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Awesome authentication project demo

  • React
  • MaterialUI 4
  • Firebase Authentication (Email/Password)
  • React Hook Forms
  • Typescript (My first project using TS)
  • React Router 5
  • Context API


  • Login route - "/"
  • Signup route - "/signup"
  • Authenticated route - "/dashboard"


  • UI for Login/Signup | done
  • Implement authentication - login/signup | done
  • Form/Input validation (client side) | done
  • Error handling | done
  • React Helmet | done
  • 404 routes handling | done

Awesome authentication project

The project has some setup but still requires some efforts to make it awesome. Therefore, we need someone to help us to make it production ready.

Note: This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Returning your solution

  • Make a copy of this repository in your github/bitbucket/gitlab account.
  • Make changes, commit them, and push them into your repository.
  • Share us the url of your source code and deployed url link after completion.


  • To help you, all the necessary packages are already specified in the package.json
  • Run app locally in development mode using yarn && yarn start.
  • Launch the test runner in the interactive watch mode using yarn test.
  • Build the app for production to the build folder using yarn build.


Attempting all the questions is not a must however, your efforts will be rewarded. Note:- Exercise 1, 2 and 3 are mandatory.

Hints: Use material design for the ui and feel free to use your own ideas for the design.

[1] Create register form for user account creation

  • The form should include Email, password and confirm password fields.
  • Include validations for the fields, for example email (must be a valid email) and, password (must be at least 8 characters long and include at least a number and an alphabet) and also match with confirm password field.
  • Show success message on registration success and navigate user to login page
  • You can use browser local storage to persist the users account information.

[2] Build login form so that user can login using the credentials from exercise [1].

  • Add email and password field in the login form with field validations.
  • On successful login the user will be greeted with welcome message and navigated to the authenticated page.
  • Keep in mind, the authenticated page is not accessible if the user is not logged in.

[3] Deploy to netlify

  • Deploy your app to netlify/heroku

[4] Testing

[5] Documentation

  • Remember to update the README

[6] Docker

  • Make the app run in the docker


Auth app using React And Material UI And Firebase Auth







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