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cd your/favoriate/working/directory
git clone --recursive
cd VVVNanoLooper/
make cleansmall; // Clean only VVV looper related
make clean; // Full clean include NanoTools/rooutil related objects
make -j;

Quick start

Below command will create debug.root output from the loop

 ./doVVVAnalysis --input /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root \
    --tree Events \
    --mode 0 \

Alternatively, if you want to write it out to my_output.root,

 ./doVVVAnalysis --input /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root \
    --tree Events \
    --mode 0 \
    --output my_output.root

This will create some dummy histograms with dummy variables with dummy selections. See the actual source code to see what is going on.

Code organization

The doVVVAnalysis executable will take in NanoAOD root file and produce histograms (or TTree--but currently not implemented).

The development of different VVV channel will be modular by the option --mode.

Currently the implemented catgories are

  -m, --mode arg         Looper mode (--mode 0=k4LepMET, 1=k4Lep2jet,
                         2=k3LepMET, 3=k3Lep2jet, 4=kOS4jet, 5=kOS2jet, 6=kSS2jet,

Note by Hannsjorg: I abuse kOS2jet to also include >=1 fatjet options.

Begin, Process, Terminate concept

The looper follows the ROOT's TSelector style framework.

There are separate Begin_<cateogry>, Process_<catgory>, and Terminate_<cateogry> functions defined in src/*_<category>.cc/h.

The --mode option will determine which one will be called.

Regardless of which mode it is, the Begin_Common, Process_Common, and Terminate_Common will always run before each channel's relevant function runs.

So the pseudocode representation of the order of function call look like the following:



    while (event loop)






This is where variables, histograms, or event selections needed for the category are defined.

Adding variables

When adding variables use the following functions and guidelines:

The naming of the variable should be _ to minimize any clashes between different channels.

If you want to add float, int, bool, double type variable, use "float" type for simplicity.


If you want to add a LorentzVector type, use the following


If you want to have an list of float


If you want to have an list of ints (e.g. index of lepton / jets or some objects in the NanoAOD)


If you want to have an list of lorentzVectors (e.g. list of electron p4s)

Adding histograms

Histograms are defined in example like the following:

ana.histograms.addHistogram("h_Common_nLep", 10, 0, 10, [&]() { return ana.tx.getBranchLazy<vector<int>>("Common_electron_idxs").size() + ana.tx.getBranchLazy<vector<int>>("Common_muon_idxs").size(); } );

Note that getBranchLazy used to access the variables that was defined to determine how the histogram will be filled.

N.B. There is getBranchLazy and getBranch. If getBranch is used and the variable was not set before calling and trying to access, RooUtil will throw an error. (see below the debug tip section for example.)

Note on common variables that would be shared across different channels

If some variables, histograms, or event selections need to run for all categories, then they should be implemented in Common equivalent area.

Currently in the Begin/Process/ file, a simple muon/electron selection is defined.

The POG Iso MVA electron WP 90% and medium POG muon ID is implemented.

Take a look there to get an idea how things may work.


This is where the variables are computed and set

If you want to set float, int, bool, double type variable, that are declared as "float" type for simplicity.

ana.tx.setBranch<float>("<category>_<name>", -999);

If you want to set a LorentzVector type, use the following

ana.tx.setBranch<LorentzVector>("<category>_<name>", lorentzVector);

If you want to add a float to the list of float

ana.tx.pushbackToBranch<float>("<category>_<name>", -999);

If you want to add a int to the list of ints (e.g. index of lepton / jets or some objects in the NanoAOD)

ana.tx.pushbackToBranch<int>("<category>_<name>", -999);

If you want to add a LorentzVector to the list of LorentzVector

ana.tx.pushbackToBranch<LorentzVector>("<category>_<name>", lorentzVector);

If some variables need to run for all categories, then they should be implemented in Common equivalent area.


This is where the stuff that runs once after the event loop is done.

If some action needs to run for all categories, then they should be implemented in Common equivalent area.

Grid submission

To submit jobs to the grid, do the following

cd ProjectMetis

Or, if you had done the following the equivalent of above two lines would have already been ran.


Then go to condor directory.

cd ../condor
sh # it will make clean; make -j again before tarring up
python -y year -t tag -m mode 
python -m mode -y year -t tag

To write out intermediate ntuple with Common_* branches, add the -a " -w" option

python -m mode -y year -t tag -a " -w"

To submit jobs on lpc cluster, substitute with, i.e.

python -m mode -y year -t tag (-d)
python -m mode -y year -t tag -a " -w" (-d)

Note that this submission script does not merge files automatically, to merge files, do

source -y year -t tag (-d)

The output direction of condor job and merge script are


in group space


N.B. ProjectMetis is a tool that takes care of book keeping on condor jobs and much more.

