: How often to fetch ticket data for the orchestrator. Defaults to 15m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_REWARDS_FETCH_INTERVAL: How often to fetch rewards data for the orchestrator. Defaults to 15m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_CRYPTO_PRICES_FETCH_INTERVAL: How often to fetch the crypto prices. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_INFO_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the orchestrator info metrics. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_SCORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the orchestrator score metrics. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_DELEGATORS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the orchestrator delegators metrics. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_TEST_STREAMS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the orchestrator test streams metrics. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_TICKETS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the orchestrator tickets metrics. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_REWARDS_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the orchestrator rewards metrics. Defaults to 1m.
  • LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_CRYPTO_PRICES_UPDATE_INTERVAL: How often to update the crypto prices metrics. Defaults to 1m.

All intervals are specified as a string representation of a duration, e.g., 5m for 5 minutes, 2h for 2 hours, etc. See time#ParseDuration for format details.


Please be respectful when setting the fetch intervals. Setting these values to low will cause unnecessary load on the Livepeer infrastructure. If you are unsure what values to use, please use the defaults. Thanks for your understanding ❀️!


This section explains how to run the Livepeer Exporter. You can run it locally on your machine or use Docker for easy setup and teardown.

Run exporter locally

Running the exporter on your main OS allows you to test out the livepeer-exporter quickly. You must set the necessary environment variables and start the exporter to do this. Replace your-orchestrator-address with your values:

export LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDRESS=your-orchestrator-address
go run main.go

The exporter will be available on port 9153. Additional configuration environment variables can be passed to the exporter by adding them to the command above.

Running the Exporter with Docker

You can run the exporter using the Docker image available on Docker Hub. To pull and run the exporter from Docker Hub, use the following command:

docker run --name livepeer-exporter \
    -e "LIVEPEER_EXPORTER_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDRESS=<your-orchestrator-address>" \
    -p 9153:9153 \

Replace <your-orchestrator-address> with the address of your orchestrator. This command will start the exporter and expose the metrics on port 9153 for Prometheus to scrape. This command will start the exporter and expose the metrics on port 9153 for Prometheus to scrape. Additional environment variables can be passed to the exporter by adding them to the command above.


This repository also contains a DockerFile and docker-compose.yml file. These files can be used to build and run the exporter locally. To do this, clone this repository and run docker compose up in the repository's root directory.

Configure Prometheus

For Prometheus to scrape the exporter, add the following to your prometheus.yml:

  - job_name: livepeer-exporter
      - targets: ["localhost:9153"]

This configuration tells Prometheus to scrape metrics from the Livepeer Exporter running on localhost port 9153.


This exporter comprises the following sub-exporters, each responsible for fetching specific metrics:

Sub-Exporter Description
orch_info_exporter Collects metrics pertaining to the Livepeer orchestrator.
orch_score_exporter Retrieves metrics concerning the Livepeer orchestrator's score.
orch_delegators_exporter Gathers metrics related to the delegators of the designated Livepeer orchestrator.
orch_test_streams_exporter Procures metrics about the Livepeer orchestrator's test streams.
orch_tickets_exporter Fetches metrics about the Livepeer orchestrator's tickets.
orch_reward_exporter Retrieves metrics about the Livepeer orchestrator's rewards.
crypto_prices_exporter Fetches and exposes the prices of different cryptocurrencies used in the Livepeer ecosystem.

For enhanced performance, these sub-exporters operate concurrently in separate goroutines. They fetch metrics from various Livepeer endpoints and expose them via the 9153/metrics endpoint. For detailed information about these sub-exporters and the metrics they provide, refer to the sections below.

Crypto Prices Exporter

The crypto_prices_exporter fetches and exposes the prices of different cryptocurrencies used in the Livepeer ecosystem. They include:

GaugeVec metrics:

  • LPT_price: This metric denotes the present value of the LPT token. It incorporates the currency label to denote the used currency (e.g., USD, EUR, etc.).
  • ETH_price: This metric denotes the current price of Ethereum. It incorporates the currency label to denote the used currency (e.g., USD, EUR, etc.).


The orch_delegators_exporter fetches metrics about the delegators of the set Livepeer orchestrator from the Livepeer subgraph endpoint. These metrics provide insights into the number and behaviour of the delegators that stake with the orchestrator. They include:

Gauge metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_delegator_count: This metric represents the total number of delegators that stake with the Livepeer orchestrator.

