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Aurelia components


Common useful components for the Aurelia Framework (


You can find the documentation within the source.


npm install t-systems-aurelia-components --save

Use in your Aurelia project

Since this library doesn't provide any precompiled dist/ files, you need to reference the source code in your project.

Aurelia features

Open main.ts


Direct imports

import {CacheService} from "t-systems-aurelia-components/src/service/cache-service";

Locale related features

Some extensions like date-format-value-converter or currency-value-converter support localization. To change their internal locale, use the aurelia-i18n library.

import {I18N} from 'aurelia-i18n';
import {autoinject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class App {
        private readonly _i18n:I18N
    ) {


Some of these libraries have dependencies which are not provided by this library, so please install them by yourself in your project.

npm install moment --save

If you want to use the sanitize-html-html-sanitizer value-converter:

npm install sanitize-html --save

Publish this library to NPM

  1. Enable 2FA in your account
  2. Login as user (not as organisation)
    npm login
  3. Change version in package.json
  4. Set new version tag
  5. Run
    npm publish

Developing with this library

You can develop and bundling with this library directly by adding the library repository as dependency:

git clone t-system-aurelia-components

cd your-project
npm install ../t-systems-aurelia-components

In this case you may need to install the library's dependencies first:

cd t-systems-aurelia-components
npm install bootstrap@4.4.1

Unit tests

Run jest tests with

npm test

If tests are finished an HTML report is opened automatically.
