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Atlassian Connect Play

Continuous integration codecov Maven Central

This project contains a Play Scala based implementation of the Atlassian Connect framework. It serves as a starter for building Atlassian Connect add-ons for JIRA and Confluence.

Quick start

atlassian-connect-play is published to Maven Central for Scala 2.13 and Play 2.8.x, so you can just add the following to your build:

libraryDependencies += "io.toolsplus" %% "atlassian-connect-play" % "x.x.x"


You can generate a fresh project by cloning the seed project, which will provide you with the basic project structure. Alternatively if you have an existing Scala project, you can manually add the framework dependency to your project to turn it into an Atlassian Connect add-on.

Creating a project from the seed project

The easiest way to get started is by cloning the Atlassian Connect Play Seed project.

Responding to requests

Requests from an Atlassian Host

Requests from the add-on

Making API requests to the product

Send requests as the add-on

atlassian-connect-play will automatically sign requests from your add-on to an installed host product with JSON Web Tokens. To make a request, inject an AtlassianConnectHttpClient object into your class. Then call authenticatedAsAddon(url) with a relative URL. Make sure you have a implicit instance of AtlassianHost available in the calling function. It is required to sign and determine the absolute URL for the outgoing request.

class RestClient @Inject()(httpClient: AtlassianConnectHttpClient) {

    def fetchIssue(issueKey: String)(implicit host: AtlassianHost): Future[WSResponse] = {

Send requests as a user

Not yet implemented.

Authenticating requests from iframe content back to the add-on

The initial request to load iframe content served by the add-on is secured by JWT, as described above. However, add-ons often need to make authenticated requests back to the add-on from within the iframe. Using sessions is not recommended, since some browsers block third-party cookies by default. Also, the JWT token issued by the Atlassian host cannot be used for other requests to the add-on since it contains the qsh (query-string hash) claim.

Instead, add-ons can use the JWT self-authentication token - provided by atlassian-connect-play. Pages (iframes) rendered by a add-on may include a meta tag containing an initial self-authentication token.

<meta name="token" content="@token">

A client-side script can easily extract the token


and use it to sign the request back to the add-on. Whenever possible, e.g. for AJAX requests, the token should be sent in the Authorization HTTP header:

beforeSend: function (request) {
    request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "JWT " + token);

You can also send the token in the jwt query parameter:

<a href="/protected-resource?jwt=...">See more</a>

Add-ons may respond to client-side requests with refreshed token provided in the Authorization HTTP header. You may save the refreshed token for the next request back to the add-on.

Reacting to add-on lifecycle events


Referencing configuration values in the add-on

Making your add-on production ready


Pull requests are always welcome. Please follow the contribution guidelines.


atlassian-connect-play is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.