GaugeVec metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_delegator_bonded_amount: This metric represents the bonded LPT amount associated with each delegator. It includes the id label representing the delegator address.
  • livepeer_orch_delegator_start_round: This metric represents the start round for each delegator. It includes the id label representing the delegator's address.
  • livepeer_orch_delegator_collected_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees collected by each delegator. It includes the id label representing the delegator address.


The orch_info_exporter fetches metrics about the Livepeer orchestrator from the Livepeer Orchestrator API and Livepeer Delegating API endpoints. These metrics provide insights into the orchestrator's performance and behaviour. They include:

Gauge metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_bonded_amount: This metric represents the amount of LPT bonded to the orchestrator.
  • livepeer_orch_total_stake: This metric represents the total amount of LPT staked with the orchestrator.
  • livepeer_orch_last_reward_claim_round: This metric represents the last round in which the orchestrator claimed the reward.
  • livepeer_orch_start_round: This metric represents the round the orchestrator registered.
  • livepeer_orch_withdrawn_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees the orchestrator has withdrawn.
  • livepeer_orch_current_round: This metric represents the current round.
  • livepeer_orch_activation_round: This metric represents the round the orchestrator activated.
  • livepeer_orch_active: This metric represents whether the orchestrator is active.
  • livepeer_orch_fee_cut: This metric represents the proportion of the fees the orchestrator takes.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_cut: This metric represents the proportion of the block reward the orchestrator takes.
  • livepeer_orch_last_reward_round: This metric represents the last round in which the orchestrator received rewards while active.
  • livepeer_orch_ninety_day_volume_eth: This metric represents the 90-day volume of ETH.
  • livepeer_orch_thirty_day_volume_eth: This metric represents the 30-day volume of ETH.
  • livepeer_orch_total_volume_eth: This metric represents the total volume of ETH.
  • livepeer_orch_stake: This metric reflects the quantity of LPT personally contributed by the orchestrator, encompassing the orchestrator's bonded stake and, if provided, the stake from the secondary orchestrator account.
  • livepeer_orch_thirty_day_reward_claim_ratio: This metric represents how often an orchestrator claimed rewards in the last thirty rounds, or, if not active for 30 days, the reward claim ratio since activation.


The orch_rewards_exporter fetches reward data for the Livepeer orchestrator from the Livepeer subgraph endpoint. These metrics provide insights into the rewards the orchestrator claims. They include:

Gauge metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_day_rewards: This metric represents the LPT rewards claimed by the orchestrator in the last 24 hours.
  • livepeer_orch_week_rewards: This metric represents the LPT rewards claimed by the orchestrator in the last 7 days.
  • livepeer_orch_thirty_day_rewards: This metric represents the LPT rewards claimed by the orchestrator in the last 30 days.
  • livepeer_orch_ninety_day_rewards: This metric represents the LPT rewards claimed by the orchestrator in the last 90 days.
  • livepeer_orch_year_rewards: This metric represents the LPT rewards claimed by the orchestrator in the last 365 days.
  • livepeer_orch_total_rewards: This metric represents the total rewards claimed by the orchestrator.
  • livepeer_orch_rewards_day_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the reward transactions in the last 24 hours.
  • livepeer_orch_rewards_week_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the reward transactions in the last 7 days.
  • livepeer_orch_rewards_thirty_day_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the reward transactions in the last 30 days.
  • livepeer_orch_rewards_ninety_day_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the reward transactions in the last 90 days.
  • livepeer_orch_rewards_year_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the reward transactions in the last 365 days.
  • livepeer_orch_rewards_total_gas_cost: This metric represents the total gas cost of the reward transactions.

GaugeVec metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_reward_amount: This metric represents the LPT rewards claimed in each reward transaction. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_gas_used: This metric represents the gas used in each reward transaction. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_gas_price: This metric represents the gas price in Wei used for executing the reward transaction. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of each reward transaction in Gwei. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_block_number: This metric denotes the block number in which each reward transaction was included. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_block_time: This metric represents the block time of the block in which each reward transaction was included. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.
  • livepeer_orch_reward_round: This metric represents the Livepeer protocol round in which each reward transaction was executed. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash.


Due to an upstream bug, the livepeer_orch_reward_gas_used metric currently shows the gas limit instead (see this upstream issue). This will be fixed once the upstream issue is resolved.