See condor/ to see how it works

The flages needed are -y for year (2016, 2017, 2018), -t is the tag name you give to the code you run. -m for the mode see 'Code organization' above. Nominally, the code runs on simulation, use -d flag to run on data.

Besides these standard flags, you can define the samples you run over by using the -s flag, and you can add input flags to Metis using -a.


There is a plotting script in python/

The histograms saved are going to be weighted by positive or negative weights only and the xsec will be read later to scale them correctly.

Various histogram styling is saved in python/ and for different analysis different grouping should be used.

Example command:

python python/ --tag test --style 7 --year 2018 --histname Cut_1Lep4jet_Preselection__h_1Lep4jet_nb_medium # '*' will run over everything

Or if you want to loop over all possible histograms in a given cut (Don't forget to escape *)

python python/ --tag test --style 7 --year 2018 --histname 'Cut_1Lep4jet_Preselection__*'

Or just produce everything (Don't forget to escape *)

python python/ --tag test --style 7 --year 2018 --histname

Additional flags are: -s signal scale (default = 1) -b number of bins (default = 30) -d include data (default is no data) -l set y axis to log scale (default is linear scale) -xn and -xx minimal and maximal value of x axis (using SetUserRange function).

Some tips on debugging

Local run debugging

If you encounter an error that starts with something like RooUtil:: ERROR blah blah blah, then approach it like the following using gdb

Start gdb by gdb --args <your usual command>. -> After the prompt opens run the program via "r" and when it dies, type backtrace or bt for short.

In the case shown below, the key point is here:

#4  0x0000000000490fcf in <lambda()>::operator() (__closure=<optimized out>) at src/

And in this line 25, I used to have getBranch instead getBranchLazy. after chaning to getBranchLazy the error went away.

The following is the full print out

$ gdb --args ./doVVVAnalysis -i /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root -t Events -m 0 -o my_output.root -d
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.12
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from ./doVVVAnalysis...done.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/users/phchang/public_html/analysis/vvv/VVVNanoLooper/doVVVAnalysis -i /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root -t Events -m 0 -o my_output.root -d
warning: File "/cvmfs/" auto-loading has been declined by your `auto-load safe-path' set to "$debugdir:$datadir/auto-load".
To enable execution of this file add
        add-auto-load-safe-path /cvmfs/
line to your configuration file "/home/users/phchang/.gdbinit".
To completely disable this security protection add
        set auto-load safe-path /
line to your configuration file "/home/users/phchang/.gdbinit".
For more information about this security protection see the
"Auto-loading safe path" section in the GDB manual.  E.g., run from the shell:
        info "(gdb)Auto-loading safe path"
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
 Setting of the analysis job based on provided arguments
 ana.input_file_list_tstring: /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root
 ana.output_tfile: debug.root
 ana.n_events: -1
 ana.nsplit_jobs: -1
 ana.job_index: -1
>>> Hostname is
RooUtil:: Adding /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root
RooUtil:: Start EventLooping
RooUtil:: System info:
Linux 2.6.32-754.3.5.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 14 20:46:41 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Thu Apr  9 00:09:46 PDT 2020
RooUtil::  _
RooUtil:: /\\
RooUtil:: \ \\  \__/ \__/
RooUtil::  \ \\ (oo) (oo)  Here we come!
RooUtil::   \_\\/~~\_/~~\_
RooUtil::  _.-~===========~-._
RooUtil:: (___________________)
RooUtil::       \_______/
RooUtil::  Your friendly aliens
RooUtil::      Surf & Turf
Warning in <TClass::Init>: no dictionary for class ROOT::TIOFeatures is available
RooUtil:: Total Events in this Chain to process = 658000
RooUtil:: Booked cutflow histogram for cut = 4LepMET_Preselection
RooUtil:: Booked rawcutflow histogram for cut = 4LepMET_Preselection
RooUtil:: Cut name                                                                                                                                                                                                                |pass|weight|systs
RooUtil:: ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================
RooUtil:: Root                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 0 | 0.000000|
RooUtil::   Wgt                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | 0 | 0.000000|
RooUtil::     VVVCommonCut                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 0 | 0.000000|
RooUtil::       4LepMET_Preselection                                                                                                                                                                                              | 0 | 0.000000|
RooUtil:: TTreeCache enabled
RooUtil:: Looping /hadoop/cms/store/group/snt/nanoaod/GluGluHToZZTo4L_M125_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__RunIIAutumn18NanoAODv5-Nano1June2019_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v19-v1/C91570D8-46E6-6A4F-B722-857B9C5FE1F4.root/TTree:Events
RooUtil:: ERROR - branch hasn't been set yet bn = Common_muon_idxs, exiting.

