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Artifact for "A Model for Detecting Faults in Build Specifications" (OOPSLA'20)

This is the artifact for the OOPSLA'20 paper titled "A Model for Detecting Faults in Build Specifications".

An archived version of the artifact is also available on Zenodo. See


  • A Unix-like operating system (tested on Ubuntu)

  • A Docker installation

  • At least 150GB of available disk space

  • A good network connection (the artifact involves many downloads)


To get the artifact, run

git clone --recursive ~/buildfs-eval


The artifact contains the instructions and scripts to re-run the evaluation described in our paper. The artifact has the following structure:

  • scripts: This is the directory that contains the scripts needed to re-run the experiments presented in our paper.
  • data/gradle-projects.txt: The list of Gradle projects that we considered in our evaluation (along with the version we analyzed).
  • data/make-projects.txt: The list of Make projects that we analyzed. The projects come from two ecosystems: Github and Debian. For Debian packages, we provide the version of the package that we analyzed. For Github projects, we provide the commit hash (similar to Gradle projects).
  • buildfs: Contains the source code of the tool (provided as a git submodule) used in our paper for running and analyzing build executions, namely BuildFS.

Note that BuildFS is available as open-source software under the GNU General Public License v3.0., and can also be reached through the following Repository :

Inside the buildfs directory, there are the following directories

  • src: The source code of BuildFS written in OCaml.
  • make-instrumentation: Shell scripts for instrumenting Make builds as explained in our paper (Section 4.3).
  • gradle-instrumentation: The Gradle plugin used to instrument Gradle builds (Section 4.3)
  • sbuild: Helper scripts and configuration files for building Debian packages using the sbuild's workflow.
  • mkcheck-sbuild: Helper scripts and configuration files for analyzing Debian packages using the sbuild workflow and mkcheck.
  • entrypoint: Contains the entrypoint script of the corresponding Docker image.

Install Docker Images

We provide a Dockerfile to build images that contain:

  • An intallation of BuildFS. To do so, the image fetches the OCaml compiler 4.07 and all the required opam packages for building BuildFS from source.

  • An installation of strace.

  • An installation of Gradle and GNU Make.

  • (Optionally) an installation of the Kotlin compiler for building our Gradle plugin.

  • (Optionally) an installation of the Android SDK (this is required by many Gradle projects).

  • (Optionally) an installation of sbuild for analyzing Debian packages using the sbuild's workflow. Note that in our evaluation, we used sbuild to build Debian Make packages in a reproducible way.

  • (Optionally) an installation of mkcheck (version 09f520c) for comparing BuildFS against it.

  • A user named buildfs with sudo privileges.

Τwo Docker images are required to evaluate this artifact. The first image is used to analyze all Gradle projects and non-Debian Make packages using either BuildFS or mkcheck. The second image contains an installation of sbuild to analyze Debian packages using the workflow of sbuild.

Build Images from Source

NOTE: If you do not want build the images on your own, please skip this step and proceed to the next section ("Pull Images from Dockerhub")

To build the first image (named buildfs), run the following command (estimated running time: 30-50 minutes)

docker build -t buildfs --build-arg IMAGE_NAME=ubuntu:18.04 \
  --build-arg SBUILD=no --build-arg GRADLE=yes --build-arg MKCHECK=yes .

Notice that we passed four arguments to the build process of the image (through the --build-arg option). The argument IMAGE_NAME refers to the base Docker image from which we set up the environment. The remaining arguments indicate whether Docker installs the corresponding tool or not. For example, the argument GRADLE=yes indicates that we use this image to analyze both Make and Gradle projects. So, Docker will also install the Kotlin compiler and Android SDK.

For the second image (named buildfs-sbuild), run the following command (estimated running time: 40-60 minutes)

docker build -t buildfs-sbuild --build-arg IMAGE_NAME=debian:stable \
    --build-arg SBUILD=yes --build-arg GRADLE=no --build-arg MKCHECK=yes .

