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DEPRECATED React component for rendering low (and soon high!) volume data tables


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Simple Super Table

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React component for rendering low volume data tables (~500). Provides search, sort and csv export for free.


  • Sticky headers
  • Cache search results.


The component is exported as per UMD. It can be included using the <script> tag or require'd like any other react component. The examples below use the es6 import syntax.


The component accepts the below props.


Optional, string. Title of the table.


Required, array of objects. Each key in the object is a column. The object structure should be consistent across all the rows.

const data = [
  {col1: 1, col2: 'b', col3: 'c'},
  {col1: 2, col2: 'b', col3: 'c'},
  {col1: 3, col2: 'b', col3: 'c'},
  {col1: 4, col2: 'b', col3: 'c'},
  {col1: 5, col2: 'b', col3: 'c'},
// ...


Required, array of objects. Orders the column to display and each key value pair specifies the column key and the corresponding label for that column. columns can be nested to render spanned headers.

const columns = [
  {col1: 'Column 1'},
  {col2: 'Column 2'},
  {col3: 'Something else'},

const nestedColumns = [
  {col1: 'Column 1'},
    span: 'Column 2',
    columns: [
      {col2: 'A'},
      {col3: 'B'},


Optional, array of objects. Specify the columns to include for download. Use the same syntax as 'columns' prop without nested headers. Defaults to columns.


Required, function. Called for each row, with the row data (object for the corresponding row) to generate a unique identifier for that row.

const primaryKeyGen = function primaryKeyGen(rowData) {
  return rowData['col1'];


Required, Key-Value pairs to specify widths. Widths are absolute point numbers.

const columnWidths = {
  col1: 100,
  col2: 250,
  col3: 500,


Optional, object. Custom sorting functions for columns. Expects the key to be column keys and values to be functions. The function will be invoked with rows and the column key. The function has to return the ordered rows in ascending order.

const columnSorters = {
  col1: function(data, colKey) {
    return sortedRows;


Optional, object. Custom renderer functions for columns. Expects the key to be column keys and values to be functions. The function will be invoked with column data, row data, column key and filter text.

const columnRenderers = {
  col1: function(colData, rowData, colKey, filterText) {
    // text or react component.  
    return <h1>colData</h1>;


Optional, object. Custom renderer functions for column headers. Expects the key to be column keys and values to be functions. The function will be invoked with column key, sort ascending, and the width of the column.

const headerRenderers = {
  col1: function(colKey, sortAscending, colWidth) {
    return <h1>Col 1</h1>;


Optional, function. Return a CSS class for the given row. The function will be invoked for each row with the corresponding row data.

const rowClassGetter = function rowClassGetter(rowData) {
  return 'my-own-class';


Optional, function. Return a CSS class for the given column. The function will be invoked for each column with the corresponding column data, row data and column key.

const columnClassGetter = function columnClassGetter(colData, rowData, colKey) {
  return 'my-own-class';


Optional, function. Sets a handler for row click events. The handler will be invoked with row data.

const rowClickHandler = function(rowData) {
  // ...Event handling logic...


Optional, function. Sets a handler for column click events. The handler will be invoked with column data, row data, column key. Specify an event handler for column click will cause the row click handler to be ignored.

const colClickHandler = function(colData, rowData, colKey) {
  // ...Event handling logic...  


Optional, string. Column key that should be used for sorting the table upfront. Defaults to the first column specified in columns props.


Optional, boolean. Set true to sort in the ascending direction upfront. Defaults to true.


Optional array. Array of strings. Specify the column keys of the sortable columns, defaults to everything. To disable sorting, pass an empty array.

const sortableColumns = ['col1', 'col2'];


Optional array. Array of strings. Specify the colKeys of the filterable columns, defaults to everything. To disable sorting, pass an empty array. Filters use a regular expression match, numerical columns are converted to string before filtering.

const filterableColumns = ['col1', 'col2'];


Optional object. Key value pair of messages to override with custom strings.

const messages = {
  'No data': 'My custom no data message',
  'No matching data': 'My custom no matching data message',
  'Filter': 'My custom filter message',

Exposed CSS classes

Class Combination Element(s)
.simple-super-table Main container
.title Title
.filter Filter input box
.col.{colKey} Each column in header and body
.row Each row in body
.row-clickable Main container, when onRowClick handler
is defined and onColumnClick is not defined.
.col-clickable Main container, when onColumnClick is defined
.sortable Columns in header which are sortable
.sorted.{asc/desc} The header column by which the data has been sorted
.filter-text-highlight Child element of a column rendered by filter text highlight column renderer
.highlight Text spans to be highlighted inside .filter-text-highlight

Bundled column renderers

The project bundles commonly used column renderers. You can compose them inside other renderers or use them as is.


Renders a horizontal bar. To create a new renderer, pass minValue, maxValue, width, height, a color mapper function and a data formatter function. The color mapper and data formatter functions will be invoked with the column data and row data.

const myBarRenderer = SimpleSuperTable.columnRenderers.barRenderer(0, 250, 100, 20, () => '#ffff00', (colData) => colData);
// will return a bar which expects values in the range [0, 250], 100px wide, 20px tall and filled with '#ffff00' color.

Basic table

import SimpleSuperTable from 'simple-super-table';
// CommonJS:
// const SimpleSuperTable = require('simple-super-table').default;

const data = [
  {col1: 1, col2: 'a'},
  {col1: 2, col2: 'b'},

const columns = [
  {col1: 'Index'},
  {col2: 'Alpha'},

const primaryKeyGen = function primaryKeyGen(rowData) {
  return rowData['col1'];  

const YourComponent extends React.component {
  render() {
    return (




Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC BY 3.0
Icon made by Dave Gandy from is licensed under CC BY 3.0


The project is written in JS es6 and uses webpack for packaging stuff. Io.js is required to run the tests and build the project. npm run build-dist creates the distribution build, do this everytime you make changes to the project. npm start starts the playground app, from app.js and index.html. Styles are defined in src/style.less.


DEPRECATED React component for rendering low (and soon high!) volume data tables







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Contributors 4
