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View framework agnostic react-router-redux :)



npm install router-redux --save


First you need to pass routerReducer to your own reducer with routing key.

// In reducers/index.js
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
import {routerReducer} from 'router-redux';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  routing: routerReducer // HERE

export default rootReducer;

Next you need to pass routerMiddleware to your createStore function. Then create and export router.

// In example/store.js
import createRouter, {routerMiddleware} from 'router-redux';

import reducer from './reducers/index.js';
const middlewares = [routerMiddleware];
const store = createStore(reducer, compose(

export const router = createRouter(store);

Then router enables you to pushState/popState based routing with redux.

// Get your exported router
import {router} from 'example/store.js';}

// Get router selector from router-redux
import {
} from 'router-redux';

// Register onError first (if you need to catch routing error)
router.onError(({state, dispatch}) => {
  const routeError = getRouteError(state); // will extract error message from state.
  console.log('routeError.message = ', routeError.message);
  // You can navigate user to error page or call any other redux action.

// Called when user entered to path(/)
const onEnter = ({state}, cb) => {
  console.log('[top]loading ...', state);
  setTimeout(() => {
    // User's navigation action will blocked untill `cb` called.
    console.log('[top]timer fired');
    // If you call `cb` with falsy value or Error object,
    // Router-redux will emit router's onError. and stop routing to path(/).
    // cb(new Error('[top]thrown error'));
  }, 1000);

// Called when user leave from path(/)
const onLeave = ({state}) => {

// Simple component to render.
const Top = () => {
  return <h1>top</h1>;

router.on('/', <Top onEnter={onEnter} onLeave={onLeave}/>)

see example/components for full example.

  • /react -> example of React with JSX plugin.
  • /vidom -> example of vidom plugin.
  • /snabbdom -> example of snabbdom
  • other files are common redux files(actions/reducers/store)



router-redux's middleware function for redux. You need to register it in your createStore function.

// In store.js
import createRouter, {routerMiddleware} from 'router-redux';

import reducer from './reducers/index.js';
const middlewares = [routerMiddleware];
const store = createStore(reducer, compose(

export const router = createRouter(store);


router-redux's reducer function for redux. You need to register it in your combineReducers function.

// In reducers/index.js
import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
import {routerReducer} from 'router-redux';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  routing: routerReducer // here

export default rootReducer;


When you import router-redux, it gives you createRouter, You need to pass store to routerCreator, and it returns router for later use.

  • export const router = createRouter(store)

Optionally you can pass history to createRouter like below.

import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
const history = createHistory({basename: '/router-redux'});
export const router = createRouter(store, {history})


Will created by routerCreator above. router will handle these basic router operation.

  • register your render/onEnter/onLeave function to the router using router.on(path, handler)
  • navigate to other route using router.push and other history API based action replace/go/back/forward

router.on(path, handler)

  • will register your render function to router.
  • path can includes path parameter like (/foo/:id) and path can be '*'(wildcard) for default route.
  • handler will accepts these value.
    • router.on(path, {render, onEnter, onLeave}) -> is formal syntax.
    • router.on(path, <Component onEnter={onEnter} onLeave={onLeave}/>) -> is jsx version of formal syntax
    • router.on(path, fn) -> will call passed function as render function.
  • if current location matches passed path then router.on will call passed onEnter as initial route.
  • If you specify path parameter to path, router-redux will set route and params properties in route object(please refer selectors section).
  • handler({state, dispatch}, [callback])
  • Called when user navigated to path by pushState/popState or directly(by browser's url bar)
  • Handler will block routing until callback function is called. (This is useful for Authentication or Load page related data via ajax)
  • If you call callback function with falsy value(or Error object). router-redux will call router.onError and cancel navigation. (this is useful for handling un-authorized response or Server error)
  • If you omit callback function then your onEnter result will not affect to further navigation(become asynchronous).
  • If you navigate to /foo/1 from /, your state.routing in onEnter function will looks like below.
Key Value
current current route (/)
next next route (/foo/1)
last previous route
  • handler({state, dispatch})
  • Called when user navigated from path by pushState/popState
  • onLeave is called only user navigated from path after initialRouteResolved, it means you need to bind onEnter callback to use onLeave.
  • If you navigate to /foo/1 from /, Your state.routing in onLeave function will looks like below.
Key Value
current current route (/)
next null
last previous route


  • handler({state, dispatch})
  • Called when routeError occurred in router.onEnter
  • You can get actual routeError using getRouteError selector.


  • router.render()
  • After register your routes using router.on(path, handler) you need to call router.render to render component based on current route(location).
  • if not route matches current location then router will render * route as a default route.
import {
} from 'example/store.js'

import {
} from 'router-redux';

router.on('/', <Top onEnter={onEnter} onLeave={onLeave}/>)

const render = inject(({state}) => {
  if (getIsLoading(state)) {
    return <h1>loading ...</h1>
  return router.render();


  • Create push/replace internal action with path.
  • When you call push/replace action. router'redux will call pushState/replaceState of history API


  • Create go/back/forward internal action.
  • When you dispatch go/back/forward action. router'redux will call go/back/forward of history API


  • Will extracts value from your state. You can use selectors with reselect if you like.
  • route has these properties
    • pathname(String): /foo/1 // path
    • search(String): sample=true // Query param. you can use third-party library( to parse query.
    • params(Object): {id: 1} // Matched params(declared in onEnter)
    • route(String): /foo/:id // Matched route(declared in onEnter)


  • Extracts current route from state


  • Extracts last route from state


  • Extracts next route from state


  • Extracts routeError from state
  • routeError become true or Error(truthy value) when you call onEnter handler's callback with falsy value or Error object.


  • Extracts isLoading from state
  • isLoading become true after onEnter called and until onEnter resolved(by call cb).
  • This is useful to implement page loading animation.


1. Clone this repo

git clone
cd ./router-redux

2. Install dependencies

  • Caddy (Web server for Development)
  • jspm@beta (For package management/build)
brew install caddy
npm install jspm@beta -g
npm i
jspm i

3. Run example app


# Open link.
open http://localhost:3000