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A nice POC with VUE + Module Federation + Jest + Cypress + tailwind + TS

About this project 💭

A POC to present a way to expose micro-frontends using a modern approch.
Module Federation brings new ways of using and share code to multiple apps regardless they frameworks.

I created here some basic unit and e2e test to show a real life approach.
Take a time to view VUE documentation and Webpack to fully undestand all concepts behing the scenes.
Links bellow:

VUE documentation
Module Federation plugin


VUE Webpack 5 ( module federation plugin) Typescript Jest Cypress Tailwind

Project setup 👨🏻‍💻

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development ☕

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production 📦

yarn build

Run your unit tests 🧪

yarn test:unit

Run your end-to-end tests 🧪

yarn test:e2e

Lints and fixes files 🎈

yarn lint