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Fast and easy to use C++ library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word files without installing Word.


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Warning: The current codebase of minidocx has been completely deprecated and the next generation of minidocx with a brand new APIs is under heavy development (not yet uploaded).


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minidocx is a portable and easy-to-use C++ library for creating Microsoft Word Document (.docx) from scratch. It is designed to be simple and small enough. So, you can grab these files and compile them into your project.


To build minidocx you'll need a C++11 compiler and the following libraries:

It is tested for the following platform:

  • CMake 3.21
  • Visual Studio 16 2019 / Visual Studio 14 2015 / GCC 8.2+
  • Windows 7/10 / Ubuntu 18.04 / Kylin-Desktop V10-SP1


To manipulate a docx file, you need to understand at least the following three concepts:

  • Paragraph Text with the same paragraph formatting.
  • Run Text with the same font formatting.
  • Section A division of a document having the same page layout settings, such as margins and page orientation.

Documents contain sections, you can have multiple sections per document. This simple example will only contain one section. More informations are available in this site.


Here's an example of how to use minidocx to create a .docx file.

#include "minidocx.hpp"

using namespace docx;

int main()
  Document doc;

  auto p1 = doc.AppendParagraph("Hello, World!", 12, "Times New Roman");
  auto p2 = doc.AppendParagraph(u8"你好,世界!", 14, u8"宋体");
  auto p3 = doc.AppendParagraph(u8"Hello, 世界!", 16, "Times New Roman", u8"宋体");

  auto p4 = doc.AppendParagraph();

  auto p4r1 = p4.AppendRun("Sample text here...", 12, "Arial");

  auto p4r2 = p4.AppendRun("And another line of sample text here...");
  p4r2.SetFont("Times New Roman");
  p4r2.SetFontStyle(Run::Bold | Run::Italic);

  return 0;

See other examples.

Build Instructions

git clone
cd minidocx

# Windows
cmake --build build --config Release -j
cmake --install build --prefix install --config Release

# Linux
cmake --build build -j
cmake --install build --prefix install

User Guide

minidocx.hpp is the only header which you need to include in order to use minidocx classes/functions. All minidocx classes/functions are member of the docx namespace.

#include "minidocx.hpp"

using namespace docx;

Following sections describe the functionality supported by minidocx. Please note this description may not be complete but limited to the most useful ones. If you want to find less common features, please check header files under src directory.


The main unit in OOXML are twentieths of a point (Twip) from the OOXML specification. This is used for specifying page dimensions, margins, tabs, etc. minidocx provided some helper functions for unit conversions:

int Pt2Twip(const double pt);       // points to twip
double Twip2Pt(const int twip);     // twip to points

int Inch2Twip(const double inch);   // inches to twip
double Twip2Inch(const int twip);   // twip to inches

int MM2Twip(const int mm);          // mm to twip
int Twip2MM(const int twip);        // twip to mm

int CM2Twip(const double cm);       // cm to twip
double Twip2CM(const int twip);     // twip to cm

double Inch2Pt(const double inch);  // inches to points
double Pt2Inch(const double pt);    // points to inches

double MM2Inch(const int mm);       // mm to inches
int Inch2MM(const double inch);     // inches to mm

double CM2Inch(const double cm);    // cm to inches
double Inch2CM(const double inch);  // inches to cm

See Lars Corneliussen's blog post for more information and how to convert units.


Document is the class which is able to write a .docx file. To create a new document, it is very easy:

Document doc;

The last step is to save the document:



Paragraph is the class that represents a paragraph. You can create paragraphs in the following ways:

auto p1 = doc.AppendParagraph(); // Append a new document to the document
auto p3 = doc.InsertParagraphAfter(p1);  // Insert a new document after p1
auto p2 = doc.InsertParagraphBefore(p3); // Insert a new document before p3

It is easy to get every paragraph of the document:

auto p1 = doc.FirstParagraph();
auto p3 = doc.LastParagraph();
auto p2 = p3.Prev(); // Next() also available

Paragraphs can be removed:

doc.RemoveParagraph(p3); // Remove p3

You can check if two Paragraph instances represent the same paragraph:

if (p1 == p2) {
  std::cout << "They're the same paragraph\n";


You can add multiple runs in paragraph:

auto p4 = doc.AppendParagraph();
auto p4r1 = p4.AppendRun("Hello, World!");
auto p4r2 = p4.AppendRun(u8"你好,世界!");
auto p4r3 = p4.AppendRun(u8"你好,World!");

When you create a new paragraph by providing text to the AppendParagraph() method, it gets put into a single run.

auto p5 = doc.AppendParagraph("Hello, World!");
// is equivalent to:
auto p5 = doc.AppendParagraph();
auto p5r1 = p5.AppendRun("Hello, World!");

Font size and typeface can be specified when adding a new run.

auto p5r2 = p5.AppendRun("Hello, World!", 12, "Times New Roman");

Font size is specified in points.

