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Graphic Design Theory - Typography 🎨

Welcome to the Graphic Design Theory Series: Typography! This repository contains the notes and key takeaways from the course created by Martin Perhiniak. Dive into the world of fonts and typography, and learn how to use them effectively in your designs.

Course Overview 📚

In this course, we explore the realm of typography, focusing on critical principles that define and enhance your design's message. Whether you're a designer or simply a lover of great typography, this course will be a joy to explore.

Who is This Course For? 🎯

  • Designers: Master fundamental elements that will elevate your creative career.
  • Typography Enthusiasts: Enjoy a deep dive into the nuances of fonts and their impact on design.
  • Anyone Interested in Design: Gain a critical eye for typography and learn to avoid common pitfalls.

Why Take This Course? 🤔

Typography is more than just choosing a font—it's about creating harmony, legibility, and visual interest in your compositions. This course will help you:

  • Avoid visual disharmony and legibility issues
  • Develop a critical eye for font selection and adjustment
  • Stand out as a designer with refined typography skills

What You'll Learn 📝

  1. Effective Type Picking & Pairing 🔤
  • How to select and pair fonts that complement each other and enhance your design.
  1. Type Anatomy & Classification 📏
  • Key terms in type anatomy and how to classify different typefaces.
  1. Typefaces vs. Fonts, Calligraphy & Lettering ✍️
  • Understanding the differences and how each plays a role in design.
  1. Text Alignment, Grids & Positioning 📐
  • Best practices for aligning text, using grids, and positioning text with images.
  1. Professional Font Customization ✂️
  • Techniques for customizing fonts to perfect your designs.
  1. Creating Visual Interest & Controlling Perception 👀
  • Methods to make your typography visually appealing and guide the viewer’s attention.
  1. Common Typography Mistakes & Avoidance 🚫
  • Learn the pitfalls to avoid in typography and how to correct them.
  1. Choosing Text Color 🎨
  • The golden rules for selecting text colors that enhance readability.
  1. Adobe Design Applications Shortcuts ⚡
  • Useful keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow in Adobe design tools.

Practical Application 🛠️

  • Throughout the course, you’ll analyze various design examples, from posters and book covers to websites and mobile apps.
  • See the principles in action and understand how to apply them in your own work.

Feel free to explore the notes and apply what you learn to your design projects. Happy designing! 🚀

Enroll in this course