This image is built upon debian:stable and installs both sbuild and mkcheck. It does not install gradle.

NOTE: We have two separate images, because there are several difficulties in having a gradle and sbuild installation on the same image. The second image (buildfs-sbuild) is used only for analyzing Debian packages. In practice, we will use this image only for the last step of the artifact.

After building all Docker images successfully, please navigate to the root directory of the artifact

cd ~/buildfs-eval

Pull Images from Dockerhub

You can also download the docker images from Dockerhub by using the following commands

docker pull schaliasos/buildfs
docker pull schaliasos/buildfs-sbuild
# Rename the images to be consistent with our scripts
docker tag schaliasos/buildfs buildfs
docker tag schaliasos/buildfs-sbuild buildfs-sbuild

We have two separate images, because there are several difficulties in having a gradle and sbuild installation on the same image.

NOTE: We have two separate images, because there are several difficulties in having a gradle and sbuild installation on the same image. The second image (buildfs-sbuild) is used only for analyzing Debian packages. In practice, we will use this image only for the last step of the artifact.

After downloading all Docker images successfully, please navigate to the root directory of the artifact

cd ~/buildfs-eval

Getting Started

Navigating through the Docker Image

Before running our examples, let's explore the contents of our freshly-created Docker image (i.e., buildfs). Run the following command to create a new container.

docker run -ti --rm  --privileged buildfs

After executing the command, you will be able to enter the home directory (i.e., /home/buildfs) of the buildfs user. This directory contains the buildfs_src where the source code of our tool is stored.

To build buildfs on your own, run

buildfs@6d0b7b1affcd:~$ cd ~/buildfs_src
buildfs@6d0b7b1affcd:~$ dune clean
buildfs@6d0b7b1affcd:~$ dune build -p buildfs
buildfs@6d0b7b1affcd:~$ dune install


❯ buildfs help
Detecting Faults in Parallel and Incremental Builds.

  buildfs SUBCOMMAND

=== subcommands ===

  gradle-build  This is the sub-command for analyzing and detecting faults in
                Gradle scripts
  make-build    This is the sub-command for analyzing and detecting faults in
                Make scripts
  version       print version information
  help          explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively)

For analyzing Gradle builds

❯ buildfs gradle-build -help
This is the sub-command for analyzing and detecting faults in Gradle scripts

  buildfs gradle-build

=== flags ===

  -build-dir Build        directory
  -mode Analysis          mode; either online or offline
  [-build-task Build]     task to execute
  [-dump-tool-out File]   to store output from Gradle execution (for debugging
  [-graph-file File]      to store the task graph inferred by BuildFS.
  [-graph-format Format]  for storing the task graph of the BuildFS program.
  [-print-stats]          Print stats about execution and analysis
  [-trace-file Path]      to trace file produced by the 'strace' tool.
  [-help]                 print this help text and exit
                          (alias: -?)

For analyzing Make builds

❯ buildfs make-build -help
This is the sub-command for analyzing and detecting faults in Make scripts

  buildfs make-build

=== flags ===

  -build-dir Build        directory
  -mode Analysis          mode; either online or offline
  [-build-db Path]        to Make database
  [-dump-tool-out File]   to store output from Make execution (for debugging
  [-graph-file File]      to store the task graph inferred by BuildFS.
  [-graph-format Format]  for storing the task graph of the BuildFS program.
  [-print-stats]          Print stats about execution and analysis
  [-trace-file Path]      to trace file produced by the 'strace' tool.
  [-help]                 print this help text and exit
                          (alias: -?)

