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U-LPT00135\sumeetc edited this page Jan 2, 2016 · 1 revision


Authentication and authorization support with the help of Roles is provided by the framework to support file based or custom security support

Security Providers need to be configured which define the login URL, the logout URL, the welcome URL after successful login and the protected resource list. The default username and password field names are,


The username and password fields can be passed in via query parameters, form parameters, header parameters or Authentication header.

  1. File Based Security

    The users file containing the username, password and role



     			<provider name="defProvider" logoutUrl="/logout">
     				<username from="reqparam" name="username"/> 
     				<password from="reqparam" name="password"/> 
     				<login-handler provider="file:users" path="login.html" />
     				<welcome file="index.html" />
     				<secure path="/public/*" role="ROLE_ANONYMOUS" />
     				<secure path="/rest/*" role="ROLE_USER" />

    Username field = username
    Username position = request parameter
    Password field = password
    Password position = request parameter
    The login URL = /login.html
    The logout URL = /logout
    Welcom File = /index.html
    Provider = File (users)
    Protected Resources = /public/* and /rest/*

  2. Class Based Security

    XML Based


     #ifndef DefaultSecurityProvider_H_
     #define DefaultSecurityProvider_H_
     #include <iostream>
     #include "AuthController.h"
     class DefaultSecurityProvider : public AuthController {
     	bool authenticate(const string& user, const string& password);
     	string getUserRole(const string& username);
     	bool isInitialized();


     #include "DefaultSecurityProvider.h"
     bool DefaultSecurityProvider::authenticate(const string& username, const string& password)
     	cout << "Username is " << username << ", Password is " << password << endl;
     	return true;
     string DefaultSecurityProvider::getUserRole(const string& username)
     	cout << "Username is " << username << endl;
     	return "ROLE_USER";
     bool DefaultSecurityProvider::isInitialized()
     	return true;


     			<provider name="defProvider" logoutUrl="/logout">
     				<username from="reqparam" name="username"/> 
     				<password from="reqparam" name="password"/> 
     				<login-handler provider="class:DefaultSecurityProvider" path="login.html" />
     				<welcome file="index.html" />
     				<secure path="/public/*" role="ROLE_ANONYMOUS" />
     				<secure path="/rest/*" role="ROLE_USER" />

    Marker Based


     #ifndef DefaultSecurityProvider_H_
     #define DefaultSecurityProvider_H_
     #include <iostream>
     #include "AuthController.h"
     #pragma @SecurityProvider providerName="defProvider" url="/login" welcomefile="index.html" \
     	usernamefld="user" usernamefrom="header" passwordfld="pass" passwordfrom="header"
     class DefaultSecurityProvider : public AuthController {
     	bool authenticate(const string& user, const string& password);
     	string getUserRole(const string& username);
     	bool isInitialized();


     #include "DefaultSecurityProvider.h"
     bool DefaultSecurityProvider::authenticate(const string& username, const string& password)
     	cout << "Username is " << username << ", Password is " << password << endl;
     	return true;
     string DefaultSecurityProvider::getUserRole(const string& username)
     	cout << "Username is " << username << endl;
     	return "ROLE_USER";
     bool DefaultSecurityProvider::isInitialized()
     	return true;
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