You can create an empty run and add text to it later.

auto p5r3 = p5.AppendRun();
p5r3.AppendText("Hello, World!");

You can get the text contained in the run:

auto text = p5r3.GetText(); // "Hello, World!你好,世界!你好,World!"

You can set character formatting for a run after it is created.

p5r3.SetFont("Times New Roman");
p5r3.SetFontStyle(Run::Bold | Run::Italic); // Run::Underline and 
                                            // Run::Strikethrough also available

Helper function Pt2Twip() can be used to specify a character spacing in points.

It is easy to get each run in a paragraph:

auto p4r1 = p4.FirstRun(); // no LastRun()
auto p4r2 = p4r1.Next(); // no Prev()

Run can be removed:


Line Break

You can append a line break into a run.

auto r = p.AppendRun();
r.AppendText("This is");
r.AppendText("a simple sentence.");

Page Break

Page breaks are special run that can only be appended to a paragraph by calling AppendPageBreak().

auto r = p.AppendPageBreak();

Tab character

You can append one or more tab character into a run with AppendTabs() method.

auto r = doc.AppendParagraph().AppendRun();
r.AppendText("The Seller: ");
r.AppendText("The Buyer: ");


Each document contains at least one section and you can't remove it.

To create a new section, you need to insert a section break. Section break needs to be inserted into a paragraph. So, you need to prepare a paragraph first, and then insert a section break to it.


The paragraph containing a section break will be the last paragraph of the new section.

You can check if the paragraph contain a section break.

if (p3.HasSectionBreak()) {
  std::cout << "p3 is the last paragraph of this section\n";

Section break can be removed:


Section is the class that represents a Section. You can get every section of the document:

auto s1 = doc.FirstSection();
auto s2 = s1.Next(); // Prev() also available

You can get the first/last paragraph of a section.

auto p1 = s1.FirstParagraph();

You can check if two Section instances represent the same section:

if (s1 == s2) {
  std::cout << "They're the same Section\n";

You can set page formatting for a section.

s1.SetPageSize(MM2Twip(297), MM2Twip(420)); // A3

Page Number

The page numbers for pages in the section can be added and removed by using SetPageNumber() and RemovePageNumber():

s1.SetPageNumber(docx::Section::PageNumberFormat::Decimal);         // 1, 2, 3, ...
s1.SetPageNumber(docx::Section::PageNumberFormat::NumberInDash, 3); // -3-, -4-, -5-, ...


You can insert a table by using Document::AppendTable().

auto tbl = doc.AppendTable(2, 3);

Each cell already contains a paragraph.

tbl.GetCell(0, 0).FirstParagraph().AppendRun("AAA");
tbl.GetCell(0, 1).FirstParagraph().AppendRun("BBB");
tbl.GetCell(0, 2).FirstParagraph().AppendRun("CCC");

tbl.GetCell(1, 0).FirstParagraph().AppendRun("DDD");
tbl.GetCell(1, 1).FirstParagraph().AppendRun("EEE");

You can change the style, width (points) and color (hex) of borders.

tbl.SetTopBorders(Table::BorderStyle::Single, 1, "FF0000");      // a single line, 1 pt, Red
tbl.SetBottomBorders(Table::BorderStyle::Dotted, 2, "00FF00");   // a dotted line, 2 pt, Green
tbl.SetLeftBorders(Table::BorderStyle::Dashed, 3, "0000FF");     // a dashed line, 3 pt, Blue
tbl.SetRightBorders(Table::BorderStyle::DotDash, 0.5, "FFFF00"); // a line with alternating dots and dashes, 1/2 pt, yellow
tbl.SetInsideHBorders(Table::BorderStyle::Double, 1, "FF00FF");  // a double line, 1 pt, purple

Merge cells

You can merge adjacent cells with the same number of rows or columns.

auto c00 = tbl.GetCell(0, 0);
auto c01 = tbl.GetCell(0, 1);
if (tbl.MergeCells(c00, c01)) {
  std::cout << "c00 c01 merged\n";

Text Frame

A text frame is similar to a text box. Both are containers for text that can be positioned on a page and sized. Text boxes have more flexibility for formatting.

A text frame paragraph is simply a paragraph.

auto frame = doc.AppendTextFrame(CM2Twip(4), CM2Twip(5));
frame.AppendRun("This is the text frame paragraph.");

frame.SetPositionX(TextFrame::Position::Left, TextFrame::Anchor::Page);
frame.SetPositionY(TextFrame::Position::Top,  TextFrame::Anchor::Margin);



Do you have an issue using minidocx? Feel free to let me know on issue tracker.


This library is available to anybody free of charge, under the terms of MIT License (see


Fast and easy to use C++ library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word files without installing Word.