You can exit from the Docker container by running

buildfs@6d0b7b1affcd:~$ exit

Running example builds

Let's see how we run and analyze real-world builds using BuildFS. To do so, we will use the Docker image we created in the previous step so that we can perform the build in a fresh environment. Recall that this image contains all necessary dependencies for running the builds. The image contains an entrypoint script that expects the following options:

  • -p: A URL pointing to the git repository of the project that we want to run and analyze or a Debian package name (when using -t sbuild or -t sbuild-mkcheck).
  • -v: A commit hash, a tag, or a branch that indicates the version of the project that we want to analyze (default latest).
  • -t: The type of the project (gradle or make or sbuild or mkcheck or sbuild-mkcheck).
  • -b: This option expects a path (relative to the directory of the project) where the build is performed.
  • -k: Number of builds to perform (default 1).
  • -s: If this is flag is not provided, we run the build without performing any analysis (either through BuildFS or mkcheck).
  • -o: A flag that when it is provided, beyond online analysis through BuildFS, the container also performs an offline analysis on the trace stemming from the execution of the build. This option was used in our experiments to estimate the amount of time spent on the analysis of BuildFS programs.

Example1: Make Build

NOTE: This example corresponds to the first motivating example discussed in our paper (Figure 1).

To analyze an example Make build, run the following command (estimated running time: less than 30 seconds):

docker run --rm -ti --privileged \
  -v $(pwd)/out:/home/buildfs/data buildfs \
  -p "" \
  -v "5e5495499863921ba3133a66957f98b192004507" \
  -s -t make \
  -b src

Some explanations:

The Docker option --privileged is used to enable tracing inside the Docker container. The option -v is used to mount a local volume inside the Docker container. This is used to store all the files produced from the analysis of the build script into the given volume $(pwd)/out. Specifically, for Make builds, BuildFS produces the following files inside this directory.

  • cqmetrics/build-buildfs.times: This file contains the time spent for building the project using BuildFS. This file is generated if we run the container with the option -s.
  • cqmetrics/base-build.times: This file contains the time spent for building the project without BuildFS. This file is generated if the option -s is not provided.
  • cqmetrics/cqmetrics.times: This file is a CSV that includes the time spent on the analysis of BuildFS programs and fault detection. This file is generated if the option -o (offline analysis) is provided.
  • cqmetrics/cqmetrics.faults: This file is the report that contains the faults detected by BuildFS. This file is generated if we run the container with the option -s.
  • cqmetrics/cqmetrics.makedb: This file is the database of the Make build produced by running make -pn. This is used for an offline analysis of a Make project. This file is generated if we run the container with the option -s.
  • cqmetrics/cqmetrics.path: This file contains the path where we performed the build. This file is generated if we run the container with the option -s.
  • cqmetrics/cqmetrics.strace: a system call trace corresponding to the build execution. This file is generated if we run the container with the option -s.

If we inspect the contents of the resulting out/cqmetrics/cqmetrics.faults file, we will see something similar to the following:

❯ cat out/cqmetrics/cqmetrics.faults
Info: Start tracing command: fsmake-make ...
Trace entries: 19759
Tasks: 8
Files: 342
Conflicts: 4
DFS traversals: 41
Analysis time: 2.81151819229
Bug detection time: 0.0152561664581
Number of Missing Inputs (MIN): 3

Detailed Bug Report:
  ==> [Task: /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/]

    Fault Type: MIN
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/QualityMetrics.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/ ( openat at line 21068 )

  ==> [Task: /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:header.txt]

    Fault Type: MIN
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/QualityMetrics.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:header.txt ( openat at line 22386 )

  ==> [Task: /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o]

    Fault Type: MIN
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/BolState.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18631 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/CKeyword.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18633 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/CMetricsCalculator.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18563 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/CharSource.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18565 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/Cyclomatic.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18767 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/Descriptive.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18769 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/Halstead.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 19361 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/NestingLevel.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 19365 )
      - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/QualityMetrics.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:qmcalc.o ( openat at line 18711 )

Specifically, BuildFS detected three missing inputs (MIN) related to three build tasks of the project. For example, the following fragment shows that the task /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:header.txt has a missing input on one file (i.e., /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/QualityMetrics.h). This means that whenever the latter is updated, Make does not re-trigger the execution of the task. As discussed in our paper, this leads to stale targets.

