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sklover edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 12 revisions

What we have added:
- fixed bugs
- Pagination
- db normalization
- cleaned up css
- added templating
- Create the ability to run multiple games simultaneously (running on the same DB rather than different ones) and codeinstance..

Wish list / Ideas on the table:
- Allow moderator to change the number of people a zombie can feed, rather than having it hardcoded.
- allow moderators to change the global starve rather than it hardcoded at 48 hours
- allow moderators to change the amount of zombies to feed from a kill
- team chat (shoutboxes for the zombie team and the human team to communicate independently)
- Ability to ban users and have a ban list
- Add user privileges (super user, organizer, player)
- Maybe add the ability to create missions and add them into a game. That way there is a log of various missions for future reference and ease of generating the email and sending it out to players.

- Add a display of past and current games to the front end so players know what is going and what the group has done before and even show upcoming games based on the created games.

- Add a cron tab to organize when automated events occur and perhaps adding a type of poor man’s cron for those that cannot or do not know how to set up a cron tab on their server.

Ability to have a user account and just sign up for different games (without having to re-register every time)
– This will have an added benefit of the user seeing their playing history throughout that group’s time
– And this can be used to check that a user can only sign up for one game at a time, if there are ever multiple games going on in the same group.

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