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This repo includes solutions for assigned sheets & contests during problem solving boot camp training. For each problem,there is a read-me file that contains problem statement, constrains & samples for expected input & output.

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It is an extinsive bootcamp training in problem solving under supervesion of Coach Mohamed Abd El-wahab.

This Repo will include solutions for sheets & contests that will be assigned periodically.

Repo Will Have 4 Main Directories


Level I

Practice On Programing Concepts in C++

Level I directory will have sheets & contests int the following topics:

  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Functions
  • Recursion
  • Complexity analysis
  • Dynamic memory
  • Bitmasks


Level II

Competitive Programming I

Level II directory will have sheets & contests int the following topics:

  • STLs
  • Complete Search
  • Sorting Algorithms
  • Greedy
  • Static Range Queries
  • Binary Search & 2-Pointers
  • Modular Arithmetic
  • Binary Exponentiation
  • Mod inverse using Fermat's little theorem
  • Primes & Factors, GCD & LCM
  • Sieve of Eratosthenes & Basics of Counting
  • Graph Terminology & Representation
  • Graph Traversal Algorithms
  • Graph applications


Level III

Competitive Programming II

Level III directory will have sheets & contests int the following topics:

  • Union-Find Disjoint Sets & MST
  • SSSP (Dijkstra & Bellman)
  • Floyd–Warshall
  • Iterative Dynamic Programming
  • Recursive Dynamic Programming
  • Dynamic Programming, Memory Reduction Trick
  • Hashing & Rabin-Karp
  • Z Algorithms & KMP
  • Trie, Dynamic Programming & KMP
  • Sparse Table
  • Lowest Common Ancestor
  • Binary Indexed Tree
  • Segment Tree
  • Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation
  • Square Root Decomposition & MO's algorithm


Level V

Competitive Programming III

Level V directory will have sheets & contests int the following topics:

  • Computational Geometry
  • Combinatorics
  • Probability & DP on Probability
  • Trees
  • Bi-Connected Component
  • Suffix Array & LCP
  • Matrix Exponentiation
  • Eulerian Graph
  • Strongly Connected Component & 2-SAT
  • Network Flow
  • Dynamic Programming (DAGs & Trees)
  • Dynamic Programming on DS
  • Binary Indexed Tree – Multidimensional
  • Binary Indexed Tree – Range Update
  • Segment Tree – Dynamic
  • Persistent Segment Tree
  • Game Theory

Note, All The solutions have a readme file that contain problem statment, problem constarains and samples for input & output of the problem.


This repo includes solutions for assigned sheets & contests during problem solving boot camp training. For each problem,there is a read-me file that contains problem statement, constrains & samples for expected input & output.







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