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Foresight Smart Keyboard

Smart Keyboard which intercepts your keystrokes and will help you type less, faster, and adds foresight.


Feature Name Description Status
Intercept Intercept the input events and print them
Redirect Read the input events from stdin, and write them to the event files
Device Info List kernel event devices (like evtest)
String Matching Figure out what the using is typing/editing right now
Regular Expression Use RegExp to find and replace selected/typing strings
Auto-complete Auto complete the user input
Auto-correct Auto correct
Number Scroll Shortcut + Scroll-wheel to update the number/date/color/...
Shell cmds Run shell commands
Software Detection Detect which app the user's in, so we can use custom commands
Clang Tools Use clang tools to rename variables, show assembly, ...
Config File Custom config file to customize by the user
GUI Graphical User Interface for ease of use

Help & Usage

Usage: foresight [options] [action]
    -h | --help          Print help.

    intercept [files...] Intercept the files and print everything to stdout.
       -g | --grab       Grab the input.
                         Stops everyone else from using the input.
                         Only use this if you know what you're doing!

    redirect [files...]  Redirect stdin to the specified files.

    help                 Print help.

  Example Usages:
    $ keyboard=/dev/input/event1
    $ foresight intercept $keyboard | x2y | foresight redirect $keyboard
      -----------------------------   ---   ----------------------------
        |                              |      |
        |                              |      |
        |                              |      |
        |                              |      |
        `----> Intercept the input     |      `---> put the modified input back
    $ cat x2y.c  # you can do it with any programming language you like
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <linux/input.h>

      int main(void) {
          setbuf(stdin, NULL);   // disable stdin buffer
          setbuf(stdout, NULL);  // disable stdout buffer

          struct input_event event;

          // read from the input
          while (fread(&event, sizeof(event), 1, stdin) == 1) {

              // modify the input however you like
              // here, we change "x" to "y"
              if (event.type == EV_KEY && event.code == KEY_X)
                  event.code = KEY_Y;

              // write it to stdout
              fwrite(&event, sizeof(event), 1, stdout);

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