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Serguei Kalentchouk edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the Maya Math Nodes Wiki

Principles followed by this library

  • atomic nodes that perform a single operation
  • nodes have a single output attribute
  • nodes are strongly typed
  • it is acceptable to duplicate existing Maya functionality

Node and attribute naming guidelines

  • node names are prefixed with math_
  • nodes are named with affirmative action verb, ex: Add, Multiply
  • Get verb is implied, ex: GetScaleFromMatrix is ScaleFromMatrix, GetDotProduct is DotProduct
  • nodes are assumed to operate on doubles by default, ex: Add, Multiply
  • if they operate on type other than double that becomes part of the name, ex: AddVector, MultiplyMatrix, MultiplyVectorByMatrix
  • conversion nodes are slight departure from above and are in form OutputFromSource
  • attributes named simply input/output, if multiple inputs are involved they are enumerated, ex: input1, input2
  • some common attribute names are also used, ex: translation, rotation, scale, rotationOrder, alpha, axis, min, max