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Codes from participation in 100DaysOfCode program by codeIn community

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I participated in 100DaysOfCode program by CodeIn Community. Started from 1st July 2022 to 8th October 2022 & below are my code for the same. I did it in 2 languages C++ and Python.

Sometimes the compiler may have an error so try the code on different compiler. Also this compiler shows error (" 'type' object is not subscriptable" ) due to adding type of data in functions you can remove those and it should work fine I have let it be there so that I know what the input expects. If there is any error in any code on local machine which has all modules installed or leetcode please do inform and I will try to correct that as soon as possible.

Table of problem solved

Day Problem Code
1 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck Code of Day 1
2 1465. Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts Code of Day 2
3 376. Wiggle Subsequence Code of Day 3
4 135. Candy Code of Day 4
5 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence Code of Day 5
6 509. Fibonacci Number : using recursion Code of Day 6
7 97. Interleaving String Code of Day 7
8 1473. Paint House III Code of Day 8
9 509. Fibonacci Number : using DP Code of Day 9
10 746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs Code of Day 10
11 198. House Robber Code of Day 11
12 45. Jump Game II Code of Day 12
13 53. Maximum Subarray Code of Day 13
14 152. Maximum Product Subarray Code of Day 14
15 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Code of Day 15
16 1567. Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product Code of Day 16
17 205. Isomorphic Strings Code of Day 17
18 206. Reverse Linked List Code of Day 18
19 96. Unique Binary Search Trees Code of Day 19
20 142. Linked List Cycle II Code of Day 20
21 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs Code of Day 21
22 86. Partition List Code of Day 22
23 445. Add Two Numbers II Code of Day 23
24 240. Search a 2D Matrix II Code of Day 24
25 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Code of Day 25
26 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Code of Day 26
27 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Code of Day 27
28 242. Valid Anagram Code of Day 28
29 890. Find and Replace Pattern Code of Day 29
30 1046. Last Stone Weight Code of Day 30
31 54. Spiral Matrix Code of Day 31
32 43. Multiply Strings Code of Day 32
33 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List Code of Day 33
34 729. My Calendar I Code of Day 34
35 543. Diameter of Binary Tree Code of Day 35
36 110. Balanced Binary Tree Code of Day 36
37 56. Merge Intervals Code of Day 37
38 8. String to Integer (atoi) Code of Day 38
39 1689. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers Code of Day 39
40 823. Binary Trees With Factors Code of Day 40
41 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Code of Day 41
42 1302. Deepest Leaves Sum Code of Day 42
43 2181. Merge Nodes in Between Zeros Code of Day 43
44 1828. Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle Code of Day 44
45 729. Word Ladder II Code of Day 45
46 13. Roman to Integer Code of Day 46
47 387. First Unique Character in a String Code of Day 47
48 804. Unique Morse Code Words Code of Day 48
49 653. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Code of Day 49
50 872. Leaf-Similar Trees Code of Day 50
51 871. Minimum Number of Refueling Stops Code of Day 51
52 807. Max Increase to Keep City Skyline Code of Day 52
53 342. Power of Four Code of Day 53
54 234. Palindrome Linked List Code of Day 54
55 326. Power of Three Code of Day 55
56 383. Ransom Note Code of Day 56
57 869. Reordered Power of 2 Code of Day 57
58 363. Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K Code of Day 58
59 1329. Sort the Matrix Diagonally Code of Day 59
60 200. Number of Islands Code of Day 60
61 48. Rotate Image Code of Day 61
62 417. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Code of Day 62
63 1448. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree Code of Day 63
64 637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree Code of Day 64
65 967. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences Code of Day 65
66 987. Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree Code of Day 66
67 429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal Code of Day 67
68 814. Binary Tree Pruning Code of Day 68
69 606. Construct String from Binary Tree Code of Day 69
70 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Code of Day 70
71 1996. The Number of Weak Characters in the Game Code of Day 71
72 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Code of Day 72
73 1383. Maximum Performance of a Team Code of Day 73
74 948. Bag of Tokens Code of Day 74
75 393. UTF-8 Validation Code of Day 75
76 1457. Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree Code of Day 76
77 2007. Find Original Array From Doubled Array Code of Day 77
78 1770. Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations Code of Day 78
79 336. Palindrome Pairs Code of Day 79
80 42. Trapping Rain Water Code of Day 80
81 609. Find Duplicate File in System Code of Day 81
82 718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Code of Day 82
83 985. Sum of Even Numbers After Queries Code of Day 83
84 557. Reverse Words in a String III Code of Day 84
85 1680. Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers Code of Day 85
86 113. Path Sum II Code of Day 86
87 622. Design Circular Queue Code of Day 87
88 990. Satisfiability of Equality Equations Code of Day 88
89 838. Push Dominoes Code of Day 89
90 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List Code of Day 90
91 658. Find K Closest Elements Code of Day 91
92 218. The Skyline Problem Code of Day 92
93 91. Decode Ways Code of Day 93
94 1155. Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum Code of Day 94
95 1578. Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful Code of Day 95
96 112. Path Sum Code of Day 96
97 623. Add One Row to Tree Code of Day 97
98 981. Time Based Key-Value Store Code of Day 98
99 732. My Calendar III Code of Day 99
100 16. 3Sum Closest Code of Day 100


Codes from participation in 100DaysOfCode program by codeIn community






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