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Realtime Collaborative Document Editor

This is the client application for Docsync, a real-time collaborative cross-platform document editor available on Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop.


Tech Stack


Flutter, Dart, Riverpod, Retrofit, Dio, Quill, Socket.IO, Freezed, GoRouter


Typescript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Socket.IO, Docker, Grafana, Prometheus , AWS S3, EC2

Backend Repo Link: Docsync server
Backend API Docs: API Documentation

Key features:

  • User authentication and access control
  • Realtime collaborative editing using Socket.IO
  • Document CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations
  • User profiles and management
  • Cross-platform
  • Build using clean architecture


  • Flutter SDK
  • Dart SDK

Getting Started

  1. Installation

    # Clone the repo
    git clone
    cd doc-sync
    # Install dependencies
    flutter pub get
  2. Create .env file at project level and add below data in it:

  3. Run below command to create generator files:

    dart run build_runner build
  4. Run the program

    # Run the app
    flutter run

Supported Platforms:

  • Desktop (currently available)
  • Android (currently available)
  • iOS
  • Web

License: MIT