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POWSC: A computational tool for power evaluation and sample size estimation in scRNA-seq

POWSC is a R package designed for scRNA-seq with a wild range of usage. It can play three roles: parameter estimator, data simulator, and power assessor. As the parameter estimator, POWSC accurately captures the characterized parameters (Fig.B) for any specific cell type from a given real expression data (Fig.A). As the data simulator, POWSC generates sythetic data (Fig.C) based on a rigorous simulation mechanism incluidng zero expression values. As the power assessor, POWSC performs comprehensive power analysis and reports the stratified targeted powers (Fig.D) for two forms of DE genes. A schemetic overview of the aglorithm is shown in (Fig.E). All the copyrights are explaned by Kenong Su and Dr. Wu's lab workflow

This tutorial introduces the basic functionalities of POWSC. Please use the vignette("POWSC") to review more detailed package vignette. It is worth noting that one might need pre-install dependent R packages such as MAST, SC2P, and SummarizedExperiment.

The corresponding paper can be found here:


How to get help for POWSC

Any POWSC questions should be posted to the GitHub Issue section of POWSC homepage at

1. Software Installation

install_github("suke18/POWSC", build_vignettes = T, dependencies = T)
R CMD INSTALL POWSC_0.1.0.tar.gz # Alternatively, use this command line in the terminal.

2. Code Snippets

(1). parameter estimation for one cell type case

sce = es_mef_sce[, colData(es_mef_sce)$cellTypes == "fibro"]
est_Paras = Est2Phase(sce)

(2). the first scenairo of two-group comparison

sim_size = c(100, 400, 1000) # A numeric vector
pow_rslt = runPOWSC(sim_size = sim_size, est_Paras = est_Paras,per_DE=0.05, DE_Method = "MAST", Cell_Type = "PW") # Note, using our previous developed tool SC2P is faster.
plot_POWSC(pow_rslt, Form="II", Cell_Type = "PW") # Alternatively, we can use Form="I"
summary_POWSC(pow_rslt, Form="II", Cell_Type = "PW")

(3). the second scenairo of multi-group comparisons. The sample data can be found here:

sim_size = 1000
cell_per = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5)
load("pathto/GSE67835.RData") #data("GSE67835")
col = colData(sce)
exprs = assays(sce)$counts
(tb = table(colData(sce)$Patients, colData(sce)$cellTypes))
# use AB_S7 patient as example and take three cell types: astrocytes hybrid and neurons
estParas_set = NULL
celltypes = c("oligodendrocytes", "hybrid", "neurons")
for (cp in celltypes){
    ix = intersect(grep(cp, col$cellTypes), grep("AB_S7", col$Patients))
    tmp_mat = exprs[, ix]
    tmp_paras = Est2Phase(tmp_mat)
    estParas_set[[cp]] = tmp_paras
pow_rslt = runPOWSC(sim_size = sim_size, est_Paras = estParas_set,per_DE=0.05, DE_Method = "MAST",multi_Prob = cell_per, Cell_Type = "Multi")
plot_POWSC(pow_rslt, Form="I", Cell_Type = "Multi")
summary_POWSC(pow_rslt, Form="II", Cell_Type = "Multi")


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