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Releases: thehookup/Motorized_MQTT_Blinds

MQTT Only with WiFi Manager

11 Apr 22:44
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This release uses MQTT and WiFi Manager to configure and control your blinds. You will need an MQTT broker to use this release. I recommend Mosquito and Home Assistant.

This is a pre-compiled bin file to upload to a NodeMCU using the ESPEasy flashing tool (instructions below).

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the ESPEasy Flashing tool here:
  2. Extract the zip file from the above link to your computer
  3. Download the .bin file for this release and place it in the same folder as the ESPEasy flashing tool.
  4. Plug in your NodeMCU using a USB Cable
  5. Run FlashESP8266.exe
  6. Select this bin file (MQTT_Blinds_WifiManager.bin) under the firmware dropdown and press "Flash"

Setup Instructions:

  1. Connect to the "Blinds Setup" wifi access point that is being broadcast by your NodeMCU
  2. Enter your WiFi SSID and Password and your MQTT Information
  3. Enter the number of rotations required for your blinds to fully open/close (12 Recommended)
  4. Press save and wire your blinds as shown in the wiring diagram on the main page of this repository.

**If you mess up your settings you can connect a wire between GND and D1 to clear the saved settings on the NodeMCU.

Updated Alexa ONLY .bin To Fix Discovery Issues.

02 Aug 02:23
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This release uses Alexa ONLY to control your blinds

This is a pre-compiled bin file to upload to a NodeMCU using the ESPEasy flashing tool (instructions below).

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the ESPEasy Flashing tool here:
  2. Extract the zip file from the above link to your computer
  3. Download the Updated_Alexa_Only_Blinds.bin file for this release and place it in the same folder as the ESPEasy flashing tool.
  4. Plug in your NodeMCU using a USB Cable
  5. Run FlashESP8266.exe
  6. Select this bin file (MQTT_Blinds_WifiManager.bin) under the firmware dropdown and press "Flash"

Setup Instructions:

  1. Connect to the "Blinds Setup" wifi access point that is being broadcast by your NodeMCU
  2. Enter your WiFi SSID and Password and your MQTT Information
  3. Enter the number of rotations required for your blinds to fully open/close (12 Recommended)
  4. Press save and wire your blinds as shown in the wiring diagram on the main page of this repository.

**If you mess up your settings you can connect a wire between GND and D1 to clear the saved settings on the NodeMCU.

SmartThings Compatible Blinds

16 Apr 03:43
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This release uses SmartThings_Anything and WiFi Manager to configure and control your blinds. You will need the SmartThings Classic App to use this release. My ST Hub is currently non-functional, so this is completely untested.

This is a pre-compiled bin file to upload to a NodeMCU using the ESPEasy flashing tool (instructions below).

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the ESPEasy Flashing tool here:
  2. Extract the zip file from the above link to your computer
  3. Download the .bin file for this release and place it in the same folder as the ESPEasy flashing tool.
  4. Plug in your NodeMCU using a USB Cable
  5. Run FlashESP8266.exe
  6. Select this bin file (SmartThings_Blinds_WifiManager.bin) under the firmware dropdown and press "Flash"

Setup Instructions:

  1. Connect to the "Blinds Setup" wifi access point that is being broadcast by your NodeMCU
  2. Enter your SmartThings Hub Information
  3. Enter the number of rotations required for your blinds to fully open/close (12 Recommended)
  4. Press save and wire your blinds as shown in the wiring diagram on the main page of this repository.
  5. Complete the rest of the SmartThings setup as described here:

**If you mess up your settings you can connect a wire between GND and D1 to clear the saved settings on the NodeMCU.