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00000031c76324f5 in raise () from /lib64/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000031c76324f5 in raise () from /lib64/
#1  0x00000031c7633cd5 in abort () from /lib64/
#2  0x0000000000515751 in RooUtil::error (msg=<incomplete type>, fname=0x3f5765 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3f5765>, is_error=6) at rooutil/
#3  0x0000000000521297 in RooUtil::TTreeX::getBranch<std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > > (this=0x5bc440 <ana+1888>, bn=<incomplete type>, check=6) at rooutil/
#4  0x0000000000490fcf in <lambda()>::operator() (__closure=<optimized out>) at src/
#5  std::_Function_handler<float(), Begin_Common()::<lambda()> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &) (__functor=...) at /cvmfs/
#6  0x000000000054f558 in std::function<float ()>::operator()() const (this=<optimized out>) at /cvmfs/
#7  RooUtil::CutTree::fillHistograms (this=0x3f5765, syst=<incomplete type>, extrawgt=0) at rooutil/cutflowutil.h:589
#8  0x000000000054fc7c in RooUtil::CutTree::fillHistograms (this=0x3f5765, syst=<incomplete type>, extrawgt=0) at rooutil/cutflowutil.h:642
#9  0x000000000054fc7c in RooUtil::CutTree::fillHistograms (this=0x3f5765, syst=<incomplete type>, extrawgt=0) at rooutil/cutflowutil.h:642
#10 0x000000000052a604 in RooUtil::Cutflow::fillHistograms (this=0x5bbe88 <ana+424>, syst=<incomplete type>, iswgtsyst=6) at rooutil/
#11 0x000000000052c9fb in RooUtil::Cutflow::fill (this=0x5bbe88 <ana+424>) at rooutil/
#12 0x0000000000490769 in Process () at src/
#13 0x000000000046951d in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffff4f48) at src/
(gdb) q
A debugging session is active.

        Inferior 1 [process 4151141] will be killed.

Quit anyway? (y or n) y

Grid jobs debugging

If something is failing on the grid, the fastest way to debug is to run it locally first.

If you look through the log file, (e.g. log files like the form tasks/CondorTask_TTJets_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8_RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15_ext1-v2_MINIAODSIM_test/logs/std_logs/1e.10500287.0.out) there is a line that prints out the exact command used.

                --- begin running ---
this line -->   Executing ./doVVVAnalysis -i /store/mc/RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD/TTJets_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15_ext1-v2/00000/006AF719-2610-7E4E-8E0D-A5AD173A6
                 Setting of the analysis job based on provided arguments
                 ana.input_file_list_tstring: /store/mc/RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD/TTJets_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15_ext1-v2/00000/006AF719-2610-7E4E-8E0D-A5AD173A
                 ana.output_tfile: output.root
                 ana.n_events: -1
                 ana.nsplit_jobs: -1
                 ana.job_index: -1

Copy the command and run it locally. gdb --args can also come in handy.