==> [Task: /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:header.txt]

  Fault Type: MIN
    - /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src/QualityMetrics.h: Consumed by /home/buildfs/cqmetrics/src:header.txt ( openat at line 22386 )

Example2: Gradle Build

NOTE: This example corresponds to the second motivating example discussed in our paper (Figure 2).

For running and analyzing a Gradle project using our Docker image, run the following (estimated running time: 6-10 minutes):

docker run --rm -ti --privileged \
  -v $(pwd)/out:/home/buildfs/data buildfs \
  -p "" \
  -v "997985c2f7e603342189effdfea122bab53a6bae" \
  -s \
  -t gradle

This will fetches and instruments the specified Gradle repository as explained in Section 4.3. In turn, the container uses BuildFS to build and analyze the Gradle project. For Gradle builds, the container generates the same files inside the out directory except for the *.makedb file, as this file is required only for Make builds.

If you inspect the produced out/nf-tower/nf-tower.faults file, you are expected to see the following report:

❯ cat out/nf-tower/nf-tower.faults
Info: Start tracing command: ./gradlew build --no-parallel ...
Trace entries: 897251
Tasks: 18
Files: 2877
Conflicts: 2614
DFS traversals: 10
Analysis time: 214.29347682
Bug detection time: 0.146173000336
Number of Ordering Violations (OV): 3

Detailed Bug Report:
  ==> [Task: tower-backend:shadowJar] | [Task: tower-backend:distTar]

    Fault Type: OV
      - /home/buildfs/nf-tower/tower-backend/build/libs/tower-backend-19.08.0.jar: Produced by tower-backend:shadowJar ( openat at line 280041 ) and Consumed by tower-backend:distTar ( lstat at line 151875 )

  ==> [Task: tower-backend:shadowJar] | [Task: tower-backend:distZip]

    Fault Type: OV
      - /home/buildfs/nf-tower/tower-backend/build/libs/tower-backend-19.08.0.jar: Produced by tower-backend:shadowJar ( openat at line 280041 ) and Consumed by tower-backend:distZip ( lstat at line 161551 )

  ==> [Task: tower-backend:shadowJar] | [Task: tower-backend:jar]

    Fault Type: OV
      - /home/buildfs/nf-tower/tower-backend/build/libs/tower-backend-19.08.0.jar: Produced by tower-backend:shadowJar ( openat at line 280041 ) and Produced by tower-backend:jar ( openat at line 139411 )
      - /home/buildfs/nf-tower/tower-backend/build/libs/tower-backend-19.08.0.jar: Produced by tower-backend:shadowJar ( openat at line 280041 ) and Produced by tower-backend:jar ( openat at line 139411 )

BuildFS detected three ordering violations (OV). For example, there is an ordering violations between the tasks tower-backend:shadowJar, tower-backend:jar. These tasks conflict on two files (e.g., /home/buildfs/nf-tower/tower-backend/build/libs/tower-backend-19.08.0.jar), and no dependency has been specified between these tasks.

NOTE: In general, Gradle builds take longer as they involve the download of JAR dependencies and the configuration of the Gradle Daemon.

Step by Step Instructions


NOTE: Ensure that you have at least 100GB of available disk space before running this step.

To reproduce the results of our paper, you first need to fetch the system call traces that stem from the build execution of all the projects we examined in our evaluation. You can fetch the data by runnning

wget -O ""

MD5 Checksum: cf5eae673c9ff089a662e3f600b7d8da

to extract the data, run


this will create the directory benchmarks. This directory contains the following sub-directories:

  • gradle-projects: A directory containing data from 312 Gradle projects that we considered for our evaluation.
  • make-projects: A directory containing data from 300 Make projects that we considered for our evaluation.

Gradle Benchmarks

For each Gradle project (i.e., benchmarks/gradle-projects/<project-name>), you are expected to find the following files:

  • <project-name>.strace: This file contains the system call trace corresponding to the build execution of the Gradle project.

