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Table of Contents:

About the Project

  • This project enables users to give feedback/reviews on a product/service
  • This project uses the Atomic Design Methodology to structure the components
  • Works well on mobile and desktop devices (Responsive Design)
  • It is built with
  • Bootstrapped with Create React App
  • The application is properly tested(Unit tests) using
    • Jest, and
    • React Testing Library You can find tests in the same folders as the components or modules. The tests usually are in the format of *.spec.tsx

How does this application work

As mentioned earlier, users can give feedback on a product/service through this application. To give a feedback/review on a product, the user must provide the following information:

  • Author: The name of the author (must be atleast one character)
  • Email: A valid email address (validated with regex)
  • Rating: A value between 1 and 5
  • Comment: Text describing the feedback/review

On submission, if all required information is provided, then the user is directed to the Comments page. The Comments page displays a bar chart which shows the distribution of the received feedback/reviews over time, and the latest comments (the newest comments are displayed first). Each comment displays the email address of the author and the actual text comment.


NB: You need to start the application locally to access the following routes

  1. HomePage

Running this application locally and testing

  1. Open your workspace terminal
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Cd into the cloned repository
  4. There are two ways you can start or test this application locally:

Using Docker Compose:


  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose

Using Docker Compose: Run the Application's Unit tests

  1. To run the tests with docker-compose, simply run: (on MacOS)
docker-compose up test
  1. To run the tests with docker-compose, simply run: (on Ubuntu)
sudo docker compose up test

Using Docker Compose: Start the Application locally

  1. To start the application with docker-compose, simply run (on MacOS):
docker-compose up web
  1. To start the application with docker-compose, simply run (on Ubuntu):
sudo docker compose up web

Using Docker Compose: Shutting down the Application

  1. Press Cmd + C on a MacOS or Ctrl+ C on Ubuntu to stop the application
  2. Run (on MacOS):
docker-compose down
  1. Run (on Ubuntu):
sudo docker compose down

Using npm:


  1. Node at least v14.18.1
  2. npm

Using npm: Run the Application's Unit tests

  1. Install the dependencies with:
npm install
  1. Run the tests with:
npm test

Using npm: Start the Application locally

  1. Install the dependencies with:
npm install
  1. Start the application with:
npm start

Visit localhost:3000 on your favourite browser to view the application

Using npm: Shutdown the Application

  1. Press Cmd + C on MacOs or Ctrl + C on Ubuntu to stop the application

Having problem running the app:

  1. Be sure to confirm that you do not have another project running on port 3000
  2. Seeing an Error like this error when trying to install depdencies on Ubuntu?
Error: EACCES: Permission denied, mkdir '/<file_path>


  • Run rm -rf node_modules in the repository and then npm install again Why did that happen?: Well, it's possible that you had ran docker-compose web earlier

Some Choices Made:

  1. Used the atomic design pattern for many reasons including:
    • to ease the categorization/classification of components
    • avoid unnecessary nesting of components across the application
    • promote component reusability, and a pattern for component breakdown
    • ease of testing
  2. Testing hooks is debatable. However, the choice was made in this case as useHome hook handles some important logic
  3. To improve the UX: Expectations for an input field are immediately validated, against the current input with feedback displayed once the user starts typing in an input field. This helps the user immediately understand what is required in a specific field
  4. Used labelled interactive elements over identification with placeholder to improve the accessibility

What could have been done better:

  1. Creating a simple wrapper component for the interactive components(Input, TextArea e.t.c), this wrapper component would then handle the label, and errors, hence reducing code duplication. However, that would be a "too early abstraction" in this case
  2. Displaying the author's name rather than the email to promote privacy but I assume there are reasons for the choice of displaying the email instead