The orch_score_exporter fetches metrics about the Livepeer orchestrator's score from the Livepeer Score API endpoint. These metrics provide insights into the performance of the orchestrator. They include:

Gauge metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_price_per_pixel: This metric represents the price per pixel in Wei.

GaugeVec metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_success_rate: This metric represents the success rate per region. It can be used to monitor the reliability of the orchestrator in different areas. It includes the region label.
  • livepeer_orch_round_trip_score: This metric represents the round trip score per region. It can measure the latency of the orchestrator in different areas. It includes the region label.
  • livepeer_orch_total_score: This metric represents the total score per region. It can be used to evaluate the orchestrator's overall performance in different areas. It includes the region label.


The orch_test_streams_exporter fetches metrics about the Livepeer orchestrator's test streams from the API endpoint. These metrics provide insights into the performance of the orchestrator's test streams in different regions. They include:

GaugeVec metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_test_stream_success_rate: This metric represents the success rate per region for test streams. It can monitor the reliability of the orchestrator in different regions. It includes the region and orchestrator labels.
  • livepeer_orch_test_stream_upload_time: This metric represents the two-segment upload time per region for test streams. It measures the upload speed of the orchestrator in different regions. It includes the region and orchestrator labels.
  • livepeer_orch_test_stream_download_time: This metric represents the two-segment download time per region for test streams. It measures the download speed of the orchestrator in different regions. It includes the region and orchestrator labels.
  • livepeer_orch_test_stream_transcode_time: This metric represents the two-segment transcode time per region for test stream. It measures the transcoding speed of the orchestrator in different regions. It includes the region and orchestrator labels.
  • livepeer_orch_test_stream_round_trip_time: This metric represents the two-segment round trip time per region for test streams. It measures the overall latency of the orchestrator in different regions. It includes the region and orchestrator labels.


The orch_tickets_exporter fetches and exposes winning ticket transaction information from the Livepeer subgraph endpoint. These metrics provide insights into the orchestrator's winning tickets. They include:

Gauge metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_day_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees won by the orchestrator in the last 24 hours.
  • livepeer_orch_week_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees won by the orchestrator in the last 7 days.
  • livepeer_orch_thirty_day_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees won by the orchestrator in the last 30 days.
  • livepeer_orch_ninety_day_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees won by the orchestrator in the last 90 days.
  • livepeer_orch_year_fees: This metric represents the ETH fees won by the orchestrator in the last 365 days.
  • livepeer_orch_total_fees: This metric represents the total ETH fees won by the orchestrator.
  • livepeer_orch_tickets_day_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the winning ticket transactions in the last 24 hours.
  • livepeer_orch_tickets_week_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the winning ticket transactions in the last 7 days.
  • livepeer_orch_tickets_thirty_day_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the winning ticket transactions in the last 30 days.
  • livepeer_orch_tickets_ninety_day_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the winning ticket transactions in the last 90 days.
  • livepeer_orch_tickets_year_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost of the winning ticket transactions in the last 365 days.
  • livepeer_orch_tickets_total_gas_cost: This metric represents the total gas cost of the winning ticket transactions.

GaugeVec metrics:

  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_amount: This metric represents the ETH fees won by each winning orchestrator ticket. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.
  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_gas_used: This metric represents the gas used in redeeming each winning ticket. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.
  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_gas_price: This metric represents the gas price in Wei used in redeeming each winning ticket. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.
  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_gas_cost: This metric represents the gas cost in Gwei of redeeming each winning ticket. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.
  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_block_number: This metric represents the block number for each winning ticket. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.
  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_block_time: This metric represents the block time for each winning ticket. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.
  • livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_round: This metric represents the round in which each winning ticket was won. It includes the id label representing the transaction hash of each ticket.


Due to an upstream bug the livepeer_orch_winning_ticket_gas_used metric currently shows the gas limit instead (see this upstream issue). This will be fixed once the upstream issue is resolved.


Feel free to open an issue if you have ideas on how to make this repository better or if you want to report a bug! All contributions are welcome. πŸš€ Please consult the contribution guidelines for more information.


πŸš€ Special thanks to @stonk-dev for pointing me to the needed API endpoints needed to implement this exporter.


A Prometheus exporter for Livepeer orchestrator metrics. Fetches and exposes orchestrator metrics from various Livepeer endpoints for Prometheus to scrape.







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