  • <project-name>.path: This file holds the path where the build of the project was performed.

  • times/build-buildfs.times: This file contains the time spent on building the Gradle project using BuildFS.

  • times/base-build.times: This file contains the time spent on building the Gradle project without BuildFS.

  • times/<project-name>.times: This file contains the times spent on the analysis of the BuildFS program and fault detection. Each row has two columns: the first one is the time spent on the analysis of BuildFS programs, while the second one is the time spent on fault detection.

Make Benchmarks

For each Make project (i.e., data/make-projects/<project-name>), you are expected to find the following files:

  • <project-name>.strace: This file contains the system call trace corresponding to the build execution of the Make project.

  • <project-name>.path: This file holds the path where the build of the project was performed.

  • <project-name>.makedb: This is the database associated with the Make project. It is required for analyzing the Make trace offline.

  • times/build-buildfs.times: This file contains the time spent on building the Make project using BuildFS.

  • times/base-build.times: This file contains the time spent on building the Make project without BuildFS.

  • times/<project-name>.times: This file contains the times spent on the analysis of the BuildFS program and fault detection. Each row has two columns: the first one is the time spent on the analysis of BuildFS programs, while the second one is the time spent on fault detection.

Furthermore, a Make project may contain a directory named mkcheck that includes data from the analysis of the project using mkcheck (See section 5.6). Some Make projects may not contain this directory indicating that mkcheck failed to produce data for this project due to a crash. The directory of mkcheck contains the following

  • <project-name>.fuzz: Fault report generated by mkcheck in fuzz mode.
  • <project-name>.race: Fault report generated by mkcheck in race mode.
  • <project-name>.time: This file contains the times spent on building and detecting faults using mkcheck. The first row is the time needed to build the project with mkcheck, the second one stands for the time spent on build fuzzing, while the third row is the time spent on race testing.


For the first research question, we will use BuildFS (in offline mode) to analyze the system call traces of all the projects (both Make and Gradle) examined in our evaluation. To do so, run the following to create and enter a buildfs container.

docker run -ti --rm  \
  --privileged \
  -v $(pwd)/benchmarks:/home/buildfs/benchmarks \
  -v $(pwd)/rq1-results:/home/buildfs/out \
  -v $(pwd)/scripts:/home/buildfs/scripts buildfs

Note that we mounted three local volumes inside the container. The first volume stands for the benchmarks we fetched earlier, the second one is the volume to store the results of the RQ1 (i.e., $(pwd)/rq1-results), while the third volume corresponds to the evaluation scripts of the artifact.

After entering the container, run the following script (estimated running time: 45 - 60 minutes).

buildfs@852dd25dfc98:~$ ./scripts/ benchmarks out

This script employs BuildFS to analyze the system call trace of all Gradle and Make projects using the provided traces. The second argument of the script is the directory (namely out) to store the results from the analysis. Specifically, after succesuuly running the above script, the out directory contains a sub-directory for each category of project (e.g., gradle-projects). Each sub-directory contains three files:

  • <project-name>.faults: Faults detected by BuildFS.
  • <project-name>.times: Times spent on analysis and fault detection.
  • build-buildfs.times: Time spent on building the project with BuildFS. This file was not computed as we did not run the build again. We copied it from the benchmarks directory.

Furthermore, for each category of projects (e.g., make-projects), the script generates a CSV file that gives the summary of fault detection results. For instance, the out/make-projects/faults.csv file contains the summary results for Make projects.

As a final step, run the following to get the metrics mentioned in RQ1 of the paper (Table 1).

buildfs@852dd25dfc98:~$ ./scripts/ \
  out/gradle-projects/faults.csv \

Note that the first argument of the script is the fault detection results for Gradle projects, while the second one is the fault detection results for Make projects.

Now exit the container to proceed to RQ2.

buildfs@852dd25dfc98:~$ exit


For the second research question, we will estimate the number of the detected faults confirmed and fixed by the developers.

