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Unread Buddy

An Electron app that runs Slack locally, pulls out your unread messages, and summarizes them using GPT-3 so you don't have to read all of them.

This app runs and accesses Slack in a hidden browser window; no data is shared with any remote services besides the message content being summarized by OpenAI. (Message content is sent to OpenAI's API in a semi-anonymized fashion in order to summarize it.)

This app is a proof of concept and comes with no warranty or guarantees. Enjoy!

Download for Apple Silicon Mac in Releases

How It Works

The app is an Electron app, which means it's a Node.js web app that runs in a version of Chromium on your local computer. The app uses remix-electron for its basic structure, with React and Tailwind for the very lovely frontend you can see.

To get the data from Slack, the app uses puppeteer-in-electron (pie) to instrument Once you log in and establish a session (See: routes/login/$slug.tsx, storeCredentials), puppeteer waits for the Slack web client to load in a headless window (See: SlackUnreadsLoader), and issues some additional API requests to make sure message content is loaded. The app listens to Slack's internal API call results (See: SlackPageDataModel), and then gathers unread content (channels, threads and DMs) for display & summarization.

Summarizing is the easy part: We take the Slack messages pulled from the previous step and add a prompt to GPT-3, then OpenAI gives us back the summary. We do our best to maintain usernames for display in this step. Welcome to the future.

Running Locally from Source

  1. To install our app's dependencies, run the following command:

    npm install
  2. To start the app in development mode, run the dev script:

    npm run dev


The following scripts are defined in the package.json file:

  • prepare: This sets up remix dependencies after an install. Don't remove this!
  • dev: Starts the app with hot reloading. Uses nodemon to restart the app when main process files change.
  • build: Builds the app for production. Uses Electron Builder to create a distributable package.
  • start: Starts the app in production mode. Make sure you ran build first.