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Build and deploy to gh-pages

An interactive visualization of the IWR and its activities


Implemented in javascript and SVG using svg.js

Online preview

On every commit to the main branch:

How to deploy

How to build and view locally

Initial setup:

  • clone this repo
    • git clone
    • cd iwr-interactive-visualization
  • (optional) install pre-commit to auto-format code
    • pip install pre-commit
    • pre-commit install
  • install pnpm
    • windows: iwr -useb | iex
    • linux/macOS: curl -fsSL | sh -
  • install website dependencies
    • pnpm install

To build from source, start local http-server, open website in browser, monitor & re-build modified source files:

  • pnpm start

Other commands:

  • remove any existing build
    • pnpm run clean
  • build website in dist folder
    • pnpm run build
  • start a http-server serving files from the dist folder at http://localhost:8080/ & open in browser
    • pnpm run serve
  • monitor changes to source code & automatically re-build modified files
    • pnpm run autobuild