Examining the pull requests

As a starting point, you can take a look to the patches we provided and the response we got from the developers. Run:

./scripts/ data/fixed_projects.csv

This will dump the links pointing to the bug reports we sent to 47 open-source projects. The resulting list contains two open-source projects not mentioned in the paper, as their developers responded to us while the paper was under review.

NOTE: Notice that we opened two pull requests for the cqmetrics project (i.e., pull/13 and pull/14).

Computing the number of fixes

To compute the number of faults that are fixed due to our patches and issue reports, we exploit the data stored in the data/fixed_projects.csv file. Specifically, we have created a script that builds / analyzes every project of this file using BuildFS. To do so, the script uses the buildfs Docker image as documented earlier (See the "Getting Started" section.).

Note that this script builds and analyzes the version of the project after applying our fix. This version is taken from the project_version column of the data/fixed_projects.csv file. In turn, the script estimates the number of fixed faults by comparing the reported faults with the reports computed by BuildFS before applying the patch. The fault reports corresponding to the version of the project before the fix were computed in RQ1 (inside the rq1-results directory).

Run this script through (estimated running time: 2-4 hours)

./scripts/ data/fixed_projects.csv rq2-results

To run the above script on a small sub-set of projects (e.g., 10), run

cat data/fixed_projects.csv | tail -n +2 | shuf -n 10 > data/small_fixed.csv
./scripts/ data/small_fixed.csv rq2-results

After that, you can create the Table 2 of the paper by running

./scripts/ \
  rq1-results/gradle-projects/faults.csv \
  rq1-results/make-projects/faults.csv \

The expected table can be found in data/rq2_table.txt.


  • Two projects (namely helios and LuaJIT) are expected to produce entries where all columns are 0. Specifically, although the developers of helios accepted our patch, the issue still remains even after applying our fix. The reason is that unfortunately, our patch didn't solve the issue. The developers of LuaJIT accepted our patch and the reported issue was indeed fixed. However, the recent version of LuaJIT contains a fault that was not in the version of LuaJIT we initially analyzed.
  • The developers of goomph have confirmed the issue, but they have not fixed it yet. So this project is excluded from the analysis.
  • There are slight variations in four Gradle projects due to an error from our part in the initial submission.


For this research question, we compute the performance characteristics of BuildFS.

Analysis and Fault Detection Times

To re-produce the exact metrics mentioned in the paper, we have to extract the times from the times/ directory of the fetched benchmarks. To do so, run (estimated running time: 30-60 seconds)

./scripts/ benchmarks rq4-results

This will produce two files inside the rq4-results directory:

  • gradle-projects-performance.csv: This gives the performance characteristics of BuildFS for every Gradle project.
  • make-projects-performance.csv: This gives the performance characteristics of BuildFS for every Make project.

To dump the metrics mentioned in Section 5.5, run

./scripts/ \
  rq4-results/gradle-projects-performance.csv \

To compute the peformance characteristics of BuildFS on your machine, you have to extract the performance metrics as computed in RQ1. Therefore, run

./scripts/ rq1-results rq4-results

and then

./scripts/ \

You are expected to find similar trends with those mentioned in the paper (e.g., the analysis takes longer than fault detection, the analysis of Gradle projects takes longer that the analysis of Make projects, etc.).

Build Slowdown

Before proceeding to this step, you need to install some helper Python packages. In a Python virtualenv run the following:

virtualenv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you are able to compute the slowdown that BuildFS imposes on the builds by running the following command

./scripts/ benchmarks

the expected output is

The slowdown for Gradle builds is 2.62X (90th percentile)
The slowdown for Make builds is 1.68X (90th percentile)

NOTE: this command uses the time data from the benchmarks directory. To compute your own data, you have to re-run the builds (See "Re-running Builds" Section).


