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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Usage

About The Project

Project Overview

  • Chat with AI:

    • Users can interact with an AI chatbot, asking questions and receiving responses in a natural language format.
  • Tour Generation:

    • Users can enter a place name.
    • The AI will generate a one-day tour itinerary for that place.
    • The tour itinerary includes a list of attractions and an image of the place.
  • Saved Tours:

    • Users can view a list of their previously generated tours.
    • They can also access and view the details of each tour.
  • Token Management:

    • Each user has a limited number of tokens available.
    • Tokens are consumed with each chat message sent and tour generation request.
    • Users are notified of the number of tokens available after each request.
    • They can view their available token amount in the profile section also.
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Built With

This web app is developed using the following:


  • All communication with the database and external APIs (Gemini and Unsplash) is handled in Server Actions.

  • The authentication of users is managed by Clerk.

  • Chat

    • The user enters a message and this is passed to the Gemini's sendMessage function.
    • The received response and previous messages are then displayed to the user.
    • This API internally manages the current chat session context, so we don't need to pass historical messages along with the current message.
    • The response output is restricted to 100 tokens for now.
  • New Tour:

    • User enters a city and its country.
    • If this place is already present in the database, then the tour is returned from the database directly.
    • If it is not present in the database, we create a prompt in which we ask Gemini to create a one-day tour and return the response in a specific JSON format.
    • If Gemini can generate a tour and returns the response in the specified JSON format, we call the Unsplash API to get the image of this place.
    • This tour is stored in the database (to avoid any subsequent calls to Gemini for the same place).
    • We also push the current place in the current user's tours list.
  • Saved Tours:

    • From the database, we fetch all the tours generated previously by the current user.
    • We can also search for a specific place among the previous tours (using useDeferredValue to avoid intermediate re-renderings while the user is typing for a place and keeping the UI responsive).
  • Token Management:

    • Each user is allotted some amount of token on initial login.
    • Whenever we make a call to the Gemini API, we subtract some amount of tokens from the current user.
    • Tokens are not subtracted when fetching a tour from the database.

Database Schema

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  • The ID of a tour is generated by the database.

  • The ID of a user is the same as the Clerk ID.

  • To represent this many-to-many relation (each user can have multiple tours and each tour can belong to multiple users), Prisma internally creates another table _TourToUser.

  • _TourToUser contains 2 columns: the first column is the ID of the Tour and the second column is the ID of the User. image


The live version of this web app is deployed at:
To set up locally, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  4. Run the project
    npm run dev