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TapDano Java Card Applet

About the Project

The TapDano project integrates Cardano blockchain transactions with smart card technology.

This repository hosts a Java Card applet designed to facilitate secure and efficient communication between the physical world and the Cardano blockchain.

It leverages the CTAP (Client To Authenticator Protocol) from the FIDO Alliance and NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) for communication, using the Ed25519 algorithm for generating, storing, and signing transactions, ensuring high security and compatibility with the Cardano blockchain.

Types of TapDano Tags

  • Soulbound - non-extractable private key
  • Extractable - extractable private key

Standard Return Structure

This applet provides a standard return format, regardless of whether it was just read or received a method call. The format is as follows:

  • byte[2] - 0x5444 ("TD") - to indicate a card with TapDano firmware;
  • byte[2] - version (the current is 0x0101)
  • byte[1] - IsTagBurned (0x00 = false, 0x01 = true)

If IsTagBurned = true:

  • byte[1] - Type (0x01 = Soulbound, 0x02 = Extractable)
  • byte[1] - Extract Locked (permanent lock of the private key extraction, default behavior in Soulbound tags)
  • byte[1] - PIN Locked (temporary lock with a PIN, 0x00 = false, 0x01 = true)
  • byte[32] - public or private key (if the tag is Extractable and not permanently or temporarily locked)
  • byte[28] - PolicyId, which can be set using the SetPolicyId method

If there is no temporary lock (via PIN):

  • byte[32] - two-factor key (derived from the tag's private key)
  • byte[32] - last performed signature

Key Features

  • Secure communication using APDU, CSAP (WebAuthn) or NEFF (WebNBF) protocols.
  • Transaction signing with the Ed25519 algorithm.
  • The tag can be temporarily locked using a PIN, preventing access to the private key (only possible for Extractable tags), two-factor key, and the last signature.
  • A key derived from the tag's private key can be used as a two-factor key for wallets or other apps.
  • Secure storage for private keys.


Burn Tag (0xA1)

  Creates or restores a tag TapDano on a card


  • action: byte
    • 0x01: New
    • 0x02: Restore
  • type : byte
    • 0x01: Soulbound
    • 0x02: Extractable
  • privateKey: byte[32] (only for restore)
  • publicKey: byte[32] (only for restore)

Sign Data (0xA2)

  Signs the received data and returns this signature in the "LAST_SIGNATURE" field


  • data: byte[32] - larger sizes can also be passed, but the actual limit depends on the communication protocol used (APDH, CTAT, or NDEF)

Format Tag (0xA3)

  Deletes the TapDano tag from a card, including keys and signatures related to this tag (can be enabled or disabled during installation)

Lock Tag (0xA4)

  Permanently locks the extraction of the tag's private key. This is the default behavior for Soulbound tags and cannot be undone.

Pin Lock (0xA5)

  Temporarily locks the extraction of the tag's private key, two-factor key, and the last signature using a PIN.


  • pin: byte[4] (this number can be changed)

Pin Unlock (0xA6)

  Unlocks the temporary lock via PIN


  • pin: byte[4] (this number can be changed)

Set PolicyId (0xA7)

  Stores the PolicyId


  • policyId: byte[28]

Get Memory (0xB0)

  Used only for memory tests during the development of this applet.

APDU Examples

  • 00A404000854617044616E6F0100 - Selects the TapDano Applet
  • 00 A1 00 00 02 01 01 - Executes the Burn Tag method with parameters action and type:
    • 00 - CLA
    • A1 - INS (Method Burn Tag)
    • 00 - P1
    • 00 - P2
    • 02 - Data Length
    • 01 - Parameter action
    • 01 - Parameter type

Environment Setup and Building the application

  1. Download JavacardKit: Obtain a copy of JavacardKit version 3.2 (or jckit_303 if you prefer).

  2. Set Environment Variable: Configure the JC_HOME environment variable to point to your JavacardKit directory.

    export JC_HOME=<path_to_your_jckit_directory>
  3. Run Gradle Build: Execute the following command to build the JavaCard application, which will produce a .cap file for installation.

    ./gradlew buildJavaCard


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to:

  • Submit a Pull Request: If you have a new feature idea or a bug fix.
  • Open an Issue: For bug reports or feature suggestions.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated and help make TapDano better for everyone.