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Deprecated . If you are using it, please consider migrating to node-mysql2


Mysql client module for node.js, written in JavaScript. No other mysql runtime required.

Build Status


npm install mysql-native


Check out the google group for questions/answers from users of the driver.


var db = require("mysql-native").createTCPClient(); // localhost:3306 by default
db.auto_prepare = true;
function dump_rows(cmd)
   cmd.addListener('row', function(r) { console.dir(r); } );

db.auth("test", "testuser", "testpass");
dump_rows(db.query("select 1+1,2,3,'4',length('hello')"));
dump_rows(db.execute("select 1+1,2,3,'4',length(?)", ["hello"]));

output is: row: [ 2, 2, 3, "4", 5] row: [ 2, 2, 3, "4", 5]


  • commands are pipelined
  • types are converted mysql<->javascript according to field type
  • prepared statements are cached and auto-prepared
  • row packet ( query ) and binary row packet ( execute ) handled transparently equal


Module Functions

  • createClient(socket) - create client from duplex stream (TODO: add default path to local server socket)
  • createTCPClient(host, port) - create tcp client, default host, port 3306
  • createUNIXClient(path) - connect to unix domain socket, default is /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Client Functions

All commands fire 'end'() event at the end of command executing.

  • auth(db, user, pass) - perform mysql connection handshake. Should be always a first command (TODO: add default user/pass if missing?). Events: 'authorized'(serverStatus) event.

  • query(sql) - simple query. Events: 'field'(field) - one for each field description 'fields_eof'() - after last field 'row'(rows) - array of field values, fired for each row in result set

  • client.prepre(sql) - prepare a statement and store result in client.pscache Events: 'prepared'(preparedStatement) 'parameter'(field) - input parameter description

  • execute(sql, parameters) - parameters is an array of values. Known types are sent in appropriate mysql binary type (TODO: currently this is not true, type is always string and input converted using param.toString() ) Events: same as with query()

  • client.close - create and enqueue corresponding command

  • client.execute also adds prepare command if there is no cached statement and client.auto_prepare set to true (TODO: add better api than client.auto_prepare flag)

  • client.terminate - close conection immediately


  • buffers


MySql protocol documentation:

Other node.js mysql clients:

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