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User registration

Timur Zununbekov edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 5 revisions


  1. Kurjun authorisation uses gpg key pairs, so first, you should have keys in your system. Generate it if you don't have one

gpg --gen-key

  1. Export gpg public key

gpg --armor --export <user>

  1. Go here and "Add user" with public key from previous step:

  1. Take "auth id" from Kurjun response and write it to file

  2. Generate .asc by signing file with auth id using following command:

gpg --armor -u <user> --clearsign <auth id file>

  1. Copy your fingerprint from and go to login page:

  1. Paste your fingerprint into "fingerprint" line and text from .asc to "Message" field, press "Login"

After that you will be able to upload your files


  1. Please use proper repositories for your files - deb packages to "apt repo", subutai templates to "Template repo", anything else - "raw file"
  2. After upload, please remove "eu0." part from link to file
  3. You cannot remove files that were uploaded by another user
  4. Before uploading new file, it's better to remove previous version of this file
  5. If you don't see new file after upload or you receiving old version instead of new one, most probable reason here is cache. If it is urgent - ask sysnet to flush the CDN cache
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