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A dashboard for updating your device settings using the particle API, VueJS and Onsen UI.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

How to use this project

You can use this project to update your settings for your device in the particle cloud. This project makes use of Vuex as a state manager. This can all be found in the store folder. The flow goes as followed: dispatch an action to the store, the action will commit a mutation which updates the state. The UI components will then listen to updates in the state by using getters. You can check the Vuex documentation for more information:

Obviously you will have different settings than my device. The device sends back a csv string. We combine this string into an array of objects with settings and values in the store. You can change this array of setting names in the /store directory. Data models for the different UI elements can also be found in the /settings folder.

Different UI elements are rendered based on the settingname. The settingnames are used in the Dashboard.vue file in the /components directory. Change these names to be equal to the names in your settings array in the /store directory.

The UI elements from Onsen UI are imported in the main.js file. If you require other Onsen UI components you can import them here. You'll then be able to use them throughout the project.


The select element in the dropdown on the Dashboard page needs some work. The state does not always seem to be in sync with the UI. Creating the UI elements in a separate node package so they can just be called and passed a type parameter for the UI type and be passed props.


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