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Graphical interface for HPG-Methyl software

Web application for user registration, uploading .fastq files and introduction of necessary parameters to perform DNA methylation analysis and download of results.

HPG-Methyl is an ultrafast and highly sensitive Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) read mapper and methylation context extractor.

You can see the HPG-Methyl project in the following link to its GitHub.


  • Create the file and configure the database parameters in it. Use the file as an example.

  • It is recommended to use Docker for an automatic build. To do this you can launch the Gradle task hpgMethylDeploy. From project root directory you can use task via gradlew:

./gradlew hpgMethylDeploy
  • Register the first user through the registration form. You will have to give it the Admin role through the database.

  • In the admin panel, review the application settings.

  • Copy your generated bs-index files to the configured folder.


The project is temporarily deployed at the following url.