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⚠️ This pod is DEPRECATED in favor of QudiaColorWheel

A color wheel/picker for watchOS based on Colorful that uses the Digital Crown as a brightness slider.

Screen Capture


TSColorWheel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TSColorWheel'


You can use TSColorWheelController in your storyboard (recommended, so you can open a full screen controller modally), or alternatively, use TSColorWheel in a SwiftUI view structure.

Usage in the Storyboard

To use TSColorWheel in the storyboard, add a new Hosting Controller and change its Custom Class as follows:

Class: TSColorWheelController
Module: TSColorWheel

Make sure to uncheck Inherit Module From Target.

Screen Capture

Usage in a SwiftUI view structure

Just use TSColorWheel as a normal SwiftUI view.

var body: some View {
    VStack {
        Text("Select a Color")


To get all the different attributes and modify the selected color from SwiftUI, initialize TSColorWheelSettings.shared as an ObservedObject:

@ObservedObject var colorWheelSettings = TSColorWheelSettings.shared

You can get/set the currently selected color with colorWheelSettings.color.

To get the border color TSColorWheel is currently using for the thumb view, use colorWheelSettings.borderColor.

To get whether a color is light or dark, use colorWheelSettings.isLightColor.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


watchOS 6.0


Tamás Sengel


TSColorWheel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.