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Squid Archive Registry


Archive Registry is now deprecated:

A community-owned registry of Squid archives in a json format.

Usage of @subsquid/archive-registry

The registry is available as an npm package @subsquid/archive-registry. It can be used to conveniently access registry files and e.g. lookup a Squid Archive or EVM Squid Archive by network name.

Listing the available networks

Use the included squid-archive-registry executable to list supported networks:

$ squid-archive-registry --help
Usage: run [options]

Display list of available archives

  -t --type <type>  Network type (choices: "evm", "substrate")
  -h, --help        display help for command

Substrate archives

The first argument is the name of the network. The second argument is set of lookup filters of type LookupOptionsSubstrate.

import { lookupArchive } from '@subsquid/archive-registry'

const processor = new SubstrateProcessor()
    archive: lookupArchive("kusama"), 

More accurate way to choose from Substrate networks is to specify type parameter inside options for the function. By default type is set to Substrate.

const processor = new SubstrateProcessor()
    archive: lookupArchive("kusama", { type: "Substrate" }), 

LookupOptionsSubstrate supports additional filtering by genesis hash, archive version (semver range) and docker image names (of archive and archive gateway).

There is also a convenience method to get network information by its name:

  // ...
    archive: lookupArchive("kusama", { genesis: "0xb0a8d493285c2df73290dfb7e61f870f17b41801197a149ca93654499ea3dafe" }), 

EVM archives

Similar to Substrate archive: first argument is the name of the network, second one is a set of lookup filters of type LookupOptionsEVM.

import { lookupArchive } from '@subsquid/archive-registry'

const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    archive: lookupArchive("avalanche"), 

LookupOptionsEVM supports additional filtering by release type:

There is also a convenience method to get network information by its name:

  // ...
    archive: lookupArchive("avalanche", { type: "EVM", release: "FireSquid" }), 

What is a Squid Archive?

Squid Archive provides easy access to the historical on-chain data with little modifications. It is essential for Substrate Squid pipelines or EVM Squid pipelines. It can also be used on its own as a GraphQL-based block explorer with powerful filtering and search capabilities over historical events and transactions.

How to use an Archive?

The primary use case of a Squid Archive is to serve data to a Substrate Squid Processor or EVM Squid Processor.

The urls are not supposed to be accessed with a browser. To explore the endpoint with an interactive and human-friendly console, use explorerUrl field in archives.json (only for substrate archives).

For example, for exploring Kusama historical data, one can inspect archives.json and local Kusama explorer at One can open the GraphQL playground by navigating to this url and use the pane on right hand side to filter (where:) and pick the fields of interest.

For example, the following query will return details on the last 10 transfers:

query RecentBalancesTransfers {
  events(orderBy: block_height_DESC, where: {name_eq: "Balances.Transfer"}, limit: 10) {
    call {
    block {

How to contribute

To contribute a new archive, make a PR updating archives.json or archives-evm.json specifying the network name and the url. Further, one has to regenerate types in src/chains.ts by running npm run gen-types. This will update the list of supported chain names and makes it easier to developers to discover which lookups will succeed at compile time.


A community-owned registry of Squid archives







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