RooUtil Framework Notes

See for some tutorials

Also read below which can also be found in the rooutil_tutorial

// notes on RooUtil framework

    // ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    // Quick tutorial on RooUtil::Cutflow object cut tree formation
    // ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    // The RooUtil::Cutflow object facilitates creating a tree structure of cuts
    // To add cuts to each node of the tree with cuts defined, use "addCut" or "addCutToLastActiveCut"
    // The "addCut" or "addCutToLastActiveCut" accepts three argument, <name>, and two lambda's that define the cut selection, and the weight to apply to that cut stage
    // e.g. To create following cut-tree structure one does
    //             (Root) <--- Always exists as soon as RooUtil::Cutflow object is created. But this is basically hidden underneath and users do not have to care
    //                |
    //            CutWeight
    //            |       |
    //     CutPreSel1    CutPreSel2
    //       |                  |
    //     CutSel1           CutSel2
    //   code:
    //      // Create the object (Root node is created as soon as the instance is created)
    //      RooUtil::Cutflow cutflow;
    //      cutflow.addCut("CutWeight"                 , <lambda> , <lambda>); // CutWeight is added below "Root"-node
    //      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutPresel1" , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutWeight" since I just added that. So "CutPresel1" is added below "CutWeight"
    //      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutSel1"    , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutPresel1" since I just added that. So "CutSel1" is added below "CutPresel1"
    //      cutflow.getCut("CutWeight"); // By "getting" the cut object, this makes the "CutWeight" the last "active" cut.
    //      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutPresel2" , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutWeight" since I "getCut" on it. So "CutPresel2" is added below "CutWeight"
    //      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutSel2"    , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutPresel2" since I just added that. So "CutSel2" is added below "CutPresel1"
    // (Side note: "UNITY" lambda is defined in the framework to just return 1. This so that use don't have to type [&]() {return 1;} so many times.)
    // Once the cutflow is formed, create cutflow histograms can be created by calling RooUtil::Cutflow::bookCutflows())
    // This function looks through the terminating nodes of the tree structured cut tree. and creates a histogram that will fill the yields
    // For the example above, there are two terminationg nodes, "CutSel1", and "CutSel2"
    // So in this case Root::Cutflow::bookCutflows() will create two histograms. (Actually four histograms.)
    //  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel1_cutflow (4 bins, with first bin labeled "Root", second bin labeled "CutWeight", third bin labeled "CutPreSel1", fourth bin labeled "CutSel1")
    //  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel2_cutflow (...)
    //  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel1_rawcutflow (...)
    //  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel2_rawcutflow (...)
    //                                ^
    //                                |
    // NOTE: There is only one underscore "_" between <CutName>_cutflow or <CutName>_rawcutflow
    // And later in the loop when RooUtil::Cutflow::fill() function is called, the tree structure will be traversed through and the appropriate yields will be filled into the histograms
    // After running the loop check for the histograms in the output root file

    // ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    // Quick tutorial on RooUtil::Histograms object
    // ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    // The RooUtil::Histograms object facilitates book keeping histogram definitions
    // And in conjunction with RooUtil::Cutflow object, one can book same histograms across different cut stages easily without copy pasting codes many times by hand.
    // The histogram addition happens in two steps.
    // 1. Defining histograms
    // 2. Booking histograms to cuts
    // Histograms are defined via following functions
    //      RooUtil::Histograms::addHistogram       : Typical 1D histogram (TH1F*) "Fill()" called once per event
    //      RooUtil::Histograms::addVecHistogram    : Typical 1D histogram (TH1F*) "Fill()" called multiple times per event
    //      RooUtil::Histograms::add2DHistogram     : Typical 2D histogram (TH2F*) "Fill()" called once per event
    //      RooUtil::Histograms::add2DVecHistogram  : Typical 2D histogram (TH2F*) "Fill()" called multiple times per event
    // e.g.
    //    RooUtil::Histograms histograms;
    //    histograms.addHistogram   ("MllSS"    , 180 , 0. , 300. , [&]() { return www.MllSS()  ; }); // The lambda returns float
    //    histograms.addVecHistogram("AllLepPt" , 180 , 0. , 300. , [&]() { return www.lep_pt() ; }); // The lambda returns vector<float>
    // The addVecHistogram will have lambda to return vector<float> and it will loop over the values and call TH1F::Fill() for each item
    // To book histograms to cuts one uses
    //      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForCut()
    //      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForCutAndBelow()
    //      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForCutAndAbove()
    //      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForEndCuts()
    // e.g. Given a tree like the following, we can book histograms to various cuts as we want
    //              Root
    //                |
    //            CutWeight
    //            |       |
    //     CutPreSel1    CutPreSel2
    //       |                  |
    //     CutSel1           CutSel2
    // For example,
    //    1. book a set of histograms to one cut:
    //       cutflow.bookHistogramsForCut(histograms, "CutPreSel2")
    //    2. book a set of histograms to a cut and below
    //       cutflow.bookHistogramsForCutAndBelow(histograms, "CutWeight") // will book a set of histograms to CutWeight, CutPreSel1, CutPreSel2, CutSel1, and CutSel2
    //    3. book a set of histograms to a cut and above (... useless...?)
    //       cutflow.bookHistogramsForCutAndAbove(histograms, "CutPreSel2") // will book a set of histograms to CutPreSel2, CutWeight (nothing happens to Root node)
    //    4. book a set of histograms to a terminating nodes
    //       cutflow.bookHistogramsForEndCuts(histograms) // will book a set of histograms to CutSel1 and CutSel2
    // The naming convention of the booked histograms are as follows
    //   cutflow.bookHistogramsForCut(histograms, "CutSel1");
    //  - TH1F* type object : CutSel1__MllSS;
    //  - TH1F* type object : CutSel1__AllLepPt;
    //                               ^^
    //                               ||
    // NOTE: There are two underscores "__" between <CutName>__<HistogramName>
    // And later in the loop when RooUtil::CutName::fill() function is called, the tree structure will be traversed through and the appropriate histograms will be filled with appropriate variables
    // After running the loop check for the histograms in the output root file