For this research question, we will compare the performance of BuildFS against mkcheck. To produce the Table 3 of the paper, run:

# This produces the peformance of BuildFS for every project
# as we did for the previous research question.
./scripts/ benchmarks rq5-results
# This produces the performance of Mkcheck for every Make project
# that mkcheck produced results (see rq5-results/mkcheck-performance.csv).
./scripts/ benchmarks/make-projects rq5-results
./scripts/ \
  rq5-results/make-projects-performance.csv \

to produce Figure 15, run (inside the Python virtual environment we created earlier)

# install the requirements of this script
./scripts/ \
  rq5-results/make-projects-performance.csv \
  rq5-results/mkcheck-performance.csv \

this script generates the Figure 15 of our paper inside the directory given as the third argument of the script (i.e., rq5-results/figure15.pdf). The script also dumps some metrics presented in the paper regarding the speedup of BuildFS over mkcheck.

NOTE: this command uses the time data from the benchmarks directory. To compute your own data, you have to re-run builds (See "Re-running Builds" Section).

Re-running Builds

So far, we have used the system calls traces from the execution of the examined builds (see the benchmarks directory) to re-produce the results of the paper. You can use this artifact in order to re-run the builds of the inspected projects using both BuildFS and mkcheck. After collecting your own data, you can follow each step described in the "Step by Step Instructions" again to produce the results based on the new build executions. Although some builds are not fully deterministic, you are expected to find similar (if not exact) results to the ones computed earlier.

First, we create a directory to store the new-benchmarks

mkdir new-benchmarks

Gradle Builds

To re-run Gradle builds, execute (estimated running time: 4-7 days)

./scripts/run-gradle-builds data/gradle-projects.txt new-benchmarks/gradle-projects 1

The first argument is the list of Gradle projects (along with their version) to analyze, the second argument is the output directory, while the third argument indicates whether the script runs the builds without BuildFS (i.e., the value 1 runs the build both with and without BuildFS, while 0 runs the build only through BuildFS).

To run it on smaller inputs (e.g., 20 Gradle projects), run

cat data/gradle-projects.txt | shuf -n 20 > data/small-gradle-projects.txt
./scripts/run-gradle-builds \
  data/small-gradle-projects.txt \
  new-benchmarks/gradle-projects 1

Make Builds (BuildFS)

To re-run the full experiments for Make project you need the two Docker images that we created at the first step of the artifact (namely, buildfs, and buildfs-sbuild). Specifically, all Debian packages are run in containers spawned by the buildfs-sbuild image. sbuild is a Debian tool to build Debian packages automatically. First, it creates a clean environment using chroot, then downloads and installs the selected package's dependencies, and finally, it builds the package. sbuild provides us with hooks over this workflow so that we can run our custom scripts and tools during the build of the project. Therefore, instead of the standard build, we exploit these hooks, and employ BuildFS (or mkcheck) to analyze the build of the project.

To re-run the builds of Make projects, execute (estimated running times: 3-6 days)

./scripts/run-make-builds \
  data/make-projects.txt \
  new-benchmarks/make-projects 1

for running and analyzing a subset of Make projects (e.g., 20 Make projects), run,

cat data/make-projects.txt | shuf -n 20 > data/small-make-projects.txt
./scripts/run-make-builds \
  data/small-make-projects.txt \
  new-benchmarks/make-projects 1

NOTE: You can safely ignore any "E: Build failure (dpkg-buildpackage died)" message produced by sbuild. This means that the Debian binary package was not created, e.g., due to a lint error reported by the Lintian. However, our BuildFS analysis and the build of the project were still done successfully.

Make Builds (mkcheck)

To apply mkcheck to the examined Make projects, you have to execute the following command (estimated running time: 2-2.5 weeks)

./scripts/run-mkcheck-builds data/make-projects.txt new-benchmarks/make-projects

To run mkcheck on a smaller number of Make projects (e.g., the data/small-make-projects.txt file created in the previous step), run

./scripts/run-mkcheck-builds \
  data/small-make-